pants: american eagle
First, I am so loving this top lately. The ruffles are so flirty and fun, and of course paired with my fave pants of the moment (CANNOT STOP WEARING THEM). It’s from Glamour Farms Boutique, and they so kindly are offering 10% off with code KATIEDIDWHAT. :)
Second, we got fish tacos and shopped at Home Goods yesterday! After our disaster of a day on Saturday, it was fun to have everything go right- including an amazingly well-behaved and happy baby. But that’s the norm. ;)
Thirdly, last night was The Women Tell All part of The Bachelor. Can we talk about how this season literally flew by?? I mean, this YEAR is already flying by- how is it MARCH?? My baby is one year old NEXT MONTH!!! Ahhhhh I can’t even. But enough of the cliché-ness. Last night. Was alllll about the DRAMA. We could barely handle it all. Luckily, we have some great quotes from it…
[watching them crash viewer parties] Zack: I would just let Chris Harrison in and lock the door.
Chris: “There’s nothing cooler than hanging out with Chris Harrison.”
Zack: Now that’s a true statement.
Chris Harrison: “Before we dive right in to the drama, let’s take a look at everything that happened this season…”
Katie: Yes, let’s take a look at everything we already saw.
Zack: Yes, let’s.
All the women: “It’s not about friendship, it’s about Chris.”
Zack: Chris Harrison is like, you know what, it is about me.
Britt: “I was a nanny, I love children, I’ve sponsored children in other countries…”
Katie: Britt, stop crying. If you cry too much you’re not going to be able to handle being the Bachelorette.
Katie: That is TOTALLY FAKE CRYING. There are no tears! WHERE ARE THE TEARS?!
Chris Harrison stops them from talking over each other: “Let’s wrap this up.”
Zack: This is why he makes the big bucks.
Katie: Wait. Kelsey is a guidance counselor?!
Zack: That is frightening.
[Chris Harrison gives Kelsey his handkerchief] Kelsey: “Can I keep it?”
Chris: It’s all yours.
Us: …
Kaitlyn: “Hi my name is Ashley S and I like puppies and ponies and candy and I’m f#&*#! CRAZY.” KAITYLN IS THE BEST.
Chris Harrison: “Who is the real Ashley S?”
Ashley S: “I like to ride bikes, this is me.”
Zack: That’s it!
Chris: “I judge you for the person that you are.”
Katie: You aren’t supposed to JUDGE anyone, Chris!
Kaitlyn: “I can pinpoint the moment my heart broke.”
Chris Harrison: “Where was it?”
Katie: Let’s rewind and go through it in slow motion.
Kaitlyn: “I said I’m falling in love with you and he said I’m falling in love with you too.”
Katie: Welllll, he said it to all of them.
Britt instantly starts “crying” when Chris walks out. Go figure.
That was a longgggg hug. I’m sorry, but when I see the dude who dumped me, I don’t want to just squeeze him and not let go…
He literally DIDN’T know what he wanted when there were three of them left. That’s got to make the girl he picks feel just great.
What’s with all the girls wanting to come up? “If you don’t mind, I just want to touch Chris one last time.” I smell desperation.
And the “wild mustang” is back. Can we use this term more often, please?
Jade: “I was hurt that you called it awkward.”
Chris: “Well.. I’m sorry, but… That’s what it was.”
Katie: It was awkward.
Chris Harrison, to Chris the Farmer: “Thank you for being here.”
Zack: And for rescuing The Bachelor.
Chris: You can preorder it now.
Zack’s response: We will do that immediately.
Annnnnd it’s all over next week! Whoa. That happened quickly. All I have to say is Kaitlyn for Bachelorette!
Okay. Predictions! I think he’s picking Whitney. I feel like she’s the easiest pick? If that makes sense?
Zack thinks he’s into Becca and then she’s not going to be into him and he won’t pick anyone. Innnnteresting.
What do you think? Any predictions on who he picks?
I think he’ll pick Whitney, but the preview definitely made it seem like he’s into the chase with Becca. We’ll see…I can’t believe it’s over already! …and you’re so right about the weird, long hug between Britt and Chris. She did that in the very beginning when she stepped out of the limo, too! Uncomfortable, lingering hugs must be her thing.
I’m with you- I think he’ll pick Whitney, but he’s more into Becca, but she’s too difficult haha. You’re so right! I forgot about the long hug with Britt at the beginning too! Totally must be her thing.
I think he really likes Becca and has a strong connection with her but I dont think her feelings are as strong as his are. I think Whitney is in love with him and ready or that lifestyle, but Chris acts lek he doesn’t feel as strong a connection with her. Next week shoudl be interesting. I kinda hope he picks Becca but I am afraid he ay get hurt in the end doing that. Definitely Kaitlyn for Bachlorette!!!
Agreed! Becca definitely doesn’t feel as strongly for him as he does for her! Next week will definitely be VERY interesting! I can’t wait!
Hilarious. And LOVE that pink top! So spring!
It was just too much crazy last night to handle. And thanks! I’m totally feeling spring already. oops.
This made me laugh so hard. My husband has watched a couple episodes with me and his commentary is hilarious.
Haha it’s literally the BEST watching Bachelor with your husband! Too much good stuff.
Ohhhh my, what a drama filled evening, right?! Hilarious though. I’m almost positive he chooses Whitney!
Yeah, I think he chooses Whitney too! I just have that feeling…
Your quotes are absolutely hilarious! I love reading them. I actually think that he’s going to pick Whitney because she seemed so willing to accept his lifestyle… but we’ll see!
You pinpointed it exactly!!
So, super late watching this episode but I’ve always been creeped out about chris and the bachelor crashing viewing parties. Like…who arranges that? Or is it like an unwritten rule that if you’re having a bachelor viewing party you leave the door unlocked? And like what if they show up and people aren’t watching the bachelor? Super weird.
YEAH. SERIOUSLY. Okay, so I’m pretty sure it’s not REALLY a surprise. You know? Nobody actually makes that spread and throws that kind of a party just to watch the bachelor….. RIGHT?!?! Yikes. Pretty sure they know the Bachelor is coming (or at least the host of the party knows) and are ready for them….. Otherwise, that would just be crazy.
I was so annoyed by Ashley I (Kardashian’s) eye rolls. She’s such a B. Ashley S on Bachelor in Paradise- yes please. I don’t know why but as annoying as Brit is, I kind of have a soft spot for her. It’s a shame she used her time with Chris to argue and talk down to him again. I agree I hope it’s Kaitlyn for Bachlorette, she is the most real person I have seen on any of the seasons hands down.
Ashley I annoyed me from day one. Miss Kim Kardashley was just wayyyy too much to handle. And yeah, I might actually watch Bachelor in Paradise now that I know Ashley S is on it! haha.. And I know you’ve been a fellow Kaitlyn fan from the get go! Here’s hoping! I mean, seeing her competition, she’s got this one in the bag.