Well, that’s a bold statement there, Katie, you are saying to yourself right now. Yes, perhaps it is, but also it’s the truth. Yesterday’s lunch was pretty much my favourite lunch ever, so I felt the need to share the beauty with you all. Hope you don’t mind. ;) That’s a tiny baguette sandwich (it’s all of the baguette that was left- my sandwiches are usually bigger than that, don’t worry) with brie and a few thin slices of an organic fuji apple (seriously the most delicious apple you will ever have). Any rich cheese mixed with fruit on a sandwich is très français! Another delicious combination is gruyère and pear. YUM. If you’ve never tried it, I recommend getting on that ASAP.
I also made the most delicious smoothie (which is also the perfect post-workout recovery drink, fyi):
-1 frozen banana (I slice a ripe banana and throw it into a ziplock bag and freeze it just like that)
-1 Cup of frozen strawberries (about 5)
-1 Cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
-2 generous handfuls of spinach
-1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Blend until smooth! It’s thick and heavenly. Yes, it looks murky green, but in this case, looks do not matter one bit. Trust. Plus, it’s super good for you and energizing!
{this is me, after said smoothie. ready for the day!}
What’s your favourite sandwich?
Do you have a go-to smoothie recipe or ingredient? I’m pretty much throwing spinach into every smoothie I make from now until forever.
I love all of these smoothies going around on blogland lately! Definitely going to have to try this one!
Yessss try it! It’s so yummy!! I’m kind of addicted to smoothies ;)
I have never tried cheese and apple , sounds interesting.
Meghan Silva’s Blog
It’s the best combination! You must try it! :)
ahh that lunch makes me miss europe!!
I knowwww, doesn’t it?! I just had to recreate europe in my own kitchen :) it helps!
Yum, apple and brie, I’ve had it before and it is quite delicious. Also apple with peanut butter, yum.
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Two of my favourite combinations of food, that’s for sure! ;)
I always add coconut milk to my smoothies, the fruit depends on what I have available at the house, and occasionally I put canned coconut milk (its thick like greek yogurt) into my smoothies :) And normally I put cocoa powder into them too!
Ooh yummy! I’ve used coconut milk to make curries and the like, but never thought to put it in smoothies! I’ll have to try it!
Erm my favourite sandwich is Subway. Does that count? hee ;)
hehe that totes counts! ;)
Cute blog! I just found you! That looks super healthy! :)
@PowerofOne – – http://www.ashleyfrederickson.blogspot.com
Aw yay glad you found meee! Thanks girl!
i love me a good power smoothie in the morning. gets me up and running!
ME too, girl! A smoothie a day keeps the doctor away? That could be a thing.
This looks very yummy!!! Must try it!!
It is soooo good!
That looks yummy! :)
It really is! You should try it sometime! :)
this does look super good. must try this out!! thanks for sharing pretty girl!
Do ittttt! You’ll feel like you’re back in France! :)
that looks so good! And guilt free!
It really is! That’s just an added bonus! ;)
that does look delicious! :)
check out my naked basics palette giveaway! :)
Aw thanks girl! :)
Your eats look GREAT! Try throwing kale into your smoothies too :)
emma @ amomrunsthistown.com
Ooh yes, I’ve heard kale is a good addition, also! Thanks for the tip! :)
i’m such a sucker for bread. obviously, i’m in ;)
haha YAYYY. me too, girl!
I have been totally addicted to apples & peanut butter lately! & now I need to pick up some brie because your photo has me craving that sandwich.
Apples and pb are def one of my all-time favourite snacks! So yummy and addicting! :)
yeah i had a lunchable for lunch today….as in what your mom used to pack in your lunchbox when you were 8. katie =1 ashley – 0….tomorrow i try this apple bread thing in hopes that when i’m done i’ll have a sultry look like you too!! XO
hahaha a lunchable!! Haven’t had one of those in sooo long. You go, glen coco! ;)
i’m getting into the habit of more green smoothies! they’re so great! i throw in spinach, drinking yogurt, peanut butter, bananas and strawberries. yumm! also, i so so SO miss brie! we used to take jam and put it on top of a chunk of brie, then wrap crescent rolls around it and bake it in the oven. then serve with crackers : )
Aren’t green smoothies the best?! Yum that brie recipe sounds so good! Oh, brie. le sigh.