Sam drank from his bottle again!!! Glory glory hallelujahhhh! Sound the trumpets! Throw a parade! We are freaking EXCITED over here, folks! And we have one of my lovely readers, Erin, to thank. She suggested we put a bit of yogurt on the nipple, since he loves it, and sure enough that’s all it took! He licked it off and then started chugging down the breastmilk. It was real exciting, let me tell you. I am just so happy that Zack and I can split feedings and middle of the night wakings again. I. Am. So. Happy.
And now it’s time for more happiness in the form of Bachelor Man Quotes! If you’re new to these, my husband watches The Bachelor with me and I write down our commentary. It’s a fun time. Last week’s are here.
Ashley I: “When a guy is driving, that’s like the sexiest thing they can do.”
Zack: She must love taxi drivers.
Chris: “It’s a little different than being in the mansion and going on fancy dates.”
Zack: Fancy dates… Like Costco?
Ashley I: “Today I have to find a way to break out of my shyness.”
(Proceeds to take top off and jump in a lake)
Zack: Well you seem to have done that.
Chris: “We’re not going to leave. We’re going to camp.”
Zack: Here comes Kelsey’s nervous breakdown.
Carly: “I want Chris to be like my grandpa.”
Us: “…”
Katie: (About Ashley S.) Well, I wanted her crazy to come back and it sure did.
Zack: Oh good, more Ashley I. kissing/face eating.
Ashley I: “I can’t believe how frustrated I am.”
Zack: I can’t either.
Katie: Ashley I. needs to get. over. herself. “I’M a Disney princess!” Um, no. You are more Kim Kardashian than you are Jasmine, mmkay.
WAIT, WHAT. Did we know Chris has been engaged?!
Chris: “We broke it off, but we’re both better off for it.”
Zack: Yeah, you’re the Bachelor.
Chris: “I have something else to show you.”
Zack: Is it a private concert? You know it’s a private concert.
Jade: “It was sexy for him to take charge and dance with me.”
Zack: Don’t take charge too much. You’ll fall off that tiny platform.
Jade: “Who knew a farmer from Iowa could waltz?”
Katie: Well, that was part of his Bachelor training.
Chris: “It was just like a fairytale, and just like a fairytale Jade had to go home at midnight.”
Zack: And just like a fairytale I’m going to turn into a werewolf.
Katie: Just like a fairytale she should leave one of her shoes.
Zack: She’s all “Hell no, they told me I could keep these.”
Katie: Yeah, those are Louboutins. I’d glue them to my feet.
Katie: I just don’t think Jillian is right for Chris…
Chris: “I see Jillian as a top three.”
Katie: Well, okay then.
Zack: Oh, snap! Eat yo’ words!
Jillian: “So far I think it’s been going good.”
Zack: HA! Really?!
Katie: Okay, he didn’t need to pick up the rose and hold it while telling her to go home. That’s just wrong.
Carly: “Her mouth is not a virgin.”
Katie: Okay, that’s probably the best thing said so far on this show.
Katie: I mean… Britt’s kind of right. Chris has very questionable judgment, taste and decision making, that’s for sure. Case in point: Him keeping Crazy Ashley S last week. And all the drunkies on the first night. And Kim Kardashian Ashley I.
Some updates: I actually really like Carly, starting this episode. She seems sweet and genuine and great for Chris. I also like Jade a lot and agree with his sisters as their choice for the date. Becca is another favorite. She’s super cute and also seems genuine and sweet. So if I could change my top picks right now, they would be these three:
Who are your faves?
Yay! Great news about Sam taking a bottle!! :)
Haha, I always love reading these Bachelor quotes. Ashley I…oh my, she makes me sick to my stomach. She truly needs to get over herself. My favorites are probably the same three you chose, and I’d throw Brit in there too.
Oh good Katie! I’m glad Sam finally started taking his bottle. Blog readers save the day again :)
Midwest Darling
YAY!! So glad Sam is taking a bottle!! :)
Hahaha, it’s ALWAYS a private concert. ;) Kelsey and Ashley I were both suuuuper bratty this episode. Yuck. I like your picks though, and Caitlyn is kind of growing on me too. I thought she was extreme/loud at first but it seems like she is more mature than the other girls, but fun and outgoing and smart. :)
So glad Sam is taking the bottle now!
That’s great he takes a bottle! Mine never really did until they could drink juice or cow milk. :) I don’t watch the Bachelor but I agree that half the fun of reality shows is the running commentary with you partner. :)
aww i am so glad he took it and gulped it all down! that is wonderful!! that’s a boy who knows what he likes, huh! ;)
Totally agree on the whole “her mouth is not a virgin” quote being the best thing said to date! That was priceless.
I always pick my three front runners based on their pics and bio’s before the season even begins, and somehow I had nailed it with Jade and Becca as two out of my three, show unseen. My third fave is probably Britt, although I think he seems so natural with Whitney.
I LOVE THESE QUOTES. I said the same exact thing about Costco, haha. And also.. Ashley I. wanting to be a princess… but then if she wins the show (it’s totally a contest) she’s going to live on a farm in Iowa. That’s not very princess-like, she needs to go home. Have you heard about Jade’s past? I know some people don’t like to read gossip about the show but apparently Jade’s modeling career is not as innocent as she made it out to be!!!!!
Yay Sam is taking his bottle again :) he is a cutie!!!