So. Toddler food. Fun topic, right? ;) Sam isn’t necessarily a picky eater, per se, and will eat a plethora of good things, but he is picky about what he eats, and when. He’ll eat beans one day and the next will throw them all on the ground. He’ll stuff his face with broccoli one day and the next day will turn his nose up at it. You get the idea. So much fun! :o
Here are some ideas of food that Sam loves, at 22 months old…
SNACKS: peanut butter, veggie sticks, crackers, raisins, graham crackers, fruit
BREAKFAST: Healthy Pancakes + Strawberries — 1 banana and 2 eggs, blended and cooked like you do pancakes. He LOVES these and would eat them every day if we made them that often. ;)
Scrambled eggs with cheese
Toast with peanut butter
LUNCH: Toast with coconut oil
Apple sauce
PB&J sandwich
Avocado toast
Carrot sticks and hummus
DINNER: [He generally has whatever we’re having. I am NOT a believer in making separate meals just for him, as that’s A. annoying B. a lot of work and C. doesn’t teach him anything good, in my opinion. With that said, here are the meals that he especially enjoys!]
Pasta of any sort (he’s especially a big fan of noodles and marinara!)
Mac and cheese
Chicken and broccoli casserole
Black beans
Chicken curry
Chili (the boy is NOT afraid of spice!)
What does your toddler eat? I’m always looking to add ideas to Sam’s repertoire. :)
I don’t have any kids, but my niece’s favorite food is pesto pasta! These containers would definitely come in handy when she visits!
My 2 year old does the same thing with the love/hate relationship to certain foods from one day to the next! It can be so frustrating! He will always eat cheese and yogurt though. I do my best to sneak healthy things in his foods, like greek yogurt into his oatmeal for some added protein!!
My nine month old LOVES avocados!
We don’t have a child yet, but we love making chicken curry in the crock pot with jasmine rice! so good!
My 14 month old loves cottage cheese!
My 10 month old LOVES macaroni and cheese! I make some with butternut squash pureed in to up the nutrition :)
I don’t have kids yet, am due in July but I love peanut butter!
Love these containers – my 2 year old wastes so much food! She does love mac and chees
my son loves yogurt (and pretty much eating whatever is on MY plate!), and my daughter loves strawberries and blueberries!
I too do not make separate dinner food for my kids…they eat what we eat every day…but their all time fave is chicken noodle soup!!
My 4 yr old loves pizza pasta with butter. He loves apples too.
My 2 yr old’s food choices change from day to day, but currently her favorites are Annie’s mac n cheese and sliced apples.
My 2-year old loves those healthy pancakes too! I’ll admit to sneaking them away from her now and then for myself ;).
My son’s favorite food is pears, especially when they are very ripe.
My little guy is only 8 weeks, so his favorite food is breastmilk. However, my favorite food is Tex Mex :)
Our son is the same way! Sometimes he loves carrots, and sometimes he hates them! And I am also a firm believer in not making a separate meal for dinner! You eat what we eat or you don’t get anything!
Picky picky picky! But the kid does love his Cheerios!
My daughter isn’t due until May, but my favorite food is taco salads. Love them and could eat them everyday if I let myself. So. Good.
My Littles love anything fresh, fruit,salads you name it. Also daddy’s homemade spaghetti sauce, or white chicken chili. These containers look amazing can’t wait for my kitchen to be done to finally start cooking real meals again that require more than a crockpot.
My 21 month old looooves berries, bagels and avocados! Avocado toast has saved many lunches!
My daughter’s favorite foods are strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and grapes. Other than those, she loves spaghetti.
My son is obsessed with chicken noodle soup!
My baby is only 2 months old so his favorite food is milk right now :)
But mine would have to be anything Mexican, tacos, enchiladas, etc!
No kids yet, so my favorite food to eat is pork BBQ.
My kids love cheese! Although, they also both gobbled down a meat and tomato dish I made last night – it was one of my favorites growing up as well so it’s nice to share it with them.
That’s awesome Sam isn’t a picky eater! Seems like my 18 month old Lucy is constantly battling me on what she wants to eat! These containers would be perfect to save all her half eaten snacks and dinners:) Her favorite food is definitely blueberries! She would eat them all day long if I let her haha.
My girls range in age from 13-23 so I no longer make their everyday breakfast. I did whip up these pancakes for myself though and I can see why Sam would eat them every day-I’ve made them 3 times this week! I was happily surprised that they satisfy like the ‘real thing!’ Thanks for posting this yummy game changer!
My baby loves Mac-n-cheese and sweet potatoes!!