ALRIGHT, who’s ready for the very last installment of The Bachelorette Man Quotes? In case you’re new here, I watch The Bachelorette with my husband each week, and write down the hilarious commentary that ensues. Because what’s better than watching reality series with your man? Not much, let me tell you.
Katie: Oh, Nick. Those are some tight shorts.
Chris Harrison: “And we’re all sitting on the edge of our seats.”
Zack: Oh we are, are we?
Katie: What is with these guys’ meeting the parents outfits? At least give us one more button on that shirt, Josh! Three buttons down is so not parent-approved.
…Oh wait, the dad is one button down too. Maybe this is a match made in heaven!
Zack and Katie, simultaneously: Josh is SO INTENSE.
Josh: “And it hasn’t been all roses.”
Katie: The producers totally made him say that. They’re all about the roses.
Andi: “These last few days are crucial.”
Zack: I’m sure the winner is going to love hearing that.
Zack (on Josh’s tank top): That’s one jet black pocket. Is that a tank top with a pocket?
Josh: “This date has been amazing.”
Zack: It was amazing because you were there, Josh.
Josh: “I’m going to be on one knee proposing.”
Zack: Or on two knees pleading.
Andi: “This is the last moment of reassurance I can get from him.”
Zack: So you have it built up in your head exactly what you want him to stay and if he doesn’t say it you’ll be disappointed.
Josh: “You’ve got to start thinking more of the good things.”
Katie: Like me.
Nick: “Last time I saw Andi I met her family. And it couldn’t have gone better.”
Zack: Yeah it could have. You could have been Josh.
Zack: I hope she’s going to go see Nick to say goodbye.
Nick: “I don’t really know if Josh is still in the picture.”
Zack: Josh IS the picture.
Zack: Oh hey, it’s Neil Lane. Big surprise.
Andi: “I can’t go through with something that isn’t right. And it just doesn’t feel right.”
Katie: Annnd… It was “right” yesterday?
Zack: All of the sudden, I like Nick.
Nick: “Is this about us or is it about someone else?”
Zack: Oh, it’s about Josh. You bet your ass it’s about Josh… “Someone else” ha! “He who shall not be named.”
Andi (after dumping Nick): “I gotta go.”
Katie: Sorry not sorry.
Zack: Sorry I dragged you along for so long.
Katie: You know what Josh would be good at? Open mics. And spoken word.
Katie: The most intense couple EVER.
Katie and Zack: OMG GRUMPY CAT! Okay. That was awesome.
And that wraps up this season of The Bachelorette man quotes! Hope you enjoyed! I just need to toot my own horn for a second and say that I totally chose Josh from the beginning. Proof here. So. I win. But also, they didn’t announce the next Bachelor?!?!?!??? WTF?! It’d better be Chris the Farmer or else. But seriously though, when are we going to find out? Anybody know?
I feel like you could write a novel in the style of “Go Ask Alice”! It’d be funny :)
Ha! Yes! I loved that book :)
I always read reality Steve so I knew the outcome but it was still fun to watch! I can’t believe nick told everyone they slept together! I would have been so mad!
OMG I couldn’t believe he said that, either! Andi was floored, you could tell. But it was a legitimate point. She totally strung him along!
You’re right, they didn’t announce the next Bachelor!!! I completely forgot about that!!! Chris was even asked about it & said they would announce it later on the show!
RIGHT?! Way to be a big lying liar pants, Chris Harrison!!!
I was so sure that we would find out who the next bachelor is last night!!! I was majorly bummed out. It better be Farmer Chris….
Last night was actually pretty crazy. Like I’ve said from the beginning, I didn’t really care for anyone involved in this season (besides Chris of course) but I think her choice was the right one. Nick is a creepy stalker now.
I KNOW! I was like, wait… but.. it can’t be over yet. He hasn’t announced the next Bachelor! And yeah, Nick is a super creepy stalker, but he kind of always has been.
I was waiting for the announcement on the next Bachelor too! Also, I was totally hoping that Chris would bring out Josh’s lie detector results!
I don’t think Andi did anything wrong and Nick is a big baby pants. Obvi it came down to the two choices and she chose the other choice. How can he question it that much? she obvi liked Josh better. end. of. story. I don’t like either of them.
Hahah! These are the best. Are you going to do a Bachelor in paradise man quotes? And I was so upset that they didn’t announce the next bachelor!
What was crazy to me was when she told Josh during the final rose ceremony, “I have always loved you, this whole time since the beginning” Well if she loved Josh then why would she sleep with Nick? I was floored. Poor guy, he really was led on strong.