Look at us! Three weeks in a row now of going to church! GO US!! ;) Seriously, it’s a challenge, so this is a big deal. I always feel so refreshed and ready to take on the week after we go to church, even if the entire sermon is spent in the Nursing Mothers Room, rocking my baby and trying to get her to nap, to no avail. :) I don’t mind oooone bit. And Sam is loving his 2 year old class! It makes me really excited for him to start preschool next year- I think he is going to thrive in it!
Sam LOVES his new table and chairs from Ikea! Look how cute! He does such a great job of sitting and playing, it’s really cute. He’s really into play doh right now. We’re just trying to teach him not to throw it on the carpet… A work in progress.
Sophie girl slept almost 11 hours on Saturday night!!! It was the first time she’s slept all through the night without making a peep ever (that I heard, anyway). I give her a bottle before bed, then top her off with a mini nursing session, then we read a book, put her in her sleep sack and pray and sing. I think a mini bedtime routine is so soothing- for mama and baby! :) She is still sleeping in our room, in her dockatot in the pack ‘n play next to our bed. We always use white noise, too. I SWEAR by it for sleep!
Until now, I had been feeding her whenenever she woke and started fussing, because, well, to be honest, uhhhh… because I was lazy? I didn’t want her to wake Sam, and I knew she would stop fussing if I just put her on the boob. Easy peasy. But I knew this wasn’t creating good habits for her. So now I am letting her fuss a little (but we never would let her cry it out- just not our style), “pause” as the French call it (learned that from this book!), and she has surprised us by only fussing for a couple of minutes before going back to sleep! Ugh, she is such a dream baby. I’m so proud of her!!! And YAY for sleep, can I get an amen?!
We spent some time outside, as it was absolutely beautiful! High of 90? I’ll take it! Clearly, that meant swimsuits in the backyard with sprinklers on, of course! Isn’t this suit so cute, too? It’s from The Orchid Boutique and I’m dying over the floral print!! Sophie’s little tutu suit is kind of the best thing ever, too.
We also are now feeding her solids and she’s sitting in the highchair, so she’s basically grown up wayyyy too much this past week. But look at those little piggies.
Another example of my children growing up too fast. HE LOOKS SO OLD. UGH. But I could kiss those cheeks a million times a day.
Spoiler alert: I do.
And besides all of that fun, we’ve been spending all day every day watching the Olympics!!! I am HOOKED. Goooo Team USA!
How was your weekend? Have you been watching the Olympics?
Any sleep tips and tricks that you swear by? I could talk baby sleep for hourssss ha ;)
What is the “pause” about?? (I don’t have time to read a whole book, ha!) Crying it out is not our style either, especially because Lucy sleeps through the night (at least 6-8 hour stretches) sometimes, so when she doesn’t I feel like it’s for a reason – like she’s teething, going through a Wonder Week leap, or something. But we’re going on about 3 weeks of waking up every 3-4 hours again, minus a few random days here and there. I can’t figure it out!
The “pause” just means to literally pause for a few minutes before jumping to pick your baby up. I was making the mistake of getting her and feeding her AS SOON AS she made a peep (mostly because I was scared to wake up Sam! Although now I know he sleeps right through it all!). So when she starts to fuss or cries a little, literally pause for a few minutes (we’ve done up to maybe 10 minutes before- unless she’s full-blown wailing, of course) and chances are she will just soothe herself back to sleep! She’s just learning to connect those sleep cycles, which is HUGE! :) Hope that clarifies it! Totally with you on that there is always a reason- sometimes that reason is that she just needs to be comforted by you. And nothing better, right?! :)
Gotcha! I should probably do this. She sleeps in her room upstairs and is our only baby, but I’m afraid her crying on the monitor will wake up my husband! lol! (and I’m afraid if I turn the sound down I may accidentally fall back to sleep.) I may try getting up but not going in there for a few minutes. I need to try not nursing her instantly too. I keep saying I’m going to stop that, but it’s just sooo much easier lol
It’s also a little harder now because she can sit herself up from laying down so I feel like there’s a less chance of her going back to sleep on her own :-/
YAY for sleep! I’ve been doing the pause thing too, and it’s so surprising how often he just puts himself right back to sleep!
YES!!! It really is surprising!! Babies are always surprising us lol :)
That swimsuit is GORGEOUS. And HOW on earth does Sam look so grown up these days??? MAKE IT STOP.
I can totally identify with your mid-night feeds with Sophie. I couldn’t do cry it out either, but it wasn’t until we moved her into her crib (just a few weeks ago) that I realized 8 out of 10 times she’ll wake up and fuss for a minute and then just fall right back asleep. When she was in our room I was definitely putting her on the boob at any little peep. WHOOPS.
Yay for 11 hours – that’s AMAZING.
YES. It’s surprising how capable they are of putting themselves back to sleep, if we just let them try! :) And seriously, Sam needs to STOP looking so grown up!!! Ahhhhh!
oooh church is such a challenge!! go you guys!!! i wish we had a nursing mothers room but we don’t. i just end up hanging out with rocco, which i love!! but sometimes… let’s be real… it’s not worth getting me dressed and fancy and out the door. haha. and oh the pause!! that’s a smart way to describe it!! i try to pause all the time and it doesn’t go over quite so well. haha! but sweet sophie, oh, i know she is just a perfect angel!!
Hey girl! Congrats on Sophie being such an incredible sleeper! My little Penelope is sleeping pretty well too – she usually sleeps from 9-5, wakes for a feeding, & sleeps for another 3 hours or so. My only issue is when she wakes up at 5am, my boobs are SO FULL. My nursing pads will be soaked with milk & I’m bummed that I’m wasting any of it. What do you do when Sophie sleeps for 11 hours? Do you wake yourself up to pump in the middle of the night? I’m trying to figure all this out. Thank youuu!