We’ve reached my favorite number in weeks: twenty-six! And I have been feeling great! Baby boy is just as active as ever, and I’m loving every second of it. Like baby, like mama, because I’ve been staying active too! It’s keeping me feeling amazing, which is so important.
I had a girl who hadn’t seen me in like a year say to me, “You’re huge!” I’m sorry, what? Like, how do you even respond to that. I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt, and assuming she has never known a pregnant girl/ is young/ is immature/ didn’t mean anything mean by it. But really?? Take note, everyone in the world: that belongs in the “Things to Never Say to a Pregnant Person” category. NOT okay. Plus, I’m not even huge, so you know. I ain’t taking it personal, that’s for sure. They know not what they say.
We had an ultrasound and the tech said that baby is measuring on the smaller side of the normal range. And, hey, after hearing that my mom and mother-in-law both had three babies that were all over 8 lbs, hearing that he’s smaller is like music to my ears. Stay small, little one! I mean, not too small, but you know. Small enough. ;)
None of my bras fit me so I had to buy a bunch of new ones. Being pregnant is expensive. But you don’t hear me complaining!
I cry at commercials more often now. Like, sometimes the stupidest things. And the Olympics are coming up, and I am alwayyyys a mess at the opening ceremonies, even when not pregnant. So, that’ll be fun. These hormones, they’re something else, I tell you.
The last time I went to the doctor, she wanted me to gain a little weight, and this time she told me that I gained a few more pounds than recommended, which all in all evens out, but I mean. It was the holidays. So. Everyone gets a free pass for the holidays, right? Cookies and all.
Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne
Um what hahaha?? You huge? I think not! Seriously, you have the cutest BUMP, not huge haha. It will all even out in the end! I remember a couple summers ago when the summer Olympics started, I couldn’t even stay awake during it! Maybe that will happen to you now that you’re pregnant, then you don’t have to worry about crying :)
Haha thanks girl. :) And yeah, I definitely won’t be able to stay awake for a lot of the Olympics, I’m sure. Thank God for DVR!
You are most definitely the smallest pregnant person I’ve seen… complete opposite of HUGE! haha people are so crazy some times. Also, I’ve already started crying at olympics commercials (the one with the moms picking up the little kids after they fall?! ohmygod tears) soooo you won’t be alone. And I can’t even blame it on pregnancy hormones! haha
Thanks, girl! Yeah, some people are just crazy and have no idea what they’re talking about!! And YES, that is the exact commercial that made me cry last night! Damn P&G! haha
You look great! Not even close to huge, trust me, I am 12 weeks pregnant with #3 and I look about the same size :) Keep it up mama!
Aw thanks Christa! I’m sure you look beautiful, little mama <3
You look great! I’m 6 weeks behind you and know completely how you’re feeling. People can be really insensitive to pregnant women.. I think they just don’t realize how it sounds. Though I’m not sure how they don’t know! I’m not huge by any means either but honestly some days I’m really feeling that way. It’s hard work growing a baby! ;-) Glad that you and baby boy are doing good!
Aw YAY for being pregnant! Us women have to stick together! ;) And yeah, I definitely feel you- some days I feel HUGE too, so it sucks when someone actually SAYS that to you! ha! But agreed. We are working hard over here!
you can definitely gain weight- especially with holidays and babies as an excuse! and let those hormones fly girl!
Ha! Believe me, the hormones, they are a -flying!
You are the furthest thing away from huge! People are just silly. You look fabulous!
Random question, did you struggle with nausea at all during your pregnancy? If so, any tips?
Thank you for saying that, Britt!! I know it’s silly, but it’s just nice to hear sometimes- especially when some people are so insensitive! <3 As for nausea, I was extremely lucky and had next to no nausea during my pregnancy! I remember, at the very beginning, like before I even KNEW I was pregnant, I did have a few bouts of nausea, but silly me I didn't think anything of it! I know my mother-in-law told me that she had terrible nausea and would keep a package of Melba Toast (like Saltine crackers, basically) next to her bed and eat them right when she woke up to help with the nausea. Another thing, I take Vitafusion pre-natal vitamins, which cause no nausea for me! I'm sorry I can't help more with that department. Feel well, sweet girl!
You and your little belly are too cute. My sister just had her first baby and she would also get the “you’re huge” comments and she was small like you! Hearing what people would say to her taught me what never to say to a pregnant woman! Lol
I feel like everyone needs to have someone close to them be pregnant so as to know exactly what to say and not to say! ha! ;)
Brooklyn Jolley
HAHA Free pass for the holidays granted ;) You’re one of the healthiest pregnant people I know!
Aw thanks Brooklyn!! :) Haha I figured the free pass was a given!
You are just flat out adorable, congratulations!
Aww thanks Jess!! :)
I applaud you for being so active during pregnancy!! That’s what I’m hoping to do when I’m pregnant someday! Also, you are DARLING! People do need to be educated in what NOT to say to people, especially pregnant women. Where did you get that shirt?! I love it!
Aww thanks so much sweet girl!! :) Agreed, this should be taught in school, how to act toward pregnant women! lol. The shirt is from Gilly Hicks!
You’re not even close to being huge. I’ve seen huge… you ain’t it! I hate when people say that to pregnant girls. You wouldn’t say that to a non-pregnant girl who happens to be bigger… why say it to someone just because she is carrying a child? People are rude.
And holidays are always a free pass to eat too much & gain too much weight. You simply wouldn’t be making as many good memories if you were worrying about what you ate ;)
Jamie @
The Growing Up Diaries
Haha thanks girl! AGREED that people need to learn basic human MANNERS!! Ugh. I love what you said about the holidays- amen to that! It’s pretty much a necessity to eat more! ;)
Shannon Leahy
You’re looking amazing girl! So glad to hear how well you’re feeling/doing. Hope this week is as great as the last one sounded :) xx
Aw thanks Shannon!! :) I hope it is, too!!
Happy 26 weeks! And I still can’t believe what that girl said to you. You’re still so tiny. I’ve seen some women who are still early in their pregnancies, yet they’re bigger than you! Don’t tell them I said that. ;)
Ha! Thanks for making me feel better :) I know, that girl has absolutely NO idea what she is talking about!!
Brianna K
You are so tiny, that’s crazy!!!
Haha, thank you :) Some people are just silly.
Just like everyone else has said…you are definitely not huge. You look healthy and happy and you’ve got a cute little baby bump going on! You keep doing you, little mama!
Aww thanks sweet girl!!! :)
Hey Katie!
I just told my husband what they told you at the ultrasound. Nobody warned us that I will give birth to a son over 9 pounds. Not that it matters. You can see what I looked like at week 40 (I had to wait another whole week to see Zoárd)
People say all sort of stuff. And their mouth does not stop blabbing after you give birth. :P
Zoárd will be 1 year old this week, I think I am becoming emotional like you Katie. I saw the youtube video promoting the winter Olympics with all those cute mothers and I cried and cried!
You are glowing and that is what matters!
xoxo, Eszter
Haha I love it. Yeah, people will definitely say all sorts of things, I’m already realizing that!! You looked absolutely GORGEOUS in your 40th week! Hard to see your belly in that picture, but I love it nonetheless :)
Hi, new reader here and loving your blog so far!
Huge?! Girl, you are tiny! Don’t let silly comments bother you :)
Awww YAY so glad you found my blog!! :) Welcome! And thank you, sweet girl. I know, people will say stupid things and I need to take them with a grain of salt!!
People totally don’t get it, I heard the huge comments all the time while I was pregnant and never knew what to say. lol there seriously needs to be a “how to speak to pregnant women etiquette book” out there or something. but you are seriously FAR from it! And you’re keeping yourself fit and healthy which is seriously idolizing. I’m not even pregnant and I’m struggling with trying to stay active.
Happy 26 weeks! :)
Courtney B
Crazy!! I was just thinking you are TINY! I was pretty small (comparatively) when I was pregnant and you’re smaller than I was at this point! Staying active is so important for making you feel good now, but even better? Recovery is so much easier if you stay active! I was told that doing natural birth is what makes recovery so easy but I had an epidural (and an episiotemy AND I tore) and recovery was a breeze. My Dr said I had my exercise to thank for that.
ALSO! I had to buy like 3 or 4 different bra sizes throughout my pregnancy plus nursing bras (you’d die if I told you what size I had to buy for that. Unbelievable!) so I just bought 1-2 bras in each size because your boobs are going to keep growing. And then they are going to down size (so fun) so the bras you’re buying right now? You probably won’t use them again. At least not until you’re pregnant again.
So this is my first time ever commenting..halla…but I. Love. Your. Blog. so there is that yay! and I know as a mama of 2 boys being the mom of boys is kind of amazing. I am so excited for you! They are fun and full of energy. I think we may live in the same area and I always think oh maybe i’ll run into that cute little katie someday in Trader Joes. And for the record…you look amazing! You are just the cutest preggers I have ever seen. People for what ever reason say and do the lamest things when you are pregnant. Inappropriate belly touching, comments and unsolicited advice galore!
Awww YAY I’m so glad you commented, Kristy!!! :) Makes me happy! Thank you for your high praise- you are so sweet! I’m really excited for this little boy of mine. I babysat a few little boys for extended periods of time, and loved every minute of it! And yeah, as I start to show more and more, I just can’t WAIT for all that belly touching from strangers and unsolicited advice! (sarcasm). Aww we live in the same area?! So awesome!! If you do see me at Trader Joe’s, say hiiii! We go there often! ;)