hat: lids (here and here)
top: hello apparel c/o (here)
pants: hollister
shoes: target (here)

This is what I wore to the local baseball game last week. I’m alllll about the comfort when I’m picking my baseball game outfit. No lie, there was a lady at the game with a fancy dress and HEELS. I was like, oh no. You’re kidding me, right? Like, a baseball game is basically the ideal place to be casual, and here she was, teetering around in her stilettos. I think she was lost. Yeah, I’m going with that. Anyway, I stole Zack’s hat for these photos, because our hometeam is the Oakland A’s AAA affiliate (there were a lot of “a’s” in that sentence), and so I just really needed to wear an A’s hat to represent. [Side note: the A’s are tied for 1st place! Whattt!] But then, Zack wore the hat to the game, and I ended up wearing my grandpa’s awesome old trucker hat instead. Vintage. And also, I need to get myself a baseball hat is what I have decided. I played softball when I was little, but can’t for the life of me find my hat? I know for a fact that I kept it. I was on the Mariners and we were undefeated. [Another fun side note.] Needless to say, some closet digging will be happening this evening. I’m on a mission.
Do you like baseball games?
Did you play any sports growing up?
Would you wear heels to a ball game (please, oh please, just say no to this one)?
No, no, no! Most definitely no heels! Our rugby season starts properly on Friday and it is most definitely jeans, boots/converses etc. plus the rugby season is in the winter and winters here get mighty cold! Hats, scarves, gloves, thermals the lot by November haha! Love the outfit x
Rugby is so fun to watch!! Intense, but fun! We have a team at the university I went to, and I would watch them practice sometimes after class. Yeah, heels are just a joke to sporting events!
Cute look! Perfect for a baseball game!
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Thanks Vicky! :)
Heels at a ball game?? That’s just weird! We go to a minor league game at least once every summer over here–my Dad loved baseball, so I feel it’s the only sport that I really, fully understand, because he taught me a lot about it!
Same here! I grew up going to baseball games, because both of my older brothers always played, and so I know more about baseball than any other sport, too!
Ah baseball…I only made it to two games this summer (wearing my old, comfy Mets shirt…go Mets!) and both games were in the dead of summer so I was a sweaty mess. I can’t imagine being comfortable in heels! I played tee ball when I was little which I try to take pride in, but really I think I picked more grass in the outfield than anything else.
Aw tee ball is so cute to watch! I think the majority of the kids are always just way too distracted to actually play a game haha ;)
Stilettos at a baseball game? Absurd. You look super cute though!
My thoughts exactly. Thanks girl!
I love baseball games. I remember my dad taking me to my very first Yankees game at age 9. I used to play softball too! I’m rarely in heels, so I definitely would not wear it to a baseball game. I’d like to think when you’re at a game, you just want to kickback and relax in comfy clothes!
Aw so fun! And I definitely agree- a baseball game is the time to be super comfy!!
baseball games are the best, I LOVE them!
as for the crazy girl wearing the heels I see that all the time. It’s going to suck when one time they biff on those crazy sets of stairs. I totally opt for your outfit. comfy, casual, and extremely adorable!
That’s exactly what I thought when I saw her! How much does that suck walking up and down all the stairs?! Crazy.
So I’m all about casual and comfy, all the time. So I’m totally obsessed with this outfit!!!! Love the hat, you look great in it! I kind of feel bad for the lady wearing heels, someone should of helped her find her way. And I can’t help but love those shoes, $14.99?? Great deal!! I played softball for 3 years when I was younger :)
Girl, the shoes are so comfortable and cute. I love them. Gotta love Target! And yay for softball!
I generally don’t wear heels much at all, so I can’t remotely imagine why I’d want to wear them to a baseball game. But to each his (or her) own, right? Your outfit was perfect for the occasion, and I’m actually sad that my big hair usually prevents me from wearing baseball caps, because I used to love them. I’m going to find a way :)
Found you via What I Wore Wednesday.
Girl, I was joking with my husband about this being the only hat of his that actually fits me, because it’s the biggest, and I have big hair too (and a big head to boot haha) so I definitely get it! Glad you found me!! :)
You are too cute!
Aw thanks Pamela!! :)
Katie! Such a cute and casual outfit, perfect for a game! I love baseball. Somehow I got obsessed with my college team and went to like every game for a year and after that I was hooked. Sounds like you had a good time :)
And I don’t wear heels to games. I think that should be outlawed.
XO, Samm
Aw thanks Samm!! That’s so fun that you went to every game. Awesome. And yeah. It should be outlawed. I mean, it’s dangerous!!
Ahh! I love your shirt! The Hello brand is my absolute favorite – it’s just so cute and fun.
It’s sooooo comfy, too! One of my favourite shirts!
I can’t remember if I knew you were from the bay or not?! However I am a Giants fan (and yes I know they are terrible this year!) I agree, heels and fancy clothes DO NOT belong at a ball game!
I’m actually not from the bay, I’m from Sacramento! So like, an hour and a half away, but we’re still bay area baseball fans :) And my hubby likes the 49ers. I have no stance on football haha. Yay Giants, even though they are soooo terrible this year wtf!
Katie!! Love your comfy outfit!!! Any excuse to wear a hat is always a great day :) And that is thee funniest thing, stilettos at a baseball game!? LOL!! Sounds like she def got the attention she was looking for ;) Good luck on your search for your hat! I am surprised you still have it :) xoxo!! Missed your pretty face, I need to make some time to catch up on blogs more often!
Thanks Shio girl!! :) I haven’t found the hat yet, but I am determined! I know it’s here SOMEWHERE!! haha Miss your face, too! I feel like it’s been so long!
Ok, I’ve never been to a baseball game and I would know better! I’ve been dying to go to a Yankees game though like crazzzzyyyy. Once I finally get to go I will not be sportin’ heels. I will be super comfortable with my jeans, yankees hat (I will get one for the occasion) and some converse preferably chucks. That lady was cray cray (as Mona said in PLL in the 3rd season hehe).
You look adorable as always!
xoxo Monica
A Yankees game would be so fun! You should definitely go to one! Haha love that you quoted Mona. ;)
baseball games are the best! i only made it out to one this summer. boo. but it was a fun one :) baseball makes me think of summer in a nostalgic kind of way. probably because three of my cousins were in softball and we had a family tailgate sort of thing going.
i absolutely adore that tank top! might just have to pick one up. :) you’re outfit looks like one i’d rock to a game. definitely no, no, no to heels lol.
Yes, baseball is such a summery thing. I love it!! So fun that your cousins were all in softball! It’s even better when you know the people playing!
aint nobody got time for heels at a baseball game. you looked adorably perfect tho!
haha my thoughts EXACTLY. And thanks girl :)
This is the best casual day outfit ever! You look so laid back and adorable! I love your jeans and your top and the addition of your hubby’s cap is the perfect touch!
When I was little, my parents put me in EVERY single sport…soccer, tennis, swimming, volleyball, basketball, softball/t-ball. I hated it. I was over the top girly (still am…but a littleee less so:) ) and was always the girl off picking flowers or in la-la land. Eventually, my mom gave up, but my sports horror stories (for example, making a basket for the wrong team…) are still told around the dinner table.
xo Ashley
Aw you’re the sweetest!! Haha I love that you were in la-la land. I bet it made for cute pictures ;) And too funny about the basketball story! I so would have done the exact same thing! At least you can laugh about it now!
This is such a cute outfit, you look great !
Madeline | Its a Mads Mads World
Thanks girly!
1. You’re perfect
2. Can we go shopping together?
3. I love your hair.
1. No you are.
2. Yes please.
3. Aww thanks :)
aww I love it! baseball caps for the win.
Ok, you are too cute! Love this and yes, I’m all about being comfortable too at sporting events (which I rarely get to these days). Would love for you to stop by and join my link up – What I’m Loving Fridays!
xo Lulu
*What I’m Loving Fridays*
Love this outfit. I love a good flashy number but there’s something about those outfits that are less fuss and are pulled off flawlessly. Good work! :)
You always look absolutely adorable girl! Loving your outfit!
xo TJ
Aww you are the sweetest! Thanks girl!
Love the “hello” shirt! While I loooove a good pair of heels I think even I would ditch them for flats for a baseball game! Crazy people out there lol if you want a great cap for fall you should get the faux leather baseball cap from Target – only $13 and it’s so buttery soft you wouldn’t know it was fake!
99 Boxes of Shoes on the Wall