Some things at 32 weeks pregnant:
I feel like my belly is lopsided a lot. Like, this baby prefers to hang out on the right side of my tummy, making me crooked. It’s pretty entertaining.
He has been moving constantlyyyy. It’s pretty awesome, but also pretty crazy because sometimes he puts SO MUCH pressure on me. It doesn’t hurt per say, it just gets a little uncomfortable every once in a while. Like, when he kicks me in the ribs. It doesn’t happen a lot, but yeah. Ouch.
The belly button is for sure completely popped out and there to stay.
The weather has been back to being sunny and warm, and I got to tan the bump yesterday for a good couple of hours, while reading Divergent, my latest book (lovinggg it so far, by the way!). I could get used to this.
We had a yummy impromptu dinner at Zack’s parents’ last night and it was just really nice. I love those in laws of mine, a whole lot. This is one lucky baby, that’s for sure. Of course, though, he didn’t kick or move AT ALL when we were there. He’s so stubborn, I swear. And wouldn’t you know, not but 5 minutes after we get in the car and are headed home, he kicks me. Yep, stubborn little guy, just like his mama. :)
If you’ve been pregnant, were you every “lopsided”?
Have you read Divergent?
What book are you reading right now?
I just finished reading An Abundance of Katherines by John Green and really enjoyed it. Before that I read White Girl Problems by Babe Walker. It was really super funny and full of lots of craziness but she cusses a lot so if that’s not your thing, you might not like it! Haha The Divergent series is on my list to read next though!! I have heard so many good things about it.
I will definitely be adding those books to my list! I love discovering new ones :) Plus, I have only heard good things about John Green’s writing, even though yeah I still haven’t read Fault in Our Stars… :/
You have to read The Fault in Our Stars, especially before the movie comes out! It is so so good.
Helene in Between
I just finished reading Divergent!! it’s so good!! and you look beautiful as usual!
Aw thanks girly!! And yesss I am loving the book so far! I’m already almost halfway through and I just started yesterday! Crazy.
Hah- my sis in law said that when she was pregnant with my neice, the baby was always kicking her hip bone! that sounded so uncomfortable and strange… I can only imagine how it would be for someone to kick your ribs from inside! haha. You are looking great!!! :)
Yeah, pregnancy is a weeeeeird thing! haha and thanks girl! :)
Kelli Gilbert
divergent is so good! and you are ADORABLE pregnant!
Aw thank you so much, Kelli!! :)
You are adorable! I’m about to start reading Divergent too! I’ve heard it’s sooo good. I’m pretty sure my friend that read it finished it in like 2 days haha!
Yeah, it is definitely a quick read! I’m already almost halfway through! I’m loving it :)
Ahhh I love Divergent!!!! I’m so excited for the movie in less than a month! Also, my stomach looked lopsided sometimes when she’s move around but eventually I was so big I couldn’t even tell anymore haha.
Haha well, I guess that’s a good thing? To be so big who knows/cares if you’re lopsided, right?? ;)
haha love his stubborn little ways! Too cute! You look great!
I love his stubborn ways, too :) He’s already got a little personality and I don’t even know him yet!! And thanks girl!
I almost bought Divergent when I was out shopping yesterday, but I’m trying to force myself to read through the books that I actually own first. I have this horrible habit of buying several books at a time and leaving at least one unread. But Divergent is on my list of books to read very soon!! And the stubborn, non-kicking baby just makes me giggle. Babies are so funny even before they’re born!
Haha you sound like me. I have NO self control when it comes to buying/checking out new books. I have two books that I’ve had since Christmas that I still need to read, but then Divergent came up on my library holds list for my kindle, and I knew I had to read it first! And you’re right- babies are characters, even before they’re here!! It’s nuts, but oh so entertaining!
You should see me if a sequel to a series I’ve read comes out. I will stop whatever I’m in the middle of reading and immediately go out and buy it. Then I forget all about the book I was reading! I have a problem!
Look at your cute lil bump!!
I started the Divergent series last week and I’m already almost halfway through the third and final book. It’s SO good!
Dangggg girl, you are a FAST reader! Although, I started Divergent yesterday and I’m already about halfway through. It’s a quick read, that’s for sure. And I am lovinggg it, too! :)
I LOOOOVED Divergent!! I need to reread it again before the movie comes out next month.
I’m not reading anything right now because I needed to get caught up on school work. Online classes are nice because you can take your own pace, but recently my “pace” has been to just put everything off until the due date. Works super well.
I’m pregnant now but not far along enough to be bumping it. My sister just had her baby though and he loved to hang out on one side, and i swear you could see a little bump on her bump up on the side where his butt belongs.
And as always, looking super cute!! Love the cardigan!!
Oh girl, you sound JUST like me. Procrastination is my middle name, especially when it comes to school work!! But you know. I just tell myself I work best under pressure ;) It seems to help. And I don’t know if I knew that you were pregnant, but CONGRATS Katriel!!! That is SO exciting!! Do you know if you’re having a boy or a girl, or is it too soon still?
Oh thank you! I love checking your bumpdates cause they get me excited to start bumping! And not due till October, so we won’t find out until the end of May.
I was totally lopsided – I have lots of pictures of my belly where it looks like I have some strange tumor growth just chilling on my left side. That would be my child, shoving her butt out for the world to see.
And I LOVE the Divergent series. I’m still waiting on the third bookfrom the library – I may just cave and buy it.
Ha! YES. So weird with the lopsidedness- glad I’m not alone there! I was kind of worried at first haha and I’ve already added the next two books to my library queue!
Simply Sabrina
Divergent is next on my list! Can’t wait to read it!
Also, you are the cutest, I hope I look like you when I am pregnant – some time far away from now :)
x. Sabrina | Simply Sabrina
Aww you are the sweetest!!! :)
You are gorgeous!! I loved Divergent!! They are a really fast read. I read all 3 in like a week and a half.
Thanks Ann!! <3 Yeah, it really is a quick read! Loving it :)
Super cute outfit in this picture! Getting kicked in the ribs sounds….. uncomfy ;)
Haha it is an experience, that’s for sure! ;)
Such a lovely photo of you! You should make a photo album of all your weekly shots as a pregnancy keepsake. :)
Ahhh SUCH a good idea!! Thanks for the inspiration, Gina, I’m totally doing that. :)
Loooooved Divergent!
I’m obsessed already! So excited they made a movie!
I have heard about Divergent and can’t wait to read it! And you are officially the cutest pregnant person.
Aw you are officially the sweetest person. <3
You look so pretty! I loved feeling the movements. It was so neat to see the feet go from one side to the other. My babies always danced to music. And I can’t wait to read Divergent! I was hooked on the Hunger Games series.
Aw thanks love! YES it’s really the coolest seeing him move around in there! :) Incredible. I love that your babies always danced to music. That is seriously so cute.
I seriously miss feeling my little babe move in my belly, soak it all up. One random silly thing- the end of my pregnancy I would put something on my tummy, like a remote, and use my phone to record when she would start moving and you would see the remote move around :) Totally sounds goofy but its so fun to look back on, especially when you’re missing feeling the movements.
And the lopsided part made me laugh a little- only because my belly was totally lopsided and it always seemed so funny to me lol
Haha I’m just glad it’s more of a normal thing than I knew, being lopsided!! :) And YES, the movements are so cool and fun to experience. I’ll have to try that remote trick ;)
Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne
I want to read Divergent so bad!! Especially with the movie coming out soon!!! I’m currently reading the Hobbit right now. Love that book. I’m getting more and more excited to meet BabyDidWhat!! I think he’ll have a great personality :)
LOVE the Hobbit!! :) Great book. I think he’ll have a great personality, too. Not that I’m biased or anything haha ;)
Ashley Krieger (@ashleykrieger)
I realllly want to read divergent before the movie comes out. I tried getting my book club to read this since I don’t really read….at all. More than half the club had read the book (I felt like the yellow bird in a kindergarten class of red bird readers). I might have to just pick this one up on my own. And I adore your lopsided baby bump!
Awww Ashley!! You’re so cute with your bird analogy. You MUST read the book, though, even if your book club won’t! It’s amazing. :)
Niki Caron
That is so cool that he’s moving so much! And yay for warmer weather!
I know, I love it so much! It never gets old feeling him move around in there :)
Ashley Kozell
I loved Divergent!!! I am reading Allegient now. I cannot wait for the movie to come out!!!! I love your bumpdates as I have major baby fever. It’s fun to read peoples experiences. :)
Aww yay I’m glad you love the bumpdates!! :) I love writing them. It’s a good way for me to remember this fun time. I know I’m going to get right into Allegient when I’m done with Divergent! It’s so good!