So, let’s be real for a second here. Football is probably my least favorite sport. I’ve just never really cared for it, I grew up with brothers who played baseball, so that has always been the sport I like. The sport that I get. I’ve just never really gotten football, you know? And then I met Zack, and he loves all things sports, like every single one really, and I knew I was in for it. ;) So with his help, I have learned to enjoy football a bit more (I’ll always like college football more than the pros because I mean, those guys get paid HOW MUCH to throw a football around?! You’re joking right?) and I even get excited when we watch certain games. Sometimes. I mean, he’s a SF 49ers fan, so I find myself rooting for them, because marriage happiness and all. You understand. We were pretty bummed around these parts when the 49ers lost to the Seahawks for a ticket to the Super Bowl, but hey. As sports fans say time and time again: there’s always next year! ;) I’m getting off track here, though. Let’s focus on what really matters in terms of the Super Bowl, and that would be: What to wear to that party.
My in-laws have an annual Soup-er Bowl party at their house every year (see last year’s here), where we watch the Super Bowl and eat lots of yummy appetizers and my mom-in-law makes a bunch of different kinds of soup. Soup-er Bowl, get it? I think it’s the cutest thing ever, not to mention delicious AND healthy! Score! But again, this is not what I’m here to discuss. I am here to discuss the all-important question of WHAT TO WEAR to said party. I broke it into three categories- Seahawks fan, Broncos fan (this is who I’ll be rooting for! My bff is from Denver, so you know, plus I love me some Peyton Manning), and the “I Don’t Care, I’m Just Here for the Food” category.
Naturally, if you’re a Seahawks fan, you grab some green, blue and grey and call it good! I went with some grey leggings (remember- comfort), and a navy top with a green cardigan. Easy peasy. The tennis shoes keep it sporty, too! And do I look like I know what I’m doing with that football? Because I don’t. At all.
This one was a little trickier, since orange is not an abundant color in my wardrobe. So I chose as close to orange as I could, and it’s close enough, in my opinion. Yeah, it’s a coral top. But hey, you do what you gotta do, right? Plus, it’s fun to be a bit more unexpected and use artistic license! The dark jeans are the perfect Broncos blue and who doesn’t own a pair of jeans?! Exactly. Again, the tennis shoes are a must! Also, still don’t know what to do with that football.
The last, and my favorite choice for what to wear to a Super Bowl party: The neutral outfit. There aren’t any colors here, so as not to upset anybody, especially if you’ll be at a party with people from both sides. You’re Switzerland here. Don’t forget that. And at this point, I just really don’t get football. As seen by my face.
All outfits have one thing in common: They are comfortable. Because this is, after all, a sporting event, not prom. Dress accordingly, people. And most importantly, have fun! :) I recommend picking one team to “root” for, even if you fall into the “I really don’t care” category. I’ve found it helps to get more into the spirit and you’ll be surprised at how much fun you really have! Go team!
Do you like football?
Are you going to a Super Bowl party?
Which category do you fall under/ who are you rooting for?
Love all these outfits! They all look so cute on you :) I am not really a football fan. However me and my dad used to always watch basketball games together at home. Oh and where did you get the cute pic on the wall?
I actually really like watching basketball now, too, thanks to my hubby! :) So sweet that you and your dad would watch it together. The picture was a Christmas present from my brother and sister-in-law! They found it on Etsy!
hahaha omg its definitely my least favorite too. but love these outfits. so cute! and actually no plans for us yet!
Aw thanks girl! :) I’m sure you’ll do something fun!
I LOVE football. My dad worked for the Pacers so I am totally basketball-ed out. I think that’s why I like football so much. I am rooting for the BRONCOS but I will be sporting my Indianapolis Colts Peyton Manning jersey. Close enough!
I love it! Well, go Broncos, that’s who I’m rooting for too! :) Yay!
I love ya Katie but we Europeans do not know much about American football. I know I lived in Tucson for three years and I did watch one, single high school football game but I just did not get it. I saw two basketball games though, a few years ago when my husband and I were in the States. He is a huge basketball fan and would love to move to the States just to watch a whole season.
I am thinking what sports I enjoy watching. I like the Olympics. That counts, right?! We do not have a television Katie so life is hard for us! HAHA
I think you should take all your outfits to the party. You could change when there is a break. There are plenty of breaks, right?!
Who is opening the game? Isn’t there a famous singer doing that. Am I utterly confusing this with something else? Oh dear…
xoxo, Eszter
Haha yeah I’m an American and I still don’t quite get football. It’s okay. Olympics totally count! :) I like your idea of outfit changes- too funny. Bruno Mars is performing at Halftime!
Cute post and outfit ideas! I’ll be sporting the green and blue. ;)
Thanks girl!! :) Well, it’s a good color combo, so I’m behind that!
I L.O.V.E football! I am probably a bigger fan then my husband :) I prefer college to the NFL, college just seems to have more heart. I have also won our fantasy football league 2 years in a row! I was the only female to play this year,so uh…BOOM! Representin’ the ladies! I do have to say one of my favorite parts of going to games and tailgating was finding pieces to wear that represented the team but weren’t a t-shirt or hoodie. Your outfits are super cute, and I will probably be rocking the neutral team colors this year!
Whooooa you go girl! I wish I could win a fantasy football league at all- then I might be more into it! ;) So glad you like my outfits- it’s always fun getting creative with what you have, for sure!
I don’t like football or any sports. I might watch a little bit with my hubby. Well sit with him & probably read a book or a magazine. Our team (I route for them because I’m from New England. haha) isn’t in the Superbowl, so we aren’t having a party. I think all those outfits are cute. I like the pink shirt & jeans the best, I think.
Haha you are too cute! I love football. It is my favorite sport to watch. I still don’t really understand much that goes on but I love it.