So the most common thing that people keep telling us- you know, the advice that other parents give to us soon-to-be parents- is to go out on lots of dates. Go out to eat a lot. Go to the movies. We were at our neighbor’s house the other day, as they have a 7 month old and they were giving us a few baby things, and as we were walking back down the street, he yelled at us, “Remember! Restaurants and movies!” So that’s kind of become our little joke. We’ll just look at each other and say, “Restaurants and movies!”
And like, I get it, because we won’t have as much freedom once Baby Did What comes along. We won’t be able to just say, “Hey let’s go out to eat tonight” or sit through a movie at the theatres when we have an infant at home. But like, honestly? It’s not like we do either of those things a lot as it is. Does that make us losers? I don’t know, it’s just that we enjoy doing other things instead? Like, I blame Zack, for “wife-ing” me up, but really I’d much rather stay at home and make dinner together and watch a cheesy movie on Netflix all snuggled up with a big bowl of kettle corn than go out to eat and watch a movie in a theatre. Just me? Anyway.
We took the much-told advice last night and we went out on a dinner date. And it was nice, duh, as dinner dates always are. We went to BJ’s and of course split a Pizookie for dessert. And then we waddled out (ha!) and took a selfie in the parking lot because I wasn’t very smart and had the middle aged manager guy take our picture and of course it so did not turn out, like at all.
Moral of the story? Restaurants and movies. And also selfies.
If you’re a parent, what’s your biggest advice to us soon-to-be’s?
Do you go out to eat a lot?
What’s your ideal date night?
You know, I never really thought about that–making sure to go out on dates while you’re pregnant, but it sure seems like a smart idea!
Yeah, I never thought about it much before now either!! :)
I am totally the same way- I would rather stay in than go out somewhere! My bf and I went to see Hunger Games at a cheap theater last weekend and realized it was our FIRST movie date and we’ve been together almost a year and a half. Soooo yeah, I guess we don’t really care for movie theaters :)
Haha that’s so funny. We’re not much of movie-goers either. I kind of prefer watching movies at home! :)
My advice is more for the first few weeks of having new baby home. What no one told me when my first was born is that right around 3 weeks old their little digestive system goes through some changes and they may get super gassy and fussy. I thought it would never end when I was in the midst of it! Really if you keep in mind that the first 8-10 weeks are the hardest and there is definitely an end in sight it will help keep things in perspective. Although my seconds was so much easier, so hopefully you have a super mellow easy baby!
Aww that’s good to know! I’d never heard that before, so thanks for sharing! I have been told that it goes by quickly, even though while you’re in the moment it doesn’t seem like it, so that’s definitely something I’ll always keep in mind :)
oh that’s totally us!! we haven’t been to a movie in forever… but we weren’t huge movie theater goers anyway! and you prob won’t take bebe did what out in the germy world for a few weeks, but you’ll be back to restaurants eventually :) just not the most quiet and slow and adult ones, but those can be boring anyway, if you ask me, ha! but i’m with you, i love a cozy night in!!
We aren’t big movie goers, either! I prefer being able to pause and watch from my couch :) I love it- adult dinners can be sooo boring, you’re right! ;)
Ugh I used to go out to eat and go to the movies all the time and now I never can. I never want to use my babysitters for something so stupid so I save them for bigger things. I dreeeeam about dinner and movies!!!!!! I miss it so so much. Especially the movies because I mean I can bring my daughter to dinner, it’s just more about her but at least we are still out. Movies, though, I totally miss.
Awww haha so funny that you dream about dinner and movies! Some day, right?! :)
That Pizookie looks yummy! I am totally with you. I would much rather stay in, make dinner together, curl up together on the couch and watch a movie. Going out is nice because then someone else makes the food. But I definitely prefer a night in snuggled on the couch :)
I agree- it is really nice having someone else make the food! :)
I’m such a homebody so I love to be in comfy clothes and rent a movie and cook some dinner. But, after two kids and my husband’s crazy schedule at time, it’s always nice to be able to get a babysitter and be able to reconnect outside of the home.
I’m a homebody too, for sure! :) But I agree, I definitely like the fun date nights. They keep things exciting :)
Life doesn’t end when the baby comes. You can still hang out with friends and go on dates… you just might have a cude, cuddly third wheel. :)
Haha I love that! So true!! :) Best kind of third wheel, too, if you ask me!
Oh, I want that pizookie now! It looks soooo goooood! We’re kind of in the middle. We enjoy the occasional night out and Adam loves going to the movies, but we’re also extremely content just staying in and cooking dinner together in our PJs.
Girl, the pizookie was incredible. I’ve decided I need to combine cookies and ice cream more often.
the dessert seem yummy,with the chocolate chips and is it whip cream or ice cream? yumminess double up then…haha.have a great weekend.
It’s ice cream on top of a warm chocolate chip cookie. SO good!!
I couldn’t agree more with enjoy just having the two of you time as cheesy as it sounds. Things change so much once baby is into the picture (especially if you plan on exclusively nursing, co-sleeping, etc). Zaden hates being alone and always loves being with us so our ideal date night since Zaden has been around is to go out to eat, do an activity (arcade, movie, bowling), and have alone time (if you know what I mean (; ) before picking him up from my mama.
It makes perfect sense!! I love that you guys get to have your alone time, too, it’s SO important! :) Yay for grandparents who love watching the little guy <3
I’m going to step up here on behalf of all “middle age” people and say it has nothing to do with middle age, he just couldn’t take a picture. ::so wrong:: I forgive you for that generalization because you are so otherwise fabulous.
Some of us are incredibly capable!! My son’s 17 year old girlfriend has zero computer skills. Her family refuses to have a computer in their house. But the parents both have smart phones. Ridiculous! It’s 2014. Crazy.
Ahhh Tess!!! I in NO WAY meant to offend anyone! I’m so sorry if it came off as a sweeping generalization, I was honestly just thinking I was being silly and I really don’t feel that way! I know there are lots and lots of “middle aged” and up people who have far better tech skills than my generation. And I in no way feel I am any photographer extraordinaire myself! And yikes about that teen girl. She needs to get with the times! ;)
Oh Sweet Girl I know that!! I was just picking on you a little. :) My tech skills aren’t great by far. I’d be lost without my husband. I tell him all the time…right after he fixes something…”you can never die”. He just laughs and walks away.
I think the girlfriends parents need to wake up. Seriously. Who doesn’t own a computer?
That is such a relief :) And I love that tell your husband that- so cute.
Yes, definitely go out to eat & do fun things now. haha. We don’t go on date nights too often anymore. We did get to go on 1 last week. But who knows when our next 1 will be.
Aww well I think as long as you spend some quality time together, it doesn’t really matter if it’s out on a “Date night” or in your own living room :)
“Wifing me up” hahaha I’m the same way!!! I’ll pick making dinner and watching a movie over anything else. Although for me, this is mainly because I’m lazy and don’t want to go anywhere. And *drooling*, BJ’s Pizookies are the bomb!
Haha right?! It’s ridiculous. I’ve turned into such a homebody!!
Such a great picture of you two! Also, I want a pizookie now. :)
I try to eat at home most of the time. Lately I’ve been working a lot, so on my days off, Chris and I will go out to a brunch or dinner date as a way to spend some quality time together. My ideal date is ordering a pizza in and watching movies on the couch. Chris has “wife-d” me up, too!
Aw thanks Gina!! :) Eating at home is definitely what I prefer, too, because of both cost AND health! Plus, it’s fun to experiment in the kitchen. Yay for being wifed up hahaha
No kidding, someone recently asked me the last good movie I’ve gone to see. I literally laughed out loud! Our little girl just turned two in January and we haven’t been since WAY before she was born. Going to the movies isn’t really my favorite thing to do – I’d rather go out to eat so someone else cooks and cleans lol! We still go out to eat, we just have a “plus one” and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Watching a movie on your own couch is more comfy than movie theater chairs anyway, right?
Cute selfie by the way!
I agree, going to the movies isn’t my favorite either! I usually fall asleep haha ;) I’m excited to have our very own little “plus one”- so cute!
I so agree with restaurants and movies! People give tons of advice when your pregnant (and after the baby comes!) but the biggest bad advice is “sleep now”. You can’t save up sleeping for when you’re tired! But you can go on lots of dates now before baby :) We barely go out at all (mainly cuz also kids are expensive!) but it’s a luxury when we can. So definitely enjoy being just the two of you while you still can :)
Haha I so wish it was possible to save up sleep- how glorious would that be?! And we are soaking up all of this “just us two” time as we can!! :)
So funny how people assume you won’t be able to feel couple-y once the baby comes. It’ll just be different! I totally agree that parenting advice from the older generation is quite out-of-date. I’m excited about the attachment parenting surge in America. It’s the standard practice here in Korea, and I’d say they have a safer society because of the inate security they felt as very young children. I’d recommend the book Parent Effectiveness Training. Pretty much the best parenting book out there! :D