He is such a sweet happy boy!!! 2 month Oliver is a dream. He’s just started to smile, and it is the best thing ever! He makes the sweetest little coos and tiny short giggles, oh my goodness, I can’t handle the cuteness. He looooves when his sister entertains him by bouncing him in his bouncer, and dancing with his legs and arms- it’s so sweet. Good thing too, because she is still very much obsessed with him and is constantly all up in his business.

We’re still going strong with breastfeeding. It’s such a sweet time, and I don’t know how long I’ll be able to sustain it (I breastfed my other two for about 10 months each, so we’ll see!) so I’m enjoying it all so much. And I’m still just as obsessed with my Haakaa. A must have for breastfeeding mamas! I’ve built up a solid freezer stash, just with the Haakaa!
Sleep has been getting gradually better. Instead of waking every 2-3 hours, just this week he’s gone longer stretches! 5 hours even! The key for us is to dream feed at 11pm.
Here’s our rough sleep routine:
Wakes for the day around 7-7:30. He’s awake for an hour in between naps, eats when he gets up from a nap. Never let him nap longer than 3 hours. We keep him up a little longer before bedtime, which is 9:30-ish, and dreamfeed at 11 (if he went to bed in the 9’s- if he went to bed later, no dream feed).
It definitely doesn’t always go smoothly, of course. Babies don’t follow a manual. ;) But I do know the importance of a routine, and how we all thrive from some semblance of one.
He sleeps each night and every nap swaddled in his bassinet next to our bed, with white noise. Our current favorite swaddles are this one and this one! We love our bassinet, too! So does he! He sleeps really well in it, thank God!
I’ve started going back to Stroller Strides and working out at home too, just Tone It Up postnatal workouts in the TIU app. I love them and recommend! I’ve also been doing exercises to strengthen my core and heal my ab separation. You can just google to find some! When I go to work out with my mama group, I wear Oliver in my carrier love this thing!!) and push Sophie in the jogging stroller. It works well!

Oliver is so strong, and is so good at tummy time! He especially loves when somebody joins him on his play mat. And how stinking cute is his new play gym that Tiny Love sent us?! He looooves it! And I love that it’s educational and has music, a mirror, a rattle and things to stimulate him and help with development.

We are all so smitten by our little Ollie. He just keeps getting better and better.
I just started using the hakaa with my newborn. Any tips to make it more comfortable, for me it’s a little painful to use even if I try adjusting it a few times.
Search for a video on how to use it! Squeeze it in and then put it on, then release and it’s a great suction! It’s never hurt me, so I have no tips for that…
Oliver is so adorable!
These are all such great tips and I love that baby wrap!