I cannot see a world with no God. I just simply refuse to believe that could ever exist. It’s so easy for me to have faith. It’s so easy for me to know that my God is real and created everything and is everlasting LOVE.
It hurts my heart to think that anyone could not believe what I know to be true. It hurts my heart more when these people are people I love and hold so dear. This is my testimony. This is my story. Without God, without my Father in heaven, without Jesus, I would be nothing. I would feel so lost in this world.
The world is too big for me to go through this alone. And what a song it puts in my heart to know that I am NOT alone! I don’t have to be afraid of anything, for God is always with me! So many times in the Bible it says “Do not be afraid” and I hold those words so close to my heart, especially in times of need, in times of uncertainty, in hard times, because they comfort me and keep me going and put a smile on my face, the knowledge that God will NEVER EVER leave my side. He is in my court. He is my own personal cheerleader, and He is guiding me through every trial, every tribulation, every good time and bad time, He is right there with me, letting me know that I can do this, that I am strong and capable, and how lucky I am to know this!
I want to help others know this too. I want to follow the amazing example set in my life by so many before me, my grandmothers, my aunts, of course my beautiful mother, all strong women of faith, all beacons of light, all have made much more of an impact on me than they will ever know, than they ever could know.
Lord, give me the courage to stand for You, to be a beacon of Your light in this sometimes very dark world. I pray that my life can be a testimony to those around me, to every single person who comes into it.
By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures. – 1 Corinthians 15:2-4
Hi Katie! I’ve been inspired by your blog since I found it and it gave me the courage to finally start my own. (I commented on something else on here about the hosting aspect and transferring from Wix.)
My blog is geared towards parents of children with heart defects and how Christ helped us through it and how they can lean into Him, too. I shared it with a group of mom friends and was immediately told it was “too religious” and will turn people, especially non believers, away. I still think the information is helpful even if you don’t believe, but I’m not going to conform my beliefs for anyone but I just wanted to say it is so nice to see someone else bold with their faith. It’s sometimes hard to be vocal with your faith when times are how they are now.
My blog is still very new and only has a few posts but if you’d like to look at it, the site is http://www.theheartmom.com
Hope you’re having a great Wednesday!
This is me 1000%!! I started reading this and I said OH M GEEE..there are my words, my feelings! I feel the same. Thnk you thank you thank you!! I am also going to start my own blog and I am going to follow the steps you have laid out. Love your site..just came across it the other from Laurmcbride blog..
Aww you are the sweetest!! Thanks for your comment and best of luck on your blogging journey!!! YAY I am SO excited for you! :)
This is so precious! Thank you for sharing your testimony with us :).
I just started my blog/am getting into the swing of things and as I was researching something, I came across your blog! It is so precious! I of course, went to the ‘I Believe’ category right away, because this is the most important one in my life-it was great to read and it was well written-keep it up girlfriend, it truly makes a difference for some people.
I strive to someday get where your blogging journey is! My prayers are with you, your journey, and your word (and that it may impact and help someone).
Aw thanks so much, Lindsay!! You are too sweet! I’m so so glad you found my blog and love it- best of luck on your own blogging journey, girl!!!
I am so encouraged by this. I have been wanting to start a blog for years. I found your link on Instagram and I am truly so encouraged by your faith and boldness. I bless you and I pray the Lord continues to bless you and keep you.
This is an awesome of a person leading you into a journey perfectly. Ive been meaning to start with my blogging for a couple months now but seeing yours just “rubber-stamped” everything. I guess God lead me to you site because it encompasses all that I want to do with my blog. Thank you for an inspiring blog – I like the touch of ” I Believe” page……Indeed God orders our steps….
Thank you for being so bold with your faith! I love your blog, keep doing what you’re doing!
I love your boldness and the truth you speak about our Jesus. We can trust and have peace, joy and love by His Holy Spirit who lives inside of us because we have invited him into every part of our life to transform us into that new creation. It is no accident that I found your page and feel like I was led by Him to find you because I have been experiencing lack of knowledge about where to go in my blog and use it to earn an income.
????????happy tears!! I totally agree with you on the part where people who don’t believe can just walk in this world like nothing. I also have a family member who doesn’t believe and I’m very scared to see what will happen. But I know god will fix it! Also if you like lifestyle blogs well here’s my blog
Katie! I’m loving your blog! You’re inspiring. I’m also a Christian mother and I’m just setting out on my blogging journey – hoping to put my site live after the Easter weekend, yay! I just wanted to say thank you for being so bold with your testimony.
I love these words! You are one sweet strong woman. It’s so simple right? Except others make it seem hard. I’m with you-well said! Keep it up you’re making an impact.
Thank you so much!! :)
God has gotten us through many things. He helped us through our daughter’s 39 day stay in the hospital and he will always to continue to guide us through our lives. I’ve been living in LA and we just moved back to Sac and we are rebranding the blog. It’s still a work in progress to get to where it needs to be. Thank you for sharing this!
You are beautiful and inspiring. God Bless YOU! Thank you for sharing this, it inspires others to do the same. Sophie xo
Aw thank you!! :)
Katie, you are truly Heaven sent! Thanks for being obedient, vulnerable, bold, and courageous! I appreciate you. I have wrestled with the idea of starting a blog for a long time, however, I allowed worry about what others think and doubt to plague me. But no more! Like many times before, I was searching for how to start a blog. I have read countless articles that didn’t speak to me the way your blog did. I was immediately drawn in and wanted to learn more, so I subscribed. Thanks for providing the very detailed tools. I plan to follow them to the tee.
Aw thank you! And please don’t let the fear of what others think stop you from doing something! :)
You have just put my thoughts into words… What a beautiful testimony Katie, your faith is a beautiful example of what I would also love to pass on to my children!!!
Wow, thank you so much Sarah! So sweet.