Today I’m sharing a piece I wrote for recently, on a topic that has been on my mind a lot lately. Mom guilt…
It’s far too easy to fall into the trap of mom guilt. It’s too easy to look at the sink full of dirty dishes and the overflowing laundry basket and the dust forming on the mantel and feel like a total failure.
Why is it so easy to feel like a failure?
As moms, we can be way too hard on ourselves. We feel guilt, we feel anxiety and we feel inadequacy. We feel it all, because we put way too much pressure on ourselves. We feel the pressure of perfection. The pressure of being the perfect mom and the perfect housewife and the perfect everything. Well, guess what? We’re not perfect.
We can never be perfect.
But I think there’s beauty to be found in the imperfect moments. We must only stop for a second, and we can see the perfection in the imperfections.
Sure, we haven’t showered in a few days, our hair is constantly in a top knot on the center of our heads, the bags under our eyes are unconcealable and we haven’t slept a full night in who knows how long, but when we stop to look at our lives, the good will always outweigh the bad.
We have it all, us moms. These little people we get to call our own? They’re pretty awesome. For all of the frustration that they bring out in us, there are so many tender moments and so much love coming from behind those eyes that’s impossible to ignore.
…Read the rest over on
Have you ever experienced mom guilt? How do you overcome it?
And have a great weekend. :)
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