This post is sponsored by Gymboree. All opinions are my own.
GUYS. GUYYYYYYYYS. I can’t believe this is actually happening, but my Sam Sam is starting PRESCHOOL in 3 weeks!!! In 3 weeks, my sweet darling little baby boy is starting his very first official day of SCHOOL. HOW?! I have all of the feelings, and I’m sure they’ll all come out very shortly in a lovely little emotion-driven essay for you all (but seriously, that’s coming) but in the meantime, let’s keep things light and talk about some back to school goals. Because this is tres important.
And by “back to school” I guess what I really mean is “TO school” because this is, as I mentioned, his FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL EVER.
I’m crying. It’s fine.
So. A brand new chapter in our lives calls for some major goal setting. Now, this is a big transition for all of us, and transitions can be hard- on ALL of us. But I think especially on mister Sam. I mean, this is, after all, quite the shift in his little world. He’ll be going 5 days a week, for a full day!!! I hope he does well and thrives, but a little part of me is SO nervous too. I mean, that’s only normal, right? So I guess our first goal is to make this transition as smooth as possible. We’ve already started him on a schedule similar to his school one, with a playgroup with friends at the time he’ll be in school, and an earlier bedtime and waking up at the same time every morning. I’m hoping this way it won’t be such a shock when school actually starts.
Another goal for the school year is to meal prep! This is one for me and Zack, but I think it’s a worthy goal that will help our sanity! Just prepping meals and food and being better at planning them out through the week will help with everybody’s general happiness and cut down on that hectic feeling when you have NOTHING planned, you know? So, wish us luck in this department, and any tips are greatly appreciated!
I think Sam’s goal this school year will be to somehow start napping again. ;) He has dropped his nap for quite some time now (like before he even turned 3! Wahhh!) but I’ve heard that maybe he’ll start napping again now since it’s a part of school and you know, peer presure and everything? Everyone say a little prayer that this happens, please. Naps should basically never go away.
And yet another goal? Stay stylish, obviously. ;) I mean, I feel this is kind of the most important goal, no? I kid, I kid, but you know me and fashion: I kind of have wayyyy too much fun shopping for my little ones! Take these Gymboree outfits for example. Cute, right? They have some great Back to School looks that are perfect for Sam’s first day of school! And of course, Sophie got in the mix too, because this is a huge change for her, too! She loves her Bubba so much and will miss him a LOT when he’s in school!
Check out Gymboree for more outfit ideas!
What are your goals for the upcoming school year??
Um weren’t you pregnant with Sam yesterday? I’m sure he’ll have a blast at school!
RIGHT?!?!? My thoughts EXACTLY. He literally was JUST born.
What a lovely post! It’s something all of us mommies can relate to. I love Gymboree, and was devastated to hear they were closing so many stores. I’m hoping the one I shop at is spared!
Aww, thank you Heather!! :) I know, crazy, huh?? There’s always online, if nothing else! ;)
Girl, Pinterest was made for meal prep! ;) Time flies so fast for us mamas! I can’t believe my daughter is going to be 3 in October!!! Where does it go?!?!
YES, Pinterest is the BEST!!! Definitely going to be looking for meal prep ideas! And seriously, time goes SO FAST!
My little boy had stopped napping before he started pre school too and I was so worried! Everyone else will be napping, what will my kid do?!?! He started and never napped one single day the whole year ???? But he did lay quietly every day while everyone else napped. I honestly didn’t think he could lay still that long without being asleep. He will do just fine
That’s so awesome!! I’m worried Sam is going to SOOOOO not lay quietly when everyone else does… ha! I just cannot see that happening! Guess we’ll seee….
Your posts always made me laugh a little! You and your family are so sweet and I’m a little jealous of the napping goal, am I too old? x
Aww you’re so sweet!! :) I’m glad! And seriously, it’s a lofty goal, but I’m throwing it out there lol
oh my gosh. i’m with you!!!!!! my baby girl is starting pre-k and has never done any preschool before. i’m beside myself, but excited for her, too. gah!!!!!! devastating how fast they grow. literally devastating! wasn’t sam just born?!?!?
RIGHT?!?!?! JUST. BORN. I’m going to be a freaking mess lol. I can’t believe M is starting pre-k too!!!! Seriously, time needs to stop, thanks.