sandals: target (here)
My very first outfit of the day with my little lambie pie in my arms! This is what we wore on Easter, even though we didn’t end up going anywhere. It was Sam’s due date, but I am pretty relieved I got to hold him in my arms at home instead. Way better, if you ask me.
A few things about Sam, for the memory book:
– He makes the cutest little faces. We just sit and stare at him for hours, at his furrowed brow and his little mock smiles, and when he looks like he’s almost going to start bursting out crying, but then doesn’t.
– He likes to eat. A lot. And thus, mama isn’t getting much sleep. But you know what, that’s okay. I’d rather stare at him all night anyway. Sleep is for the weak. ;)
– He makes little grunting noises all the time, and it’s my favorite sound in the world.
– There is nowhere he’d rather be than asleep on mama or daddy. Seriously. Nowhere. He gets his best sleep there too, but we try to put him in his cradle as much as possible. Although, we kind of prefer him to sleep on us, too. ;)
– His entire body gets so red when he gets frustrated. He’s our little tomato.
– He loves touching his face with his hands.
– He is a little love bug and I just want to eat him up.
Life with a newborn is fun, tiring, exhausting, emotional, full of love, frustrating at times, and just the best ever.
Oh congratulations! You’re looking fabulous as a new Mum, what a practical and stylish outfit. I am visiting via the What I Wore Wednesday Linkup, P x
Aww thank you so much! :)
Sam is adorable!
I don’t have kids, and probably won’t any time soon, but I know that there is nothing in this world quite like snuggling a baby. I’m the person who monopolizes all the baby holding time whenever there is one at a family gathering. I can’t imagine what it must be like when that little bundle of amazingness is your own.
Also, those sandals are super cute, and it irritates me to no end that the Target here has no shoe department.
It is a pretty incredible feeling having this baby to snuggle 24/7!! :) And whatttt how does your Target have no shoe department?! That is a travesty!
Congrats, mama! You look beautiful!
Aww thanks Becky!! :)
Congrats again, he’s so gorgeous! Also, you look so put together for a new mama. I’m so impressed!
Aw thank you Laura! I don’t feel put together, but hey. I’m getting there ;)
Hi coming to you from the pleated poppy. You look lovely. I really like the color and style of the skirt. Your son is precious. If you find time to visit :
Aw thank you so much!! :)
Oh Katie I just can’t get over his tiny squishiness. We have so many friends with newborns right now and every time I hold one I just can’t even handle it, haha. I don’t even remember Joe at that age anymore – he’s just so fat and noisy and squirmy now, haha :) May the perfect peace of God just cover your home as you guys continue to adjust. A huge congratulations to you and Zack again <3
Aww your little one is so precious, too, Katie!! :) Babies are just the absolute best. Thank you for your sweet words. <3
What a little cutie! Can’t believe you were carrying him around for 9 months… where did he fit?!? You are looking amazing!!
Aww you are too kind, miss Ashley! <3
What a cute little one. He is just precious. Love your skirt, and gold sparkly sandals. Very cute!! Stopping by from the What I Wore Linkup. :)
Thanks so much! :) I’m glad you stopped by!
You’re looking great! Giving me hope that I’ll be back to my skinny self soon. Lol Love the bump but towards the end it gets very tiring.
Oh, I definitely feel you, girl! I was SO ready to be done near the end! Sam knew that and so he came 9 days early! ;) Hang in there, mama! You can do it!! <3
You and your baby boy look adorable. OMG he is so tiny. It looks so long ago since Vivian was that little. Love your maxi & sandals. Such a Bohemian look, Katie.
<3 Ada.
Aw thank you, sweet girl! I know, he is soooo tiny. I can’t get over it :) Babies are the best!
LOVING your shoes! Must go check those out. You look soooo great for just giving birth and Sam is too adorable :)
Aw thank you Tina!! :)
Well the outfit is cute, but that little accessory you’re holding is cuter ;)
AGREED!!! :) Cutest accessory ever.
What a cutie!!!
Thanks :) I have to agree <3
Love the skirt!! And your little bundle of joy is so precious! I almost can’t even remember my son being that tiny :( Enjoy every minute!!! <3
Aww he really is so precious and tiny and I am soaking it all up!! Trying to set my frustrations and exhaustion aside ;)
Awwwww he was your own tiny little Easter bunny! What a cutie Katie!
He definitely was! :) The best little bunny there ever was!
He’s so sweet! You know, as darling as you are, we’re all only here for the baby now, right? We just come back for the cuteness. ;)
Haha well hey, whatever works! ;)
By far your best OOTD yet!
Aww I’d have to agree! :) That little man makes everything better <3
He is so precious! Congratulations! Haha I don’t even know you and I am genuinely so happy for you. Also, I love that outfit, especially the shoes. Visiting from the link-up…love your blog!