love this. beyond cute. thrilled I stumbled upon your blog. I’m following, I hope you will as well. I started my blog a little over 3 months ago after graduating from college in the south and moving across the country to LA. The site’s all about celebrity fashion from the point of view of an LA stylist. I’d love if if you’d stop by to see multiple post a day on all the latest celebrity fashion news. Any support would be awesome. Thanks love. xoxo
Dress I tried on at Papaya
Shoes I just ordered online via Baker Shoes
What does that mean? You are a pusher? I don’t get it lol
love this. beyond cute. thrilled I stumbled upon your blog. I’m following, I hope you will as well. I started my blog a little over 3 months ago after graduating from college in the south and moving across the country to LA. The site’s all about celebrity fashion from the point of view of an LA stylist. I’d love if if you’d stop by to see multiple post a day on all the latest celebrity fashion news. Any support would be awesome. Thanks love. xoxo
What a fantastic Tshirt how cool!! I love pugs. I am following, hope you will too, Pearl xx
dying to know, where i can get this shirt? i want it for my sister she loves pugs!!! :D
I got it at uo! Here’s the link to the shirt: