THIS WEEK. You guys. It has been BUSYYYY. I feel like I haven’t really gotten to sit down for more than like 30 minutes all week. Slight exaggeration, but that’s just how it feels. GO-GO-GO. And I feel pretty good about it. Although, it’s supposed to rain this weekend, so maybe that will force me to sit down for a bit?
Ehhh.. Probably not.
Time for favorites from the week!
A morning well-spent with this little one, running errands. She is the best little errand buddy, so easy-going and fun! We spent all yesterday morning running errands, and even skipping her morning nap (whoops!) and she took it all like a champ! Sweet girl! I mean, there were a few screams and she may have gotten some bribes in Target, but hey! Whatever works. Whatever. Works.
Speaking of screams… If you saw my Snaps/IG Story yesterday, then you already know this… Sophie is a SCREAMER. It’s always when she’s eating in her highchair, and it’s not that she hates the chair, she just screams when she wants more food. And it’s a behavior we want to change, obviously, so the way we always go about that is by first ignoring the “problem behavior” (in this case, the screaming) and giving them an alternative behavior that is appropriate (like, signing “please” or “more”). So we always have her sign before giving her more food, in hopes that she’ll realize she gets nothing for screaming, and gets something for saying “please.” But so far, she just screams, and THEN signs, and then gets the food. So I don’t know. We’re hoping this is a phase and will end soon?
…And when I shared, I got SO MANY messages from mamas going through the EXACT same thing with their little ones, so if you are too, just know that you are SOOOO not alone. This is something I’ve found time and time again in this crazy journey of motherhood. When you share a piece of your life- the hard stuff- the struggles, is when you find there are so many others going through the same thing. You’re never alone. Never ever. Even when it can feel like you are. I think there’s a reason for that. I think it’s a bit of a comfort, no? Solidarity, sister. Solidarity.
My sweet boy!!! I love him I love him I love him, so much.
Speaking of my boy, his 3rd birthday is coming up in April (WHAAAAT, HOWWWWW?!?!) and the theme is “Where the Wild Things Are” and I found so many cute things in the Target Dollar Spot just perfect for his party (I also found some little Easter things- those baskets are soooo cute)! I’m so excited! Throwing parties is at the top of my favorite things to do, and I also find that focusing on the decor and the food and putting it all together is a great distraction from the actual fact that MY BABY IS TURNING THREE. You know. Diversion. It works.
Happy weekending, friends! Make it a good one! :)
Great post Katie! I have a couple of screamers on my hand to, leaves me wondering “what did I do wrong?!?!”
Love your style as always, I happen to be looking for leggings that exact gray, can you post details? Sounds strange but all I can find is really light heather gray and not a little darker (picky, I know!). Sweatshirt looks mega cozy too, give me all the gray!
Literally, 90% of my closet is grey. My husband makes fun of me for it constantly. Hah! ;) The leggings were a find at Marshalls, actually!! They’re New Balance and they are sooooo soft. Identical to these and these, though! And the sweatshirt is this one! :)
Happy Friday! I love reading your posts, Katie. You’re such a sweet, loving mom and you’re babies are so stinkin cute! Thanks for sharing. <3 Liz
Oh goodness, you are so sweet!!! Thanks Liz :)
Screaming is the worst! I have a little screamer too, but it’s usually for excitement so it’s not too bad. If you don’t already, You need this plate. It’s the best! This way you can give Sophie her whole meal and she won’t flip the plate, maybe throw some food but it’s better than a whole plate flipped! There is also a bowl version too. Good luck, I hope peoples suggestions help! x
Okay, that plate is SO awesome!! I love it! I think giving her all of her food at once is DEFINITELY going to solve a lot of the screaming! And this plate is GENIUS!! Thanks for sharing!
I am a nanny and the baby I watch does the saaaammee thing! He is a sweet boy, but it is definitely a struggle trying to get him out of this phase while he is “finding his voice”. I think it should pass with time lol. We are also teaching him to sign “more” and “all done”, but he still seems to be fond of the combo with the screaming! By the way, I love your blog! I recently started a blog and reading yours has been very encouraging. Thanks for the inspiration <3
Aww thanks for your sweet comment!! :) I’m so glad you found my blog! Signing has definitely helped- she is so good at signing “please” and she says “more” so it helps, buuuut of course it’s always accompanied with the screaming haha. This too shall pass!!!
Picked up my tee last week. Love it! And saw this was featured by the Today Show. Awesome!