kimono: c/o windsor top: h&m via thredup shorts: american eagle shoes: converse (here) Hey guys, I’d like to introduce you to my summer “mom uniform.” It felt like summer yesterday so it was the perfect time to wear this outfit, annnnnd you will be seeing a lot more of something that looks just like this….
All of my posts about my babies!
If you're expecting a baby sometime soon, consider setting up your baby registry on Amazon- my favorite place to create a baby registry! It has everything you need, is so easy and fun to create your registry and add or remove items as you wish and BONUS: you get up to 15% discount when you buy any of the items on your registry! Also, they offer very easy 90 day returns on registry items, which comes in very handy.
So I thought I’d do a follow-up to my What’s in My Hospital Bag post, since I’ve since been through labor and delivery and made it to the other side, high five! That post was what I packed in my hospital bag, and this post is what I actually used from what I packed in…
This weekend consisted of naps, naps and more naps. I mean, really. Sleep is hard to come by these days, and so napping has become a necessity. We’re still really bad at it, to be perfectly honest. I mean, they say to sleep whenever the baby sleeps, but honestly, how are we supposed to do…
My baby is two weeks today! We’ve had two weeks of this squishy, yummy, sweet little boy in our home. Part of me can’t believe it’s already been two weeks, since really it’s kind of all a blur. I mean, lack of sleep and the “newborn fog” has kind of made it seem like it’s…
Hi! I want to start this post about dressing the bump by saying – if you’re pregnant, you NEED to create a baby registry on Amazon. Not only do they have just about everything you could ever want, they offer free sipping on most items, free returns and the best part – up to a…