Alright guys, I can’t even begin to express how much I appreciate and love each and every one of you who come to my blog every day and leave me the sweetest comments. Your support and love make my day so much brighter. To show my appreciation, I’m teaming up with some of my favorite brands (who I hope will become your favorites, too!) to gift some of you with seriously awesome things. So for the next 7 days, I’ll be doing just that. My Christmas present to you. :)
[top: c/o lorna jane (sold out)]
It’s no secret that I am a huge fan of all things Lorna Jane. The workout clothes are cute, comfortable and oh so stylish! Plus, the move, nourish, believe lifestyle is one that I support 100%. Today I’m excited to kick off my 7 Days of Giveaways with a $50 gift card to Lorna Jane! Because cute workout clothes are my number one workout motivation! ;)
Leave a comment below with your FAVORITE motivator to work out! Cute workout clothes? That runner’s high? Endorphins? So you can eat that extra piece of chocolate cake? I wanna know! :)
Share this post on any social media of your choice (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest) with the hashtag #katiedidwhat and post the link in a comment below! One bonus entry per person per giveaway.
Winner will be chosen Tuesday 12/16.
Good luck and make sure to come back tomorrow for another giveaway! Love you all!
My motivator to work out is to keep in shape! I love to be out and about and in a bikini, and working out definitely helps that!
My biggest motivation for working out is to get my body and mind healthy and ready to start a family. I am a long term sufferer of Anorexia and only in the past year have I begun to heal. Now its my bodies turn to heal <3. Shared on pinterest :)
My number one big motivator when working out is good music! I’m loving Taylor Swift’s new cd right now! Cute work out clothes are a runner up:-)
Cupcakes are definitely a huge motivator for me although nothing comes close to the feeling of a runner’s high :)
this is so fun!! love their stuff!! ok my biggest motivator to work out… haha… well in the past it’s been like different phases, like suddenly i’ll be like “oh gosh, i need to tone my ___!” and then i’ll choose something and do it like three times. and then i got in the best phase and started doing the elliptical at the gym while i read on my kindle! that was my fav. my next phase is going to be back to yoga, i can just feel it. ;)
To look good in my clothes!
the feeling I get afterwards!!
Trying to lose the baby weight is definitely my motivation right now :)
Definitely for the cute clothes!
Probably dorkiest way to be motivated ever but here it is… I am crazy about reading, so I use running as an excuse to listen to audiobooks. If I have an audiobook to listen to I can run a 5K like it’s no big deal :). (A 5k is a big deal for me!)
My FAVORITE motivator to work out….the fact that I feel better mentally when I just get done with a run. Yea I might hate the getting started portion, but after the first mile I’m great…and end up enjoying the next 5miles!
Runner’s high!
My wedding!
My motivator is new gym clothes, and french fries + onion rings yummm.
My motivation right now is my wedding next year!
I love how good it makes me feel when I work out!
I workout to stay healthy and keep lean muscle!!! Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite motivator to work out is a bunch of new songs on my mp3 player.
I pinned it
Looking in the mirror and seeing the positive changes in my body and confidence always motivate me. Thanks for the awesome giveaway and Happy Holidays :)
fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com
Feeling better physically and the appreciation for my body. It takes long to get to that point, but that’s really what keeps me going.
Short term though– definitely new workout clothes LOL.
I just love the way working out makes me feel! Doin’ my body right!
I get motivation to workout from my husband. He helps keep me on track. Also so I can indulge ever so often without feeling guilty
My motivator is how great I feel after! The energy lasts all day
My favorite motivator is myself. I am very competitive and I like to out exercise myself each week getting better and better and more productive in my workouts.
Shared on pinterest:
I just want to feel good. Having a baby, as you know, can suck the life out of you…well because duh! you had literally took a life out of you! Now, I just want to feel my best. I want to have energy, I want to be healthy, I want to look in charge! That is my motivation!
Over the past couple weeks I’ve started to incorporate mantras into my workout. It’s made me feel excited to workout because it makes me feel better about myself and more energized. It’s amazing how changing the way that you talk to your self affects your entire perspective. A few of the mantras that I have been practicing are:
I am strong now
I have all that I need
I feel the fear and I do it anyway
What I seek is also seeking me
My biggest motivator is definitely my husband running right next to me :) We haven’t had the chance to since our bebe made her debut in August but such is life. :)
shared this post on pinterest!
It just makes me feel strong in every way. That’s my motivation…. Love working out!
I love working out with my friends because they push me to try harder and not stop!
I tweeted!
Ah! Getting new clothes is a HUGE motivator for me! :)
I’m private on Twitter but I did tweet about your giveaway. Here’s a link but I’m not sure if it will show since I’m private…
I would say that my big motivator to work out is my migraines. I get A LOT of migraines during the month but if I stay more active I notice that I don’t get quite as many. And I always feel so much better after working out too
my motivator to workout usually is the fun of being with another person playing sports and the want to lose the baby weight I’ve gained from my pregnancy. Definitely motivates me when I see other women dressed nicely when I feel like a stuffed sausage in my own clothes. :)
Don’t know if it’s too late to enter, but I saw that you extended the deadline …I love the stress relief. Go run or ride a bike and all of the tension is gone! I need to get back to a regular workout routine after having a baby, but where’s the time!? Don’t know how you do it! :)