Sammy Sams is 8 months old! He is a champ at sitting up by himself and still loves to plank! He gets around by rolling. He also loves talking and we love hearing his little raspy voice saying “dadadada” and “tatatata” and “gagagaga” and sometimes even “mamamamaa.” ;)
He giggles when his tummy is tickled and whenever he’s studying something he gets a very serious look on his face. He’s still not a fan of eating anything but milk and makes the yuckiest face when we try to feed him baby food. Can’t blame him.
He’s sleeping 11-12 solid hours each night, but is a true night owl (like his parents) and never wants to go to bed until about 9pm.
He’s getting more teeth, bringing his total up to 7! He bites on his bottom lip when he’s teething, which is pretty much always these days. If we didn’t see the teeth coming through, we wouldn’t even know he’s teething! He’s such a little tough cookie! He still gets into moods where no place is good enough unless it’s mama’s arms. And I am 100000% okay with that.
He is fascinated by the Christmas lights in our tree and likes to touch the branches. There is one ornament in particular that he’s very fond of- a mirrored heart. :)
He is a very curious little boy and wants to know what we’re doing at all times. He loves scratching all kinds of surfaces. He rarely cries unless he’s hungry. He shakes his head back and forth when he’s tired and ready to sleep.
He loves to stand up and hold onto things all by himself! How is he already doing this?! Oh, Time, you cruel cruel thing, you.
He is getting so big, and still so cute! My girl never crawled, just rolled all over the house and then started walking at 10.5 months. She never even got into plank position though, so I would assume he will just take off from there someday. Fun to watch it all play out. You never know what you’re gonna get!
I’ve always been so envious of parents with easy teethers. Pretty amazing though that some babies aren’t bothered by it. Pushing teeth through your gums really sounds so painful. What a tough boy!
He just learned how to sit up from lying down, so I think he’ll be walking before we know it! Eeeek! ;) It really is fun to watch it all happen, though! And yes, I am amazed that he doesn’t seem more bothered by teething- it can’t feel good!!
What a precious little guy :) love this pjs! So cute!
Thanks Amanda :) They’re my fave pjs of his! He is so going to wear them even after Christmas!
Man, these Sam posts give me the baby fever BAD. Knock it off with that cute kid! ;)
Also, I’m sorta dying for you to do a current tutorial for your daily makeup routine! Your skin looks so flawless!
Haha I’ll try to make him look less cute… ;) And great idea! I’ll definitely post an updated makeup routine soon!! (And my skin is in noooo way flawless!)
Oooh I just want to snuggle baby Sam!! I cannot wait until next Christmas when I have some babies of my own around Sam’s age to snuggle! Merry Christmas!
Awww yes babies make this season so fun!! But enjoy your last one just you two! :) Merry Christmas!!!!
Awwww! He looks so precious standing up!!!
Doesn’t he?! I’m kind of obsessed with taking photos of him standing now. It’s too cute!!
oh my goodness the pic of him studying the bow– his little brows are furrowed, that is SO cute!
Haha he was all “Okay.. Can I eat this, or….?”
Yay for sleep! Sounds like Sam is rocking it! It’s still lack in our house! I love his outfit in the last picture.
Sleep will come, Jess!! I have faith! :) And plus, it’s not 100%. We still have night wakings sometimes. But it definitely gets better!
You have an adorable family!! I have a 6mo daughter who would love to meet this handsome little man :P! she also sucks her bottom lips and scratches the couch and sides of her pack n play because she is entertained by the sounds lol.
Awww so sweet!! Sam definitely needs some baby friends!! :)
He’s such a cutie X
Aw thanks Kerry! :)
His little face when he’s studing something, omg I just died!!! The cutest!
Haha isn’t it the cutest little serious face, ever?! I love it :)
they grew so dang fast don’t they?! i can’t believe he already has seven teeth though! addison is ten months and she barely has four…it’s crazy how babies are so different!
I know! Our poor guy just keeps getting those darn teeth in- it’s like he hasn’t gotten a break at all! :( Babies are such tough cookies though. :)