Somehow our little angel girl is already 6 weeks old! And she already looks so different from when we took these photos, at 9 days old. Oh, Time, can you slow down just a little? This tiny little one, so sweet, so new, so fresh from heaven. Here are a few photos we took of our Sophie girl, in all her newborn yumminess.
RELATED: Meet Our Sophie Michelle
RELATED: Sophie’s Birth Story
It blows my mind how much Sophie looks like Sam, yet looks so much like her own person at the same time.
Your pictures are beautiful.
Right?! That’s what I say every time- they look so much alike and yet they are distinctly their own person, too. I love it. :)
Adorable!!! I love how she looks up at big brother!
Isn’t it so sweet?! She is always looking at him!! :)
What an angel!!
Aw thanks girl!
Beautiful pictures!! Making me so excited for my sweet baby to arrive in 6(ish) weeks!
Eeeek I am SO EXCITED for you!!!
Beautiful!! Oh gosh and that last one of the two of them…So cute!!! :)
It’s a framer, for sure!! :)
She is so sweet! And your son looks so big next to her! That was one thing I realized when my son held our daughter for the first time. Congratulations!!
UGH I KNOW. My son is now a giant. haha! ;)
These photos are beautiful! :) She is absolutely precious.
Thank you!! :)
Sophia and Sam are adorable and look so much alike already. Beautiful family!
Oh, they are totally twins. It’s crazy!! Thanks girl!