Oliver Lucca came into this world fast and furious.
This is his birth story.

Sunday was my baby shower. I kept joking that if I could just make it through Sunday, he could come whenever he wanted. Well, I made it! And then the next day (Monday) I had my first real contractions. It was 4 am and they were painful and somewhat consistent, but then tapered off and I got some sleep. Tuesday was May 7th, my mom and grandpa’s birthdays. They’re both in heaven now, and I always thought how amazing it would be if he shared a birthday with them, but never thought it possible, since that would make him a full two weeks early. Although, at the rate of this pregnancy, we kind of had a feeling he would be a bit earlier anyway, with the partial placenta previa they had scared me into thinking I’d go into pre-term labor (thankfully it corrected itself and all was well!) and the fact that he just felt big.
He was due May 22nd, but came at 37 weeks 6 days. And it was perfect timing- it couldn’t have been any better.

Monday was a lay low day at home, with full-force nesting by both Zack and myself. It’s like we “knew.” Tuesday came and I actually had one more work thing to do, so I snapped some photos (so happy we have those- our LAST bump pictures!) and got them sent over and was relieved that all work-related things left before his arrival, were done. Little did I know that arrival was coming quicker than expected…
Dinner time brought some minor contractions. I danced with Sophie a lot. We had so much fun! But I was noticing painful contractions again, so I started timing them again. They were consistently 4-10 minutes apart, but only lasted about 30 seconds so for some reason I didn’t think they were the real deal. (Spoiler alert: they were). I sat on the floor to play cars with Sophie, and it was uncomfortable for me to sit. We bathed the kids and put them to bed, and at bath time is when I realized this was actually happening.
The contractions were closer together and definitely getting more painful! Zack called his parents (to come and be with the kids) and was pretty nonchalant, saying come when you can, it might not be labor but just to be safe… I took a shower and that’s when it really hit me: this HURTS and Baby is coming tonight!!! I threw the last few things in my bags, and we called our neighbor since Zack’s parents weren’t here yet. Thankfully they came in the nick of time and off we went to the hospital, my contractions definitely VERY painful and close together now! Zack broke a few traffic laws on the way there. Thankfully we live close to the hospital (only 10 minutes away) and got there pretty quickly. Although, it felt like an eternity when those contractions hit!

We were checked into triage at 8:30, and the nurse who checked me in asked “What brings you here?” And I just looked at her with a dumbfounded look and said “I’m having a baby!!!” Like, what a dumb question! Haha! Zack, bless his heart, was more kind and told her I was having contractions. I was then brought to triage and joked to the nurse “I’d better not be only at like 2cm!” She checked me (ouch, not fun) and sure enough I was already 8cm dilated!!! We were all shocked! I kept saying, through my painful contractions, “I want an epidural! It’s my only birth plan!” And they assured me they paged the anesthesiologist and would try to get me one. I was wheeled into labor and delivery, the on-call doctor was on his way (unfortunately my own OB who delivered both Sam and Sophie didn’t make it this time, but the one who came was amazing!) My L&D nurse, Paige, was absolutely incredible- so sweet, best bedside manner, I just loved her!! She helped me feel at ease. The anesthesiologist came in and I got my epidural (one that lasts about 1 hour, since it was clear this was going to be quick!) and I wanted to kiss her face lol.

I finally couldn’t hold it any longer and that strong urge to push wouldn’t go away. It was go time! After 5 long and painful pushes (this labor was the quickest, but not the least painful!) I got to meet my sweet Oliver, at 9:18pm! The doctor immediately put him on my chest and after what seemed an eternity (but was probably only a few seconds) he cried, and all was right with the world. My sweet, chunky, red, perfect little boy was finally in my arms! The best feeling in the whole world.
Funny little fact: The doctor said they call births like this one “drive by’s” because it was so quick!

The pain of pushing out a baby is indescribable, but that relief when he’s here is the most incredible feeling ever. We spent an entire hour just lying there, skin to skin. It was absolute heaven. Zack was the best support partner I could have asked for, so sweet and calming and motivating. I remember a point where I said “I can’t do this anymore! It hurts too bad!!” And he said, “Katie, his shoulder is out, you’re almost going to meet Oliver!” And that was so motivating and made me push harder and then, he was here!

I only tore a little bit and needed one minor stitch. I didn’t even feel the placenta being delivered. Nothing else mattered after I had him in my arms. Nothing. I couldn’t stop staring at his sweet face, and kissing those utterly kissable cheeks! And that soft skin. Heaven sent.
He was 8 pounds 9 oz (my biggest baby! No surprise there), and 19 inches long. He is the perfect mixture of both of his siblings, and his own little person at the same time. I keep looking at him in awe that he was inside of me!!! It’s incredible and no matter how many times you go through it, never loses its magic.

Oliver Lucca. His first name has been a favorite for a while, the one name Zack and I both 100% agreed on and love. His middle name was a contender for a first, and is also a family name (my aunt’s married last name). It means “light,” which he absolutely is, and our prayer for him: to be a light in this world. We just loved the flow of it, and that it honors family, as do each of our kid’s middle names. Samuel Zachary (my husband) and Sophie Michelle (my mom). And now Oliver Lucca, born on my mom’s birthday!!! That is something divine right there.
Oliver, you are so loved already. Your birth taught me just how strong my body is. I’m in awe of it and I’m in awe of you. We did it! You’re here! And you are the perfect completion to our little family. We couldn’t love you more!
Sam’s Birth Story | Sophie’s Birth Story | Postpartum Must Haves | The Postpartum Journey
I love birth stories! Thanks for sharing and congrats!!
Aw, thanks! I love them too! :)
Our birth stories are so similar! I delivered my baby boy two weeks after you had your babe! I was so jealous that you had yours early!???? Oliver is so precious! ❤️
Aw and now we both have our sweet babes in our arms!!! So incredible, isn’t it!
So thrilled for all of you. This story was amazing and filled my heart with happiness for all of you. The fact that Oliver came on your Mother’s birthday….there simply are no words. He is truly a blessing from above.
I agree- it really was divine, and there are no words!! Such a little blessing.
I just cried finishing Oliver’s birth story!!????❤️ thank you so much for sharing, sweet mama!
Awww that’s so sweet! I cried writing it!
I love reading birth stories!! As a student midwife, there’s nothing more magical than seeing a new life come into the world! So happy for you and your family, wishing you all the best in your little happiness bubble! x
How amazing! What an incredible job/calling! Thanks so much, Alexandra!
A new birth is amazing and breath taking and always so unbelievable afterwards. Thanks for sharing and love and prayers for you and your precious family.
Yes, it really is so magical! Thank you, Lena!
Congratulations! I had a “drive by” birth as well…
He is precious!
Ha! What a ride, huh? ;) Thank you!
Oh that’s so special that he was born on your mom’s birthday! My son and mom also share a birthday (August 16th). My son will be turning 10, and it would have been my mom’s 68th birthday. This will be her second birthday in heaven. Last year was really tough. Hoping this year will be a little easier.
Sending you lots of love. It’s so hard. But how amazing that our boys share such special birthdays!!
Giving birth soon. Thank you for writing this. Enjoyed all the details!