My baby is two weeks today! We’ve had two weeks of this squishy, yummy, sweet little boy in our home. Part of me can’t believe it’s already been two weeks, since really it’s kind of all a blur. I mean, lack of sleep and the “newborn fog” has kind of made it seem like it’s going so slow and so quickly all at once, if that makes sense. I feel so lucky that Sam chose me to be his mama, and I only hope that I can be the best one for him that I can. I’m trying, really really hard. And yes, I’ve broken down a few times (these hormones mixed with exhaustion and all of the emotions will do that) but thankfully I have a pretty amazing man to keep me grounded and lift me up when I need it. Plus, he tells me I’m pretty when I need to hear it the most, and I like that about him.
Sam is two weeks old and I already know that I want 10 more of him. I mean, he’s the cuddliest, sweetest, most adorable little guy and he’s mine mine mine. Am I dreaming?!
He was fussing yesterday, and I started singing to him. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey… and it calmed him down and he actually fell asleep right there in my arms, while I was singing to him. I cannot even describe how that made me feel, except that I started crying. Because that moment right there? That is something I have only dreamed about, and now it’s my reality. My mom would sing to me, and it was my favorite sound in the world, and now here I am singing to my very own baby. And regardless of how it may sound to anyone else or even to myself, to him I hope it’s his favorite sound in the world, too.
It IS the sweetest sound to him. You’re doing awesome, mama! Don’t let anything get you down. Being a mom is hard work, especially in the beginning. Reach out if you need anything!
Thank you! That means so much to me! :)
I remember as soon as my first son was born! I remember thinking how AMAZING he was!! Babies are SUCH a blessing!!
Amen!! :)
Well this post made me cry, lol! My dad used to sing that song to me too and I can’t wait to sing it to my babies one day. Enjoy every minute :)
Awww sweet girl, it made me cry too. <3 I am enjoying it all!!
Not sure if it’s the preggo hormones or if I’m just an emotional person, but I definitely cried too reading this. So happy for you to have that special moment with your son! I love singing to babies and I can’t wait till I meet mine and get to sing to a baby of my very own!
Aww you’re so sweet! And let me tell you, the hormones don’t go away once you have the baby! Haha I thought for sure I’d be less emotional since I’m not preggers anymore- but NOPE. I might be ever more so now! It’s pretty insane. I’m so so so excited for you to have your baby to sing to all of the time! <3 It's the best.
Aww :)
This is the sweetest post! And he really is the most adorable little guy! I can’t wait to sing to my little babies one day. :)
Aww thanks love! <3
Excuse me while I cry now. The sweetest!
Awww I’m sorry!!! Crying is one of the main things I do these days! haha ;) I just feel ALL OF the emotions!
tears. real tears are forming as i type. this is seriously the sweetest post.
Aw you’re the sweetest! <3
You are doing AMAZING! I remember breaking down a few times when my son was first born. There’s just an overwhelming emotion of everything going on and sometimes you just have to let it out. Like with this post….the sweetest post. You take me back to the newborn baby days and my heart fills with joy! Enjoy every minute (I’m sure you’ve heard this a thousand million times) but it really does go so fast! xo
YES the emotions are all SO overwhelming! That is the perfect way to put it! I am absolutely soaking in every moment with my precious baby!! <3
I got goosebumps when reading that last paragraph! So, so beautiful.
You deserve this happiness girl, you really do!
Aw thank you so much, sweet girl! <3
He is absolutely precious! You’re doing a fantastic job. You’ll be such an amazing momma. So happy for you!
Aw thank you Taylor! <3
He really is just so precious. I teared up when you started talking about singing to him though. I am positive that your singing IS his favorite sound in the world!
Awww :) I sure hope so!
oh, Katie. you are going to be the most wonderful mama in the world to Samuel. Love you!
Aw thanks sweet friend! Love you!
Oh this might be my favourite post of yours yet. This is just…everything.
Awww <333
Aw this is the sweetest!! I knew you’d be such a great mom!! And Sam’s eyes!! Omg they are the cutest!! You and Zack should definitely have more babies, I feel like you too are just perfect for that :)
Aww thanks girl!! :) I just stare at his eyes all day long, basically. You are the sweetest, too. Your comment made me smile so much!