A few things.
One. I’m 34 weeks pregnant!! Like, that’s kind of crazy. We are so close to D Day (aka our due date) it’s kiiiind of freaking me out a little. I had a moment the other night where Sam was asleep and I was just sitting on our bed, thinking, what if I went into labor at night (like I did with him) and I have to leave without saying goodbye to him?! It literally broke my heart and I got so emotional thinking about it! I know Baby comes when Baby is ready, and who knows what time or day that will be, but still. I don’t know. I need to not think about that. I’m going to miss him like crazy!! Any moms with two or more have any advice with how to deal?! haha #crazypregnantlady
“Helping” put up the Christmas lights. And by helping, I mean, I put the pinecones there and also drank hot chocolate. And supervised. #pregnant
Two. Our halls are officially decked! Fa la la la laaaa! We picked out our tree last week, and OMG I’m obsessed. And so is Samuel. I was curious how he would be with the tree, but he has been SO good! He’s super gentle with it, and loves looking at the lights but doesn’t really mess with them much. It’s great. It’s so funny, he’ll just walk up to the tree and pet it. Like he does our cat. Yeah. It’s hilarious. Even so, we’ve decided that our life for the next like ten years is going to consist of NO BREAKABLE ORNAMENTS. I have a few (like my ice cream cone) that just go at the very top. Problem solved. ;)
Three. It’s been cooooold around these parts lately. Winter is officially here! So boy was I glad when 7am enfant sent us these little baby car seat covers! They are SO cozy! We got a small fleece one for Baby Girl and then a large one for Sam (yes, it’s purple, because cool guys dig purple) and since it’s been so cold, it has been perfect for using in his strollers when we go on walks! I love that he’s bundled up and can’t kick it off, like his blankets. ;)
Four. More photos of our house all decked out for Christmas! I’m praying that Baby Girl stays in until after the holidays, cus we are busy busy busy this year! But what’s new…
RELATED: Christmas Home Tour 2014
Okay, now it’s time to watch a Christmas movie. It’s between Elf and Christmas Vacation. Hmmm better make it a double feature.
What’s your favorite Christmas movie??
I love love love your stockings!! It’s our first Christmas together as a family of 3 and Ive been on the hunt for stockings!
Aw thanks girl! They’re all from Target, over the years! :) Yay for your first Christmas as 3! So special. <3
Every year I have my favorites that I have to watch…Home Alone, Elf, Polar Express, It’s a Wonderful Life, Rudolph & Frosty…but I generally have the TV turned to the Hallmark Channel the whole months of November & December as they are non stop Christmas movies and I love having it on in the background when I am home while i am cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, wrapping presents or getting ready for the day :)
Yes!! I always have either Christmas music or a Christmas movie on in the background while wrapping presents- it’s the best. :) And we just watched It’s a Wonderful Life this weekend! Gahhh love that one. Gets me every time. :)
Your home looks absolutely ADORABLE! I love that Sam is so gentle with your tree – how precious :) A couple of my favorite holiday movies are How the Grinch Stole Christmas and The Santa Clause, but Burton & I just watched Arthur Christmas & it was really really great! I’d recommend it if you, like me, were looking for a holiday movie you haven’t seen 100 times already ;)
Aww thank you Nicole!! :) Looove the Santa Clause, too! And of course the Grinch. I’m definitely going to check out Arther Christmas- never seen it, but you nailed it- always looking for a new movie that hasn’t been seen a million times.
Supervision is a very important part of putting up Christmas décor! ;) Also hot chocolate.
THANK you! I agree ;)
So good that he is so sweet with the tree :) Avery loves the tree so she loves re-arranging it all day everyday, hah! Smart idea: fragile ornaments at the top.
I love watching home alone and polar express every year. Target has had a lot of great kids Christmas movies this year, too! We bough Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph to watch :)
Haha I can see him rearranging the tree next year…! And YES to Home Alone! The best!
Hi Katie,
I’m a first time mom who just returned to work full time. My goal is hopefully find a job I can do from home. I really hate being away from my baby for 8+ hours per day.
You’re so successful at running your own business from home. How do you do it? Any tips? Do you send little Sam to daycare for a few hours or work while he naps?
Sorry for such a long comment. I just retuned to work last week and it’s been rough.
Oh man, you just gave me an idea for a blog post! Will definitely be coming soon! ;) But short answer: naps are my friend. And also, I blog whenever I can- when Sam is playing independently, or napping, or when Zack is home and playing with him… And I totally understand why you want to be home with your baby!! It’s hard to be away! Way to go, mama- you are doing amazing!
Oh yay! I look forward to reading it! Thank you for your sweet words :) you’re an inspiration that it can be done!
I love all your decorations. Supervising decorations is probably the ideal way to decorate in my opinion… I think my favourite Christmas movie would have to be How the Grinch Stole Christmas, hands down.
Haha agreed- supervising decorations (well, the outside ones, anyway) is my forte. The inside decor is alllll me though. ;)
I’m a fan of the classic cartoons – frosty, Rudolph, and the grinch. Elf and the Santa Clause are great though too.
I love that Sam pets the tree. And his leggings…I can’t even. My friend just announced she’s 16 weeks and the gender will be a surpise…they may be getting a pair for a baby gift. Seriously, why must little kid clothes be so adorable? (Good grief I’m really getting the baby craze anymore – and dating is such a struggle )
Girl, you have to get her some cute baby leggings! I can’t get enough- they are all so adorable!! Babies are WAY too fun and easy to shop for!