Okay, so I’ve been researching this for a while now, and since I’m 37 (almost 38!) weeks a.k.a full term a.k.a. I could go into labor at any moment- I decided it’s time to pack that hospital bag of mine. And so, I have and it’s time to share what’s in my hospital bag.
I asked all my mama friends in this post and on Instagram for their must-haves, and with all of that awesome advice, I have put together my own hospital bag must-haves! This is what I have packed. I’ll be sure to do a follow-up post with what I actually used/ needed!
First off, the toiletries. I will also have my makeup bag, of course, I just don’t have that packed yet since it’s my every day items, but I’ve been storing them in makeup bag so it’ll be easy to grab and go when needed!
Razor, glasses, contacts case (and extra pair), contact solution, hand sanitizer, shampoo and conditioner, dry shampoo (let’s be real, this is what I will be using- not the actual stuff), hairbrush, hair ties and clips, deodorant (for him and her), chapstick, body wash, cc cream, belly butter/ body lotion, moisturizer, floss, toothbrushes, toothpaste, nail file, tweezers, manicure scissors, loofah.
Now for the clothes. I’ve read a lot of advice that it’s nice to have your own clothes to change into, to feel more normal and less like you’re in a hospital, and plus you want to look cute in photos, right?! So. I’ve packed my going home outfit, which is just a really loose and comfy outfit, sports bra, nursing bra, nightie and robe, warm socks, slippers, and a going home outfit and beanie for baby. Not pictured: flip flops and Zack’s clothes. :)
We’re also planning on bringing some sweets for the nurses (my aunt is a nurse and recommended cookies or candy, so that’s what we’ll do!), snacks for us, and our phones/ipad/kindle/cameras/chargers.
This made it all so much more real! Like, this could literally happen any time now. EEK! You think I maybe jinxed it now that I’m packed? ;)
If you’re a mama, what do you think of what I packed?
So fun fact! My favorite toothpaste besides Crest Optic white is that Aquafresh Extreme Clean. I LOVE the way my teeth feel after I brush with it! I discovered it when I was living with my cousin in New Jersey and her mom never would buy anything else.
Ahaha that’s so funny! I haven’t even tried the toothpaste, it was just the only travel sized one we have, so good to know it’s awesome! :)
How incredibly exciting is this entire post, you look wonderful! The picture with yours and baby clothes is priceless.
Aww thank you girly!! :)
You are so organised! It’s only now I’m older that I realise how unprepared I was for what lay ahead. My bag was packed well before I was due, but I had only half the things that you do! I was 20, suffering with depression and would do things oh so differently now. If only I’d had my little blog back then and had other mamas to give me advice. One thing I did take with me was my own music (CDs back then haha, we are talking about nearly 12 yrs ago. What did I ever do without my iPod?). It was nice to have my own music playing in the background. You will look gorgeous girl, even just after giving birth I’m sure! :) x
Ha! For once in my life, I’m organised! ;) I like the idea of bringing my own music- I may have to grabe my ipod, too!
What a gorgeous picture! He’s quite the photographer! You are all set to go! I wish someone would have told me to pack a little something for the nurses. Such a great idea!
Aw thanks Giselle!! :) I love the idea of bringing something to the nurses- I knew right when I first read it that I wanted to do that!
That photo is gorgeous!! Can’t wait to see the rest :)
Aw thanks Ann!! Zack is becoming quite the photographer, I must say! :)
you’re looking gorgeous! great pic!
Aw thanks Kate!! :)
My own clothes were such a blessing. I brought my own pillow too, because I’m picky about them. My cousin brought treats for the nurses when I was there (so glad she did, I didn’t think of that)!
Love the picture of your bump, those are pictures you’ll treasure for the longest time!
Ahhh yes, I think I’ll bring my own pillow, too! :) And you’re right- I will definitely always treasure these pictures!
Make sure you have chapstick or Vaseline for your lips. My lips got incredibly dry during labor, and Vaseline was the only thing that helped!
Yep, I got my chapstick! :) I literally am never without it, though. I’m pretty much obsessed.
Aw, I love your picture! Sooo cute! A couple things I was glad we took when we had both our boys were… little mittens for the baby so they don’t scratch their face. Also a receiving blanket the hospital does have some blankets but they aren’t the cutest/softest. Oh and a pair of pjs for your new guy. The hospital usually just has a little shirt type thing and socks. Maybe you already have that stuff in your diaper bag but just in case you don’t. ;)
Great advice- thanks!! :) We don’t have any of those little mittens, but I think we need to get some! I just thought they might supply them in the hospital?
Oh, that photo is amazing! Eeee, this is so exciting! It’s getting so close :D
Aw thanks girl! I knowwwww it’s so close I can’t even believe it!!
I love what you’re wearing, that floral print is so pretty!
Good job packing – I did stay in my hospital gowns until I dressed to go home – I was so sweaty and yucky I didn’t want to get my clothes dirty! I did however bring my make-up to feel freshened up =)
One thing I’m super happy my husband brought was a portable hand-held fan. He held it up to my face when I was in labor. I laughed beforehand that I wouldn’t need it but I was SO glad he brought it anyway!
Best wishes on your upcoming delivery!!
Aww thanks Amber!! :) I love the hand-held fan idea! Great tip!!
I love that floral robe you’re wearing! Can you tell me where it’s from?
It’s from Forever 21! :)
That photo is GORGEOUS! Can’t wait to see the rest!
Thanks girly! I’m so impressed with Zack’s photography skills! :) He’s a keeper lol
I love that photo of you – it’s beautiful!
Thanks girl!! <3
Make sure to bring magazines/book, snacks etc… for the husband as well; just in case the labor last a little longer. I was in labor for 12 hrs with my first son- needless to say my husband was hungry and had nothing to do.
Aww yeah, we’re bringing our ipad/kindle for reading and definitely snacks, too! :)
Love this list, and YES… you packed warm socks. My labor and delivery must-have. Can’t wait to see your bouncing baby boy make his entry!
Your kimono is beautiful! where did you get it? such a yummy mummy!
Aww thank you so much! :) The kimono was from Forever 21. Also Urban is a good place for kimonos!