Seriously, guys. Crazy is an understatement. This weekend was all over the place…
Friday was a huge workout class in the park. Seriously, like 50 mamas and their babies- it was epic! And we re-did this photo, with the babies in their Strong Like Mom shirts. NAILED it. ;)
A group of us went to the zoo afterward, which was so fun! Sophie’s first zoo trip! She loved it. :) I think the carousel was actually her highlight though. She kept saying, “More!” while we were on it, ha!
Saturday was our 6 year anniversary. 6 years!!! Craziness. We went to a good friend’s baby shower and then got some quick dinner afterward. Love this man of mine! He just makes life better. It’s never easy, but with him it’s always better. :)
And also, he always gives me the most beautiful flowers. He’s a keeper, I know. ;)
It felt like SUMMER all weekend, so obviously we got in lots of sunshine and water fun. Pretty sure this will be an everyday thing this summer! The kids both LOVE the water!
Annnnnd now for the craziest part of the weekened (and also the STUPIDEST): I broke my pinky toe. I was walking really fast to the kitchen, for God knows what reason (SLOW DOWN, Katie!), and I slammed my toe into the leg of our couch, HARD. I immediately fell, writhing, to the floor, in immense pain. We kind of laughed it off, but gosh did it HURT. This was Saturday afternoon, and then we proceeded to go to the baby shower and dinner for our anniversary, and then that night I iced it and noticed it was bruised and NOT looking good… And guys. I totally broke my toe. SO STUPID. I can’t walk on it, it hurts like a mother and I currently have it wrapped in a bandage to it’s neighboring toe and am just praying and hoping that it heals quickly!!!
I can’t have a broken toe. I have THINGS I need to do, okay?!
So anyway. Moral of my story is to slow down, be careful, don’t be a klutz. It ruins everything.
So, needless to say, I won’t be going to my workout group all week, which suuuuucks and I basically have to just be lazy and elevate my foot as much as I can, only WAIT I’m a mom and I can’t really do nothing all day, because I have kids to take care of!!! This is hard, guys.
Okay, I’m done complaining. I just needed that moment.
Tell me something GOOD from your weekend!!! I need to focus on the positive! Also, if you’ve ever broken anything, any words of encouragement or tips and tricks would be very appreciated right about now. :)
Oh no! Hope your toe feels better that sounds so painful. Happy 6 years! Gorgeous flowers and so jealous of your summer like weather!
Xo Jenna
Thanks Jenna!! I’m staying positive- yay for summer weather ;)
I hope it heals soon! Happy Anniversary! That is so awesome!
Aw thanks Elise!!!
I hope your toe heals fast, it’s always annoying when you hurt something at the time you really need it lol we went camping this weekend, haven’t been in a long time! Also went to the best Sunday brunch in Tucson,AZ at Loews Ventana Canyon Resort! Have a wonderfully beautiful rest of your week! I’ll be praying for your toe and family (:
Sounds like you had such a fun and eventful weekend!! Amazing! Thanks for the prayers, lady :)
I’ve sprained my ankle just before taking my kids out, somewhere – don’t remember anymore cuz it hurt so much! Luckily one of my friends offered me her cane, which I used for about a month. Unfortunately my ankle will never be the same… But I don’t wear the sandals that caused the fall down my back porch steps anymore. So take it easy, don’t run and take help from friends and family when needed!
Oh my goodness, that sounds so painful!! Thanks for the well wishes, though! Definitely taking it easy!
I hope your toe heals quickly!! It’s obviously painful and just completely inconvenient to have a broken toe! I broke all of the metatarsals in my right foot years back and it was the worst!!
LOL completely inconvient!! I love that. So true. And oh my gosh OUCH. I guess it can always be worse…!
I hope the toe heals fast!! And happy anniversary to you two lovebirds!
Aww thanks so much Shannon!!
Oh no! I kick my toes alllllll the time, it’s so painful! Every time I’m always praying it’s not broken. That’s got to be painful. Rest as much as u can pretty mamma! Hard I know with two little. Sit out in the sunshine while they play! x
I seriously always kick my toes too!!! This is the first time it’s been this bad! Ouch. And yes, that’s exactly what I’ve been doing! :) Not a bad excuse to sit outside!
i am soooo sorry about your toe, girly!!!! that is the worst!!! as if the pain isn’t enough, slowing down as a mom is impossible!!! ahhh. heal up, toe!!! and happy anniversary!!