Happy Friday, loves!!! It has literally been raining allll week long, but we haven’t let that stop us from having fun and staying busy! Maybe too busy. Mama needs a nap sometime this weekend. ;) Anyway, let’s get to our favorites from the week!
We’ve been going to a playgroup for Sam every week for the past 12 weeks, and this week was the final one. :( It was so sad!!! He’s going to be going to an actual preschool soon, so the next step is on the horizon, but it’s always kind of sad to end something that was so fun and such a learning and growing experience! He loved it so much!
Last night was Zack’s Uncle’s 50th birthday party! We celebrated at his parent’s house, with balloons and delicious food and champagne! And of course we left early, but still an hour past bedtime, because that is our life now. ;) #babies
Here’s the best sibling shot I’ve gotten of them this week. Just keeping it real, guys. It’s blurry, they aren’t smiling at me, it’s not picture perfect, but it’s real life. And Sam is about to give Sophie a kiss, soooo… I’ll take it! ;)
Zack and Sophie, watching the Super Bowl. So sweet. All of Zack’s dreams coming true, I’m sure.
Annnnd a selfie, for good measure. ;)
Okay, have a great weekend, you beautiful people, you!!!
And if you haven’t caught up on all of our videos, be sure to check them out on my Youtubes! Got a new video about email lists here!
bedtime! ha ha! can’t imagine this life style for myself but your blog makes parenting seem a lot of fun!
Aw thanks!! :) It really is a lot of fun! Crazy and hard, but so fun.