Somehow our little Sophie girl is 4 months! Time sure does fly, especially so the second time around, I’ve found out.
Sophie is SO easy-going and mellow! She goes with the flow and loves to eat, sleep and take baths. This past month she rolled over (both back to front and front to back!) and so every time we do tummy time now is always fun, rolling back and forth. :) And any time we put her down on her back, she pretty much instantly starts rolling to her tummy. It’s pretty darn cute.
She laughed a real laugh for the first time this past week! Oh, it is the BEST. She loves being tickled, watching her brother run around, silly faces and of course looking at herself in the mirror! All of these are sure to make her smile and giggle. It’s the best.
She is so chatty now- always talking and cooing! She also looooves to be sung to and her favorite book is “You Are My Cupcake”- she loves the brightly colored pictures! :)
She still is sleeping amazingly! Here’s what a typical daily schedule looks like:
8:30 AM- wake and eat
10 AM- nap
11:30- wake and eat
1:00- nap
2:00- wake and eat
3:30- nap
4:30- wake and eat
6:00- nap
7:00- wake and eat
8:00- nap
9:00- wake and eat
11:00- eat and bedtime!
4 AM- eat and right back to sleep
Sometimes she will wake a couple times during the night (especially the past week) but she always goes right back. And a few times I’ve just put her paci back in and she went back to sleep without eating. I’m telling you, this girl is such a good sleeper- I know we are VERY blessed and thanking our lucky stars for this!!
She has the most beautiful big blue eyes, the sweetest smile, two little teeth already (her bottom middle) and her favorite place to be is in my arms. I’m soaking up every bit of her!
She is such a happy, content litte one, and every day with her gets better and better! Sophie girl, you are a dream!
p.s. Take a look at Sam at 4 months– she totally has the same little bald spot and patch of hair that Sam did! And yes, my babies are twins. ;)
ahhh she is so precious!!! whenever i see your photos of her i am still so relieved and thankful for you guys that she is healthy and beautiful!! and oh, 4 months. seems like their personality starts to shine soooo much from there on out!!
YES I agree! The personality is shining!! And girl, you know that I am SO thankful for her health and that she is perfect!!! Praise God! :)
Kelly Mock
You are my cupcake is a favorite here too! We love all of Joyce Wan’s books!
YES! We have three of them- so so cute!