Well THIS IS THE END. The Bachelor Finale. No more #princefarming. No more craziness and hilarious quotes- at least until the next season. There is always a next season. And if it doesn’t have Kaitlyn in it, well, I think we might just quit. (No that’s not right, there is no quitting the Bachelor, ever). So here is our commentary from last night’s finale!
Chris Harrison: “Stay tuned, because tonight will have a shocking turn of events that the whole world will be talking about.”
Zack: I’m calling it now: He pulls a Jason Mesnick (i.e. picking one and then the other instead)
Chris: “Whitney tells me she loves me. Becca’s and my relationship is different. She hasn’t told me she loved me…”
Zack: I don’t even know if she likes me.
Whitney knows how to play the game. Must be all that Bachelor watching she’s done.
Whitney: “You can be a nurse anywhere.”
Zack: Not in Arlington, Iowa you can’t.
Chris’ sisters: “What’s the difference between the two relationships? Whitney’s obviously all in…”
Zack: And Becca kind of hates me.
Whitney’s great and all blah blah blah…
You’re convincing no one right now.
Somebody just let Becca put down the cookies, please.
Becca is approaching this with much more of a level head… I mean, for most normal people and relationships, why rush?!
Chris’ sister: “It’s scary to me that Becca isn’t as into him as Whitney.”
Shouldn’t it be the other way around? It’s scary that Whitney is THAT into him, after such a short amount of time!
Becca and Chris’ mom are having a connection… #handholding
Chris: “Whitney’s put thought into our future. Becca really hasn’t.”
Zack: Okay… That’s pretty jacked up.
This is the most amount of words strung together competently that I have ever heard Chris say.
Becca: “The one thing I’m sure of is that I want you.”
Zack: That’s all that should matter.
(my husband, the romatic) :)
Chris: “We can go and we can figure it out then.”
Becca: “…I can’t wait.”
Katie: That wasn’t very convincing.
Zack: But it’s exactly what he wanted to hear.
Zack: On his last date with Becca, they talk about serious matters. On his last date with Whitney, he’s working.
Whitney: “This could be my future for a long, long, long, long time.
She’s like “Oh shit.” And just runs away.
Chris: “I own like 800 acres.”
…Yeah, you’re never leaving there.
Chris: “I’d like to toast to this week that we’ve had together.”
Zack: Our final week together.
Chris: “I want nothing more than to have that “a ha!” moment with Whitney.”
I just really want to force it to be right.
Whitney: “I know there’s not much you can do or say about it…”
Zack: He just keeps thinking about the other girl.
Whitney blabs on and on about how much she loves him.
Chris: “Everything you just said, I reciprocate.”
Chris is such a bad liar.
Chris: “I’ll hopefully get on one knee…”
Zack: Or get on both knees because you’ll be begging Becca to stay.
OKAY NEW PREDICTIONS: He proposes to Becca, she says no, then at After the Final Rose, she changes her mind.
Oh wow. He went the easy route.
Zack: She takes getting dumped really well.
This all feels wrong.
Nooo this isn’t right. I don’t feel right about this. I don’t feel like he’s into it at all. He picked Whitney because she was the easy choice.
Well, maybe Becca is the next Bachelorette…?
Chris H: “Do you think you’ll ever watch it?”
Zack: You’ll get really drunk one night and watch it.
Jimmy Kimmel is the best thing that’s ever happened to The Bachelor.
Zack: Well, Britt, you got your wish.
Ummmmmm. I’m still 100% Team Kaitlyn.
What do you think about who he picked? Agree? Did you call it? And what about the new Bachelorette shenanigans? Team Kaitlyn or Team Britt? I am FOR SURE 1000000% Team Kaitlyn!
It’s always so much fun to read these! I was #TeamWhitney all the way so I couldn’t have been happier with the outcome. My husband was so funny watching it with me so I ended up doing my own version of The Bachelor Man Quotes. It’s so funny watching those types of shows with men!
I’m glad you like my idea of Man Quotes! They’re always so fun to do! :)
I’m so on board with everything you said. People forget that they have known each other for a total of like 48 hours and questioning things is NORMAL. You could tell during the After the Final Rose that Whitney was way more into Chris than he was into her. And don’t even get me started on The Bachelorette. Team Kaitlyn all the way!
SERIOUSLY. Most relationships take longer than that to figure out if they’re “the one”- it’s crazy. And yessss Team Kaitlyn!
I’m really not surprised that he picked Whitney, at all. She was obviously very into him…
I am actually very interested to see if this relationship will last because Andi and Juan Pabs broke it off with their final choices. And, also, totally Team Kaitlyn, because she’s hilarious and actually normal. Woohoo!
No doubt that Whitney is REALLY into Chris, it just did not seem reciprocated. We shall see….! And YES, Kaitlyn is actually normal. That would be a really good season!
…This was almost awkward to watch because yeah, you could tell how into him Whitney was, but it was as if he was just WAITING for some sort of moment with Becca even though she didn’t seem to be sure of anything at all. I honestly was hoping it would be down to Kaitlyn and Jade. I really don’t think Chris WANTED to pick Whitney, but knew she would definitely say yes. Ahhh…I have so many thoughts about last night. And I don’t know WHY it would have been a tough choice to choose the next Bachelorette between Kaitlyn and Britt. [Team Kaitlyn here] I mean REALLY? Okay, end rant!
Team Kaitlyn all day! I actually called that it would be a dual Bachelorette season! UGH. Horrible idea in my opinion. Weirdly chauvinist, too. Let the guys choose who would be a better wife?! BLAH. I agree about Whitney. She seems so sweet, but I don’t think that’ll last.
Kaitlyn has been my favorite for a while! As sad as it is, I tjink Whitney is such a sweet girl and Chris could learn to love her (I realize how bad that sounds). But I just feel like he definitely didn’t love her and there’s just nothing right about thinking you love someone else less than 24 hours before proposing. I’m addicted to this show but it places such unrealistic timelines on the biggest decision! i feel like neither of the two were good options for him :(
So I am actually kind of sad that they chose both Britt and Kaitlyn for the Bachelorette. As much as I hate to admit it, I think Sean Lowe is correct, its kind of cheating the process. The producers pick people that the Bachelorette could fall in love with based on the Bachelorette’s taste, so how are they going to do that with two of them. Also, I just really am not a fan of Britt. Maybe she really is as nice as she wants us to think, but you just cannot complete with how endearing Kaitlyn is! Also, Kaitlyn is slightly diverse, you know, being Canadian and all. Britt is just another LA person…
Ginger Side of Life