So this weekend we checked another first off of Sam’s list. Isn’t it funny, pretty much everything you do when you become a parent instantly becomes in your head “Baby’s First….” Tell me I’m not the only one. Well, this weekend was baby’s first restaurant trip! And I feel the need to add that it was coincidentally at The Old Spaghetti Factory, of all places, which if you’re new here, was the restaurant at which Zack and I worked and met. Zack was a busser and I was a server and he would bring me little presents that he found on tables and stuff. It was cute. It’s our “spaghetti love story.” I know. I know. Anyway, we got together with my family on both days this weekend, one for my cousin’s going away to college party and another for her birthday. And can I just say, I love my family. It’s crazy what we’ve all been through together, and it’s the best just knowing that no matter what happens, they’ll be here. Okay, am I getting too sappy now? Anyway. Photos from our weekend!
And then there’s also this. You didn’t think I would skip an opportunity to match my son, did you?! It was bound to happen eventually…
Hashtag Converse twins.
Oh, and also, Sam is 4 MONTHS OLD today! What?? He just gets sweeter and sweeter every day. He doesn’t scream every time he wakes up now (yeah, that was a thing). We get lots more smiles and coos instead. When he wakes up from naps, he just lies there in his bassinet, talking. And we’ll turn on the monitor and watch him for a while. He rolled over for the first time and tolerates tummy time now. He loves reading books and especially enjoys listening to daddy read to him.
He is so alert and attentive. He studies everything around him. When he’s nursing, he gets very easily distracted, and will just look up and me and start smiling. Which, yeah, in case you’re wondering, is the best thing ever. He loves playing peek-a-boo and when he looks at himself in the mirror, he grins really big.
His hair is getting a liiiittle darker and filling in a bit more. But he still has that awesome little patch and a bald spot on the back. I’ve grown quite fond of it. He has the softest, smoothest skin that I kiss all day long. He naps really well, but wants nothing to do with an early bedtime, so 9:00 it is! And he sleeps a good 7 hours before waking up to nurse and then going right back to bed.
Annnnd he makes our lives so much better and we want ten more, kthxbye.
Awww that pic of you guys matching is too cute!! and the little skateboard (?) haha so adorable :) sounds like an awesome weekend!!!
Haha yeah, it’s called a Penny board- just a small skateboard. Perfect size for Sam! ;)
He is such a cutie!!! :)
Thanks Jen :)
Oh my goodness! You should put him on more cushiony props–they make him look even cuter. I want to hug the life outta him!
Haha sitting him up is pretty much the cutest thing ever! ;)
He’s too cute! My little Ronan has the same Converses.. Love them! If you don’t mind my asking, how much does Sam weigh now?
They’re my favorite- love the little baby Converse! Sam weighs 15 lb 4 oz now! CRAZY! He’s more than double his birthweight :) How much does your Ronan weigh?
Oh my gosh, he is getting so round now! What a cutieeee.
I KNOW!!! My little tub tub :)
AHHH! The Converse twins! Too cute for words. Also, Saturday night was coincidentally my very first trip to The Old Spaghetti Factory. It will not be my last. So good.
Haha that’s so awesome that you went to Spaghetti Factory for the first time! Small world! :)
HE IS TOO CUTE! I love your matching converse :)
Ha! Thanks girl :)
Oh I love hearing about your little family. And I laughed so hard at wanting ten more. It’s a blast! Thank you for your baby updates. He’s so adorable:)
Aww I’m so glad you enjoy these updates- I can’t stop talking about him! haha ;)
Hashtag Converse Twins. My life is now complete. I love seeing all the pictures of this little guy and reading about your amazing experience as first time parents!
Haha I had to be twins with him! It’s only right ;) And I’m glad you like all my pictures- I know I post a lotttt haha
Lucky you that he sleeps for 7 hours straight in the evening! He also is the most adorable little boy! I can see why you have nothing but wonderful things to say about Sam. :)
Sam is the cutest!!! I can see why you want ten more ;)
Thanks sweet girl!! :) But seriously. Give me all of the babieeeees!
Love the matching Converse!
It was too good not to do! :)
Those matching converses are too cute!!
Haha thanks! :)
oh my gosh. how is he 4 months already?! precious!!!