I have officially survived the newborn phase of three babies now. WHOA. I deserve some sort of award for that, or something… Ha! ;) I can absolutely safely say that I know what I love and don’t love, and the items that we simply could NOT live without! Today I want to share my newborn baby favorites!
Haakaa– Probably my number 1 must have. This thing is GENIUS! I wish I had it for my other two babies! You put it on the side you aren’t nursing on, and it catches the let down! I built up quite the freezer stash strictly from my Haakaa! AMAZING!
Baby Carrier (Love the Ergo with infant insert, and also a baby wrap like the Solly or Moby)
Breast Pump (I’ve also used the Medela, but prefer the Motif Luna– it’s quieter, more lightweight and more efficient!)
Bottles– Favorites are Nanobebe (mimics a breast! Oliver LOVES these!) and Comotomo (love the silicone)
Pacifiers– I have never had any issues giving my babies pacifiers. Nipple confusion in my opinion is something they try to scare you with at the hospital, and it’s silly. My babies all got a pacifier almost instantly, and have all three nursed beautifully. Pacifiers are a great sleep association for babies, and that is what I personally use them for! Favorites are Soothies, Itzy Ritzy and Chicco
Pacifier clip Because those things pop out of Baby’s mouth constantly, and clips save them from getting dirty and you having to wash them every .5 seconds. ;) Plus, this one is super cute.
Blankets– Favorites are Bebe au Lait (the SOFTEST!), Max + Moose (amazing quality, and I use them for everything!)
Swaddles– Favorites are Halo, Embe and Swaddle Me (velcro are a mom’s best friend!)
Sleep sack (when baby rolls over, it’s time to transition out of a swaddle and into a sleep sack, with arms free! THIS (use code katie10 for 10% off!) has been our favorite this time around! We also love Halo, Kyte Baby and Bebe au Lait)
Bath tub (LOVE the Puj tub, it fits in the sink and stores flat!)
Bath wash
Diaper Rash Cream
Diapers + Wipes
Diaper Bag (this one by Freshly Picked is my most-used one this time around- the backpack style is a game changer and must have, in my opinion!)
Burp cloths (these are so soft and my favorites!)
Evivo Probiotic (help Baby’s gut and any tummy issues- we used with Oliver and he never had any tummy issues!)
White noise machine (I swear by white noise for good sleep- for everyone in our house! Babies, toddlers, my husband and I! This little guy is what we use in each of our rooms- and for just $30 you can’t beat it!)
Sleep gowns (For easy and quick nighttime diaper changes! Of which there are a LOT in the beginning!)
Dockatot (I swear by it- both Sophie and Oliver have been great sleepers, thanks to this!)
Halo Bassinest (a bassinet that swivels over the bed- amazing for all of the middle of the night feedings! I used this for two babies and love it)
Mamaroo (We love this! The rocking motion soothes Baby, and he LOVES the mobile! Height is adjustable so you can move it to more of a sitting position as Baby grows!)
Bouncer (Life saver! We love both Fisher Price and Babybjorn, depending on your price point! Both are excellent and we use them both all of the time- one stays upstairs and one downstairs)
Play Mat (Oliver’s favorite thing!)
Stokke Steps High Chair (with the Bouncer attachment– allows him to sit up at the table with us, and he LOVES it!)
Nursing Pillow (I still swear by the Boppy! Great for nursing and also for tummy time and lounging for Baby!)
Infant car seat (we never had one for our first baby, and let me tell you- it is a MUST in my opinion! Being able to transfer a sleeping baby from car to stroller or in and out of your home without waking them is EVERYTHING. Especially in those first few months where sleep is so precious! Get the infant car seat!)
Stroller (We have and love this one– only complaint is the bottom basket is really small so it’s not good for storage underneath. I love that our infant car seat is compatible- such a game changer!)
Those pictures of him are so sweet! My first is due in December (a little boy), and I am SO overwhelmed with all the things I need to get. Your posts have been so helpful!
He is so cute! I swear by white noise machines too, especially now that both my girls are in one room.
YES!!! White noise machines are LIFE. So helpful for good solid sleep!