Welcome to the Healthy Habits link up! This is a new series I’ve created where we can all share our posts about healthy living- fitness, workout routines, weekly exercise recaps, healthy recipes, cute workout clothes, whatever you want! You can even just add one sentence to your post to participate! I’m hoping this will create a fun community of people working towards a healthy lifestyle and will be a place to come together each week and support and motivate each other! This is something I am truly passionate about, and I can’t wait to see what you all share!
So what they always say is true: Those last 5 pounds are the hardest to lose. I’ve lost all of the weight I gained from pregnancy, exceptttt for those darn last 5 pounds. They just don’t want to go away. I gained 25 pounds during my pregnancy, and was surprised to find that literally the day I gave birth, I already had lost a good amount of it- you know, baby, water weight, amniotic fluid, yadda yadda yadda. And I definitely think breastfeeding has helped with my weight loss and also making sure I stay active by at least doing something almost every day. All of these are great and all, but in order to really tone up again (really, it’s so much harder after having a baby!) and lose this last bit of weight, I’ve been brainstorming some healthy habits that I will be incorporating into my every day. In order to stay accountable and to share with anyone else who’s in my shoes, I thought I’d share these goals with you all!
1. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning, every morning. It kickstarts your metabolism, flushes out toxins, and just makes you feel good. I’ve already started incorporating this into my daily routine, and have gone from not enjoying it (for some reason the taste- or lack thereof- of water first thing in the morning just wasn’t my thing) to liking it!
2. Set out my workout clothes the night before. If I were a member of a gym, I’d get my gym bag all packed and ready to go, but since my living room is my gym, just my workout clothes does the trick.
3. Have healthy quick snacks in the house that are easy and that I’ll reach for instead of unhealthy ones. Some ideas are nuts, dried fruit, Kind bars (win a box this week!), veggie sticks, and dark chocolate.
4. Yoga at least once a week. I love how yoga centers me and makes me feel more at peace mentally and also physically it takes a lot of strength. It’s just an all around awesome workout that makes me feel good every single time, and so I’ve made it a point to do yoga at least every Sunday, if not more.
5. Sweat every day. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing, as long I make sure to do something that gets my heart rate up and makes me break a sweat each day. I like to mix it up too, so I never get bored. I love following the Tone It Up workout schedule- it gives me something specific to accomplish each day and I just love their workout videos, plus they’re free online! :) I also have a stationary bike that I like to jump on and ride for 30 min- 1 hour each day while catching up on my favorite shows. Do something, anything, every single day.
These are just some easy every day goals that will get me on the right track to living a healthier lifestyle. What are some of the healthy habits in your everyday routine?

The rules for linking up are easy:
– Add the direct link to your post (not your homepage) below.
– Link back to me (either this page or my homepage) in the body of your post- something like “Linking up with Katie Did What for Healthy Habits!” with a link is fine!
– You can add the button above by just copying the HTML in that box and adding it to the body of your blog post.
– Mingle with other linkers and get to know some new blog friends!
This week’s prizes are:
– One week of free ad space to one person who links up!
– Box of Kind bars to another person who links up!
*IMPORTANT: You MUST have a link back to me to be entered to win*
i have never had a glass of water in the morning but definitely going to try that! these are awesme tips!
Thanks! I think it helps to write all of my goals down :)
I’m hearing you, and am finding those last 2-3kg even harder the second time round, but your tips are great!
Right?! Stubborn little guys, aren’t they! I’m glad you like my tips!
I gained 20-25 lbs my first pregnancy. This time I gained almost 40 and was really worried about losing it all! I’m down to the last 5 lbs as well and agree that nursing helps a lot! :-) I can’t wait to be able to tone everything up.
Dang girl! Great job getting it all off (almost)! We’ll tone up, in time ;)
I definitely have to make sure I have plenty of healthy snacks, that it at least healthy things so I can make eal tht snacks or treats! Oh and makin sure I drink half my weight in water at least! But for every 30 minutes you sweat, you need 8 more ounces of water :) so I normally drink 100 ounces of water, I just feel a whole lot better when I do.
YES, drinking half my weight in water! I forgot that one, but I do that too!! I’m a water FIEND.
Definitely agree with the water! It is SO helpful. I’ve also found that if I workout in the morning, I naturally drink a ton of water, which sets the precedent for me drinking LOTS of water throughout that entire day.
YES, I’m excited to start working out in the morning again! I just haven’t been because of my whacked sleep schedule. Once we get on more of a routine, then morning workouts will be BACK! :)
With both my babies I held onto the last 5lbs until I stopped breast feeding. Your body needs that extra fat to produce milk. Awesome job toning up!
Oh, good call. I didn’t think about that! I’m definitely more concerned about toning up than the weight on the scale!
Honestly, the first and the last 5 pounds are always the hardest. And I don’t even understand why, it’s always so strange. I think your goals are great. I always try to drink water first thing in the morning. Although sometimes I just go straight for the coffee.
Ha! YES, to going straight to the coffee! ;) Hey, it’s got water in it!
Exactly ;) But I drink tons of water during the day anyway, so I get it in one way or another!
These are great! I drink a lot of water throughout the day but for some reason never right when I wake up in the mornings, will definitely try this! And I’ll check out the Tone It Up videos too. Thanks! :)
I so love the Tone It Up videos! They’re awesome! :) Hope you enjoy them too!
These posts are so inspiring! I’ve never been great at working out on a regular basis but this has me craving some sweat inducing activity!
Aww yay I’m so glad!!! :) Find something you love and it makes it so fun!
You are just too cute! I love all of the photos your posts always have :)
I think my list of healthy goals looks just like yours. I will be going to my first yoga class (not first ever, but first at my new gym) on saturday and I am beyond excited. I totally agree with you, yoga makes me feel more at peace and relaxed! And the feelings last long after I leave class!
I’ll be trying the water in the morning trick.. I don’t think that much water first thing in the morning sounds that great but I’m sure I can get use to it.
Aww you are the sweetest!! :) Have so much fun at your first yoga class!!! I’m sure it’ll be great. And yeah, it definitely takes getting used to- I used to hate the taste of water first thing in the morning, but now I don’t mind it and actually look forward to it!
oh my gosh, the snacks are my big thing. If I don’t have healthy snacks that I can grab, I end up in the chocolate chip bag every.single.time. haha it’s terrible!
YES. Girl, I’m right there with you. Although, it’s no crime to reach for that chocolate chip bag every now and then ;)
These are great tips! I especially love the one about laying your workout clothes out the night before. Sometimes I even sleep in my workout clothes, so I have absolutely NO excuse not to get a little sweat going in them morning! :)
YES I love that tip, too! Sleeping in workout clothes is a great idea! I’ve done that too- whatever works ;)
Those are excellent tips! I need to start adding yoga to my routine. Thanks for sharing!
Aw yay, I’m glad you enjoyed! :)
You look adorable!
Having healthy snacks on hand makes a huge difference! It’s easier to grab what you have and way less tempting to pig out on not so healthy options!!
Katie, I am so glad you are doing the Healthy Tips and link up. The tips have been helpful and I love getting to read other blogs and the ideas. You look amazing and it’s so encouraging that you are working towards health and not a number. Way to go! I have been trying to get back into shape from baby number three and so far I’ve lost 12 pounds, learned about eating healthy foods, and trained for and finished my first sprint triathlon. You are so right about working out in the morning. It’s fabulous. Keep up the good work!
I have that same water bottle! Love your ideas, I also set out my workout clothes the night before and put my phone across the room so I’m forced to get up when the alarms goes off instead of pressing snooze!
-Kim @ lushdeez.com