Today, my Samuel turns two.
My sweet boy, where do I even begin? You are the one who made me a mother. You were my first child, my first son, the first to share a heartbeat with mine, the first of so many things- of everything.
You’ve taught me so much already. Patience, experience, joy, sweetness, you’ve taught me to slow down, to soak it all up, to really live life. You’ve taught me how deeply I can love.
And now you are two. I blinked, and here we are.
When I look at you, I see sweetness. Happiness. My joy.
You are so grown up already but still so very much my baby at the same time. Our little man.
You light up the room whenever you walk into it. Your smile is like sunshine on a cloudy day. You make us crack up daily, with your silly looks and the way you’ll just start giggling out of the blue.
You love balls, of every kind, and have quite the collection that you love throwing! You also love cats- all cats, but your cat is your favorite. You smother him with love and whenever you walk into the living room, your eyes search for him, and light up when you see him.
You love to be tickled, spun around, and to lie on the ground with your daddy while he throws a ball up into the air.
You rock yourself when you’re sleepy. You love reading books, and will pick out a book and bring it over to us to read.
Being outside is where you prefer to be, exploring the world and running free. Whenever an airplane flies overhead, you get so excited and look up to see it.
You are my wild boy, my sweetheart, my little one. I love you with every part of me, and I can’t wait to see what TWO will bring!
p.s. Sam’s birth story here and his first birthday here and here.
megan w.
Happy birthday to Sam!! Can’t believe it!
Thanks girl! I know, I can’t either!!
Happy birthday Sam! I hope the day was filled with so much love! <3
xx Lauren
Aw thanks Lauren! It is :)
I hope you and Sam enjoyed his birthday! He’s seems like such a sweet boy, not to mention he’s so cute (and that photo of him in the green shirt-yeah, my ovaries are hurting haha).
I remember finding your blog a few months after he was born and I’ve been following since, and here he is, two years old! When did that happen? I can’t even imagine how fast it’s probably gone for you. Thank you for sharing all these moments on your blog, they’re very sweet (and adorable) to read :)
You are so so sweet! Thank you for your comment! :) You seriously made my day and it means so much that you read here!
What a sweet letter to your little guy! My girl is turning two on Thursday and as much as I love watching her grow I can’t help but think where has the time gone!
Right?! It’s crazy how fast time goes sometimes!!