So if I had to sum up our weekend, it would be “successful.” But if I had to use another word it would be “emotional.” But then, there’s also this word: “hopeful.” Yeah, that sounds about right. :)
Sam is still absolutely refusing the bottle. We even had his grandparents come over on Saturday to hang with him and try to give him a bottle, while Zack and I went running and on a coffee date, waiting for word from them. Well, it was not a success, he is continuing to close his mouth tight and push the bottle away whenever it is offered, which is SO WEIRD because not a month ago he was chugging it like a champ and even holding it himself! We think the one time that we tried feeding him formula from the bottle has ruined it for him, since he is a breastmilk man har har. Ever since that one incident, he has refused the bottle. Anyone else experience this?
Well, even without the bottle, feeding has been on an uphill! He’s still nursing every 2-3 hours (this mama’s pretty exhausted, lemme tell you) but we’ve also introduced other foods and he’s actually starting to eat them! HUGE improvement! I gave him some of my yogurt Sunday morning and he was loving it! Like, he grabbed the spoon in my hand and kept guiding it into his mouth, until half the carton was gone! I was like, WELL OKAY THEN! Eat up! Halfway through we added coconut oil (he needs all the extra fat he can get, and that is an excellent source of healthy fat) in the yogurt and he guzzled it up. Then for lunch he had more yogurt/coconut oil and was still hungry so he ate some bananas (real and baby food versions). So things are looking very hopeful! He also chowed down on some avocado mixed with formula, another favorite combination of his. And more healthy fats! High fives all around.
And for the record, I’ve been reading and re-reading all of the comments from this post. You all seriously blew. me. away. and I’m still reeling from it, to be honest. I have been an emotional wreck the past week and reading the sweet words of love and encouragement has been such a comfort to me. So really, thank you again (and again and again) for everything.
I have a prayer request, if you do that sort of thing, that I can’t just let go: My family suffered an unfathomable loss this weekend. Please please send a little prayer up for them. An amazing young soul (just 23) made his way to heaven much too soon…
With my already emotional state over Sam, and then the heartbreaking news from my extended family and some other news about other family, it has been a rough few days. But I’m staying hopeful and laying all burdens on Jesus. And there’s so much comfort in that. Plus, my husband is incredible and reminds me to be easy on myself and also treats me like a damn princess, for which I am stupidly grateful (and of which I am so undeserving sometimes). Thanks, boo. I luh you.
And to end on a happy note, tonight is the Bachelorrrrr! I’m more excited than I should be for this. Come back tomorrow for Man Quotes! ;)
Ah lovely, you are having a rough time of it at the moment. If I wasn’t stuck here in the UK I’d be straight over for coffee and chats. I’m so sorry to hear about your loss and will be praying for you all. It’s great that you have such supportive family and lovely that they took over so you could both get out for a while. Such good news that Sam is enjoying some solid foods though, that’s much more positive :) lotsa love xx
You are so so sweet, Amy. Thanks for your prayers. <3 And yes, we're staying positive and optimistic over here!! :) Life is crazy, but we're rolling with the punches. The only way to do it!
First of all, prayers and peaceful thoughts for your family. Our family also lost a little one too soon and I know the pain is unimaginable. <3
I'm glad Sam is eating well. One thought about the bottle – is he currently teething? (I know it seems like the always are!) I've heard that if their mouth hurts they will not take a bottle as well…but you would think he wouldn't want to nurse then either, so I don't know!
Thank you so much for your prayers, Michaela. <3 And yes, he seems to be constantly teething! So that could have something to do with it! It's all so confusing haha
so happy to hear that sam is finding some foods that he likes!! he’s a smart kid, who doesn’t like yogurt and avocado?! haha YUM!
Haha my thoughts exactly! My dad was like, “Ah, yes, he likes avocado! A true California boy!” ;)
Aw so glad he ate some yogurt and loved it! Hopefully he will start enjoying food soon :) So sorry for the sad news but we are only given these things to make us stronger! :) Xx
We were so hilarious when he kept shoving the yogurt in his mouth. You’d think we won the freaking lottery! ;)
Hang in there lil mamma! Sam will eat and all will be well! Very sorry to hear of your loss. I went myself for a little healing through prayer to the church I was baptized in, the one my parents were married in 44 years ago. I’m 29 weeks and facing some serious challenges with my twinsies, but I’m keeping the faith and staying positive. I will add you to the prayer chain <3
Oh sweet girl, I pray that everything is well and that your healing that you need comes to you, and quickly. I will absolutely keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Definitely praying, sorry to hear that! Glad Sam seems to be doing better!
Thanks Kelly!
Glad to hear that things are looking up for Sam’s eating! I’m sorry to hear about the loss in your family. My heart breaks a little more when I hear about a loss so soon. We lost our 3 month old son almost 3 years ago and the pain is still there everyday. My twins keep me busy and my mind occupied most of the time, but does not take the pain away. Your family is in my thoughts.
Julie, I cannot even imagine the pain you feel losing that sweet baby boy. I’m thinking of you and praying that you feel comfort and peace.
Hang in there mama, it seems to have been a tough week all around. Will be sending lots of prayers for your family and hoping that Sam continues to gobble up the food you give him!
Hi Katie! First off, I love your blog and how real/down to earth you are. Your post are so honest make you so much more relate-able. A couple of months ago, we had some trouble with our daughter, Charlie, refusing her bottle, too. She’s only always been bottle-fed so we were pretty lost. Luckily, she had started eating solids so she was still “eating.” One day when I picked her up from daycare, one of the older ladies that take care of her told me that they had solved the bottle refusal. They had dipped the bottle nipple in banana baby food (her favorite). It was enough to get her to start eating. She called it her “grandma trick.” If Sam is loving yogurt, maybe dipping the bottle nipple in that would lure him to it. I really hope that you get some relief on this and something eventually “clicks” and things get easier! Sam is not a statistic, so don’t mind the numbers too much. As long as he is growing (no matter small the growth is) and learning, there really is no need for worry. You and your family are in my prayers! So sorry to hear of your loss. When it rains it pours, right? But you can’t get the rainbow without the rain :)
ERIN. Thank you so much for your comment!!! YOU SAVED US!!! :D We tried the “grandma trick” with yogurt on the bottle nipple and IT WORKED!!! He chugged that bottle! So thank you a million times, I cannot thank you enough! <3333
THAT’S AWESOME!! I so so so so happy to hear that!! I’m not gonna lie, I got a little teary eyed when I read your reply. I know how hard motherhood can be at times and sometimes the smallest bit of relief can mean the world. I really hope that you are able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how faint. It’s there, I promise :)
What flow of nipple are you using? On one of our daughter’s bottle strikes we tried switching to fast flow and that did the trick! See if you can get a little drop in his mouth so he can taste that it’s not formula to see if that will convince him bottles are OK :) So glad the stress of feeding/gaining weight seems to be lifting with everything else you have going on! Prayers for you and your family!
I’m so happy to hear about the progress with Sam! Keep it up, little guy! I’ll be thinking of your family during this difficult time.
Praying for you and your sweet family! Much love going to you all! Maybe if you put some breastmilk on the nipple of the bottle so that when you put it in his mouth he would taste what is in the bottle and maybe not distrust it so much? Just a thought!