I decided to do one of those “Day in Photos” posts, and thought that yesterday was a good choice, seeing as it was the Super Bowl and all, and I don’t know, I guess some people (namely my husband) get really excited about that day. For some reason. Something about large men throwing a ball around a field and ramming into each other a lot. But, well, I was promised good food and a lot of soup (more on that in a second) so I agreed to it. ;) Plus, I don’t know if you know this, but the 49ers were in it, so I mean, that’s Zack’s fave team and all. Everyone in northern california was very excited, to say the least. So. My Super Bowl Sunday, in pictures:
So, about the soup. My parents-in-law have a “Soup-er” Bowl party every year, and my mom-in-law makes a bunch of different kinds of soup. I will pause for a moment so you can grasp just how cute that actually is. So, somehow she has actually turned this day that I used to never care about into a day that I kind of look forward to! This woman works miracles, I swear.
As for the 49ers, I have a good feeling about next year. ;)
“Soup-er” bowl, how cute!!! :) I love that cow pic, too. Thanks for sharing your day!! Oh and all your comments about Downtown Abbey are slowly winning me over. I guess i’ll give it a try.
YES. WATCH IT!! ;) You won’t regret it!
Souper bowl! That is adorable! The best part of the day is most definitely the food!
Souper Bowl?! That is just the cutest thing ever! That would totally be enough to get me excited about football! :)
And GREAT JOB on the fifteen miles!! That is just awesome! :)
Blessings! <3
Right?! My mom-in-law is too cute for words!
too bad about the 49ers huh?
my husband was cheering for the ravens though so i guess i was okay with either team :)
and about that soup… super cute! haha
The DayLee Journal
haha “soup”er cute? ;)
that is the cutest theme for a super bowl party! I am definitely going to have to do that in the future!
Yes! Isn’t it so clever?!
How fun! Both of the cats look angry. lol.
Hahaha they totally do. Because they are! ;) They got happier once they got lots of lovin’!
Ummm- I am OBSESSED with the idea of the “soup”er bowl! What a freaking cute idea, I’m def stealing that next year!!! :)
I was hopin’ the 9ers would pull off a win =\
Steal it!!! My mom-in-law would be flattered! ;) I was hoping so, too, boo!
I love your play by play for the day :) So stinking productive, you are!!
Haha I try to be ;)
Ahhh Soup-er Bowl too cute!!!
I tried my hardest to stay awake for the game( well for the half time show) but it started at 23.30 our time so I kinda fell asleep and missed It all :(
What a great post love that you done spin while watching Downtown Abbey xx
Oh wow, that would have been a late one for you, especially since it went longer than usual with a power outage! Yikes! You made the right decision: sleep > super bowl ;)
Looks like a great time! I’ve never been into american football (I prefer the true literal stuff) but I could probably get into it, because I like big sporting events in general :) As well as big bowls of Doritos… so maybe the Super Bowl and I are just meant to be? xxx
Yeah, I never have gotten into football either, but my hubby loves it, so I’ve learned to kind of sort of enjoy it… sometimes. ;) and yes haha you are meant to be!
hahah this is awesome! I may have to try this out!
Yes, you should! :)
How cute! So creative Katie! :)
Thanks, Lauren!
The fact that your in-laws do a “Souper Bowl” is amazing! Our local Habitat for Humanity put on a “Soup”er Bowl to raise money for their organization. It’s actually pretty cool. They have the local schools and organizations paint and decorate ceramic bowls and then all the restaurants in the area donate a soup and you get to pick out a bowl then go around and taste all these different soups. It’s actually really cool. I volunteered this year. Glad you had a good weekend!!
Oh, that is so awesome!! I love that idea!
i love your living room set up with the nordic track…the baskets and the nook…all so cute!
haha it’s my parent’s house ;) But my mom does have really good decorating taste! And the Nordic Track is my new fave!
looks like fun! so glad I stumbled upon your blog! new follower :)
Aw thank youuu! I’m glad you did, too!
On my gosh, I might have to steal that Soup-er Bowl idea next year because that is too cute (and also looks SO delicious)!
Isn’t it the cutest?! Steal away!
your inlaws sound so cute Soup-er Bowl and all, love all the pics , great post!
It was a fun time, that’s for sure! :) Thanks, girl!
I love Jesus Calling!!! It’s been my devotional book for a couple years now. My 8 year old daughter received Jesus Calling for kids for Christmas and she loves it. She loves finding, reading and highlighting all the verses in the bible that are used in the book :)
Just bought Jesus Calling.. I’ve heard great things