This post is sponsored by Munchkin but all views are 100% my own.
Motherhood is messy. It’s beautiful and rewarding and full of love and light, but it’s also extremely messy, let’s be honest. Some days, we don’t even make it out of our pajamas until after lunch. Both kids are crying at the same time and the last thing on my mind is scrubbing a bottle. So when I find baby products that are designed with mothers in mind, to make clean up easier and less messy, I am all ears!
Today, I’m so excited to share a new line of baby products with you guys: the Munchkin LATCH line. It’s designed for easy cleaning to make less mess and save you time, something I can definitely get behind. Because I don’t like a messy home, but even more, I don’t like spending valuable time cleaning up that could be spent playing with my babies instead!
These items are really handy, especially if you don’t have a ton of space to store everything. If you have a baby, you know that finding a place to put each and every baby product is a challenge. I love that these products are compact and can easily fit in our kitchen.
We used to have this big sterilizer for our bottles, but it was awkward and took up too much space. The Latch sterilizer bags are AWESOME, since they take up absolutely no space at all and whenever I see a bottle starts to look like it could use a good deep clean, I just pop it into a bag and microwave it. BOOM. Quick and easy!
Each of the brushes open up, and there are small little cleaner heads that I would probably normally lose, but since they store right inside the brush, this prevents that! I love these heads for cleaning the tiny little breast pump parts, too.
Bonus is that they’re all sleek and clean looking, which totally fits my aesthetic. If you’ve been a reader here for a while, you know I’m not a fan of super cutesy baby items that scream “BABY!” So I definitely appreciate the look of the Munchkin line.
Motherhood is a messy job, but somebody’s gotta do it. ;)
I mentioned the sterilizer above. I’m curious – what’s one baby item that you thought you had to have that you don’t actually use much?
Mine was definitely the bottle warmer! I thought that would be so convenient and literally didn’t use it once! It’s so funny how overwhelming the feeling of needing so much for that first baby and quickly realizing everyone else’s “must haves” aren’t necessarily going to work out for you!
I’ve heard the same thing about wipe warmers! We never had one, for that reason. Bottle warmer, on the other hand, has actually been really handy- I love ours! Just shows how different everybody is. :) And it really is crazy just how little you really NEED for a baby!
Chelsea @ Life With My Littles
I love the look of that bottle brush! We had one with a sponge on the end and it got so gross! We also had a wipe warmer and got rid of that pretty fast. Newborns aren’t going to like getting their diaper changed no matter what, and having warm wipes didn’t make a difference for us!
YES! I never understood the wipe warmer- just thinking about how much more awful it would be when you’re out and about and have to use wipes and the baby is like UM WHY IS MY WIPE NOT WARM?! haha ;)
Britt F.
Our “must have” were baby carriers. I bought one right away so I could be a baby wearing momma, but our son hated it. So I bought a different one and then borrowed a third one and he still wasn’t having it. I’m now the proud owner of some very expensive dust collecting carriers.
Haha awww welllll.. maybe you could use them as blankets? Car seat covers? Burp cloths? ;) lol