Have you seen this shirt yet? I MEAN. Hi, Target, just take all of my money right now. The best part? It’s sold in the little boy’s department. I mean, yeah, that doesn’t matter, girls and boys can wear it, but the point is that this is being sold in the BOY’S department. It’s not a shirt that says, “I love trucks” or “Strong like daddy” and it’s not a girl’s shirt that says “Princess” or whatever. I mean, those shirts are all fine and dandy, if that’s your thing, but I just love that this shirt is available and is sending the message, to both little boys and little girls, that moms are STRONG! And that deserves all of the high fives!!
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So, anyway. The mom workout group I’m a part of (Stroller Strides) had a big class at the mall yesterday, and I brought my little sidekick Sophie girl with me and we had the BEST morning together! I see many mall trips together in the future. ;) But this one was so full of love and happiness. It was a full morning, and I was wiped out by the time noon came around and we picked up Sam (but to be fair, I’m just getting over a cold, and I drove like 60 miles today- which I am NOT used to lol… Zack is totally making fun of me for being so dramatic about this by the way…).
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It was kind of an awesome thing. All of these mamas and their babes coming together to work out and share positivity and love and community. My heart is so full! And we are setting an example to our babies, through our actions. To take care of your body. To make your health and well-being a priority. That we are better together. :)
Also, trying to take a photo of a bunch of little ones is tricky, guys. And it’s chaos. Pure chaos. But oh so cute at the same time. And for the record, Sophie was perfectly happy and content the entire time, until right before this picture was taken, and pretty sure it was just overwhelming OR if you’ll notice, the little one in front of her totally took her kitty cat. That would make anyone upset. ;)
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The sign of a day well spent. Car nap for the win! (And amazing car seat here!)
Full days are tiring, but gosh do they always make me happy when I look back on them. There’s something to be said for taking it easy and living life slow, but every now and then, we need some busyness to pump life back into us! Pretty sure this is all the fact that I’ve been suffering from some major cabin fever the past few weeks, though, so you know. I guess I’m just being overly dramatic again.
It happens.
So adorable, I MAY have to get two of these for my girls! Also, where did you get those shoes Sophie has on or what brand are they? They look like perfect beginner walking shoes! Thanks girl!
They are PERFECT beginner walking shoes!!! So comfy and great quality! They’re Robeez- they sell them at Nordstrom, although I can’t find this particular style anymore: http://bit.ly/2muopBl
Shirt is in my cart, love it!!!!!!!!!
Yay!!! :)
That group picture has me CRACKING UP!!! There is SO much going on…it sums up that toddler life perfectly. Thanks for the morning laughs :)
I know, it cracked all of us up!!! Seriously, the best. :) #toddlerlife
OH my goodness that child looks just like her brother. Cut.and.paste.
Hahaha, yep. They are most definitely siblings!!
This tshirt is in the boys’ department intended for boys. I also feel this tee is sending a message to
to little boys…it’s okay to have a female
role model. I just purchased one for my
son. I am so happy Target is joining the
gender neutral clothing movement, and
breaking gender stereotypes. Did you buy
one for your son?
I know! Isn’t that so awesome?! Love it. And I sure did! :)
Oh my gosh! Seriously! That shirt!
I KNOW! It’s pretty awesome!