My little burrito baby is 5 weeks old! At five weeks, he’s just the sweetest little boy. He smiles for us, very rarely, but we get so excited when he does. He hates getting his diaper changed and haaaates baths. He just screams bloody murder the entire time. It’s great. ;) But oh, he smells so scrumptious after those baths. And that smooth baby skin is just delicious. His favorite spot is on us, and he loves being worn in his baby carrier. We love it too. Mom loves dressing him up and taking a million pictures of him. I mean, are you surprised? I’ve already noticed that some of the newborn clothes he was swimming in now fit him much better. He’s still swimming in most of his clothes, though. And now, for some pictures from this weekend. All of Sam, because duh.
Hope you had a fun and relaxing weekend! Ours was. We spent a good amount of it out back enjoying the gorgeous sunshine and swinging on the bench swing. Sam loves it. We also watched a few movies (“Savages,” “Pain and Gain,” and “The Spectacular Now”- the last one was my favorite- so so good!) and made some delicious chicken tacos. We went on a family walk around the neighborhood and relaxed around the house. Yep, it was a good ‘un.
p.s. Listen to “Song for Zula” by Phosphorescent. Thank me later.
Oh, he’s such a cutie! 5 weeks old already!?! Boy does time fly!
I know, it goes so fast!!
Oh my gosh, those little sweat pants and that quote!!! Dying! Too cute :)
Haha so funny- those are actually shorts! They’re just gigantic on him! :)
so precious! i can’t believe it’s been 5 weeks already!
I know- me neither! Time needs to stop for a sec!
That sounds like such an awesome weekend!
It really was a fun one! :)
Such cute pictures! Glad you three had a good weekend :)
Thanks girly! We so did :) It’s hard not to have a good weekend with those two, though!
He is SO cute!! I can’t get over those little shorts and yellow shoes!
Right?! The shorts and shoes are both HUGE on him, but hey. ;) I think that makes it even cuter!
He is too adorable for words! I love his little outfit with the writing on the bum and the yellow shoes!
Isn’t it so cute?! Dressing him up is too much fun :)
ahh shalyn told me about song for zula! LOOOOVE it! And I need Sam’s pants in my size! Because naps are simply the best. Love all these baby burrito pics! ;0)
I’ve been seriously listening to that song ON REPEAT. Obsessedddd. Haha well, they’re shorts that are huge on him and they’re from baby gap. Maybe get the biggest size and they’d probs fit you, skinny minny!!
Five weeks already!!!! Wow! Those little shorts and shoes are to die for!!! He is such a handsome little guy! I started following your blog about six month ago and I LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing your positive energy!
Awww thanks so much, sweet girl!! I’m so glad you left that comment- you totally made my day! :)
gosh he is so precious!! isn’t newborn life the absolute sweetest!! you look like you are doing so great and loving it :) :) and i love his shorts ohhh so much!
Newborn life really is the sweetest!! I’m so tired but I don’t even care! lol ;)
He really is just the cutest thing in the entire world! I just want to eat him up & squeeze him at the same time!
Awww girl, welcome to my life on the daily! ;)
Sam is just sooo cute! Those little shorts with the saying on the butt are adorable!!
Aww thanks!! :)
he is the cutest!! My oldest daughter hates baths…I used put a space heater in the bathroom be I bathed her…that helped tons! I think she was crying b/c she was cold…also fresh clean babies might be the best smell ever!!!!!
Oooh thanks for that tip! I’ll definitely be trying the space heater! :) And you are so right- there is no better smell in the world, I’m convinced!
He’s so freaking precious!!!! It sounds like it takes some work to give him a bath though!
Thanks Niki! :) And I’m so excited for you to have your very own little precious! <33