So, in case you haven’t been reading around here lately (tsk, tsk) I was surprised with my very own Tone It Up membership for my birthday this year by my amazing husband! To say I was stoked is an understatement. I have been following these girls for years, always participating in the online fitness challenges and following their weekly schedule, but I had yet to actually be an official member. Until this year. I am now a proud member of Tone It Up and I couldn’t be more excited! (In case that wasn’t obvious). Today I wanted to share a little bit about the beginning of my Tone It Up journey, for any of you thinking of joining or who are just curious.
First off, I’ve gotten so many questions about the workouts I do, and have been doing for the past 3 years. I get them all off of the Tone It Up website and they are all on Youtube and – here’s the best part- they are all FREE! How great is that, right? And, pre-baby, honestly for me? That was enough. I have high metabolism, I’m tall, I’m naturally a pretty thin person, etc. For me, working out 5 or 6 days a week and eating fairly healthy (but also eating a lot of basically whatever I wanted, meaning yes multiple desserts each day because hi, lunch dessert!) was enough. Well, I’ve wised up a bit with that thinking, and now (especially post-baby!) I’ve realized it’s not just about working out a ton. It’s also about eating well and feeding your body the proper fuel it needs to not only survive, but to thrive! This is where the Tone It Up nutrition plan comes in. Just as it says, it’s the nutrition part of the plan. There are a few workouts included that you don’t get online, but the major chunk of the plan is the food part. And it is chock full of awesome tips and nutrition science (which I am SUCH a nerd about- I love it!) and delicious recipes! I’m so excited to start trying out all of the great food!
It’s more than recipes. It’s not just a diet. It’s a lifestyle. And it’s the science behind each food and how and why they work for you, or don’t. And I definitely recommend it to anyone looking for more of a lifestyle plan. This is it! For me, anyway, this is absolutely what I’ve been looking for! And now that I am 12 weeks post-partum, and have been given the go ahead by my doctor, I feel prepared and ready to get this started! What’s even better, is my amazing and supportive husband is doing this with me! I literally don’t know what I would do without Zack. He really does keep me going. :)
One thing I’ve always loved so much about Tone It Up is the message they drive home time and time again that we, as women, need to learn to LOVE our bodies! It’s the whole “my body is a temple” outlook. It so is, and we thus need to treat it as such, in both the way we use it and the way we talk about it! I also love the community and support that is such a cornerstone of the program. I really can’t say enough good things about it and I’m just really happy and excited to be a part of it. I’ll be updating how it goes and sharing our progress here! Let’s. Do. This.
This post was not sponsored by Tone It Up. Even though, I mean, how cool would that be?! ;)
Welcome to the Healthy Habits link up! This is a new series I’ve created where we can all share our posts about healthy living- fitness, workout routines, weekly exercise recaps, healthy recipes, cute workout clothes, whatever you want! You can even just add one sentence to your post to participate! I’m hoping this will create a fun community of people working towards a healthy lifestyle and will be a place to come together each week and support and motivate each other! This is something I am truly passionate about, and I can’t wait to see what you all share!
The rules for linking up are easy:
– Add the direct link to your post (not your homepage) below.
– Link back to me (either this page or my homepage) in the body of your post- something like “Linking up with Katie Did What for Healthy Habits!” with a link is fine!
– You can add the button above by just copying the HTML in that box and adding it to the body of your blog post.
– Mingle with other linkers and get to know some new blog friends!
Congrats to last week’s winners!
Ad space: Jamie @ The Growing Up Diaries
Health mag subscription: Whitney @ whitneykristine
This week’s prize is:
– One week of free ad space to one person who links up!
*IMPORTANT: You MUST have a link back to me to be entered to win*
Danielle L
I look forward to seeing how it all goes! Good luck.
Aww thank you so much!! :)
Yay! I was so excited to read this post (: I am becoming more and more convinced that I need to have the plan..
How are the recipes? Are they pretty straightforward or do they call for some weird stuff?
Yay! The recipes are so good! There are soooooo many!! Plus it’s a lifetime membership, so you get all of the updates and new recipes too! I’ve made only a handful so far, but they are so delicious! And the ones I made are easy and made with normal/not obscure ingredients!
Such a great idea for a link up!
Aww thanks! :)
Chelsea @ A Fit LittleOne
Love it! That is the big reason I fell in love with the Tone It Up girls. How they workout and eat is the same as what I do/believe. And they inspired me to follow my dreams of being a personal trainer too :). And I just love that Zack is doing it with you!! Seriously, when the man in your life is on board, it just makes things that much better :)
That is so awesome!!! I love your story, and that you’re following your dreams! So cool :) And I agree, having the man in your life on board makes it WAY easier!
I love the Tone It Up workouts, I should look into the full program though!
YES! It’s really great! :) Lifetime membership, so I’d say the hefty price tag is worth it!
Glad to hear you are loving the TIU plan! I’m excited to follow along and keep hearing what you think about it.
Aw yay, I’m excited for you to follow along and to share all of my thoughts on it! :)
LOVE that blue and gray workout tank!! Super cute on you. :) That’s so cool that your hubby is following the nutrition plan with you – it makes so much difference to have that support!
Aw thanks Whitney!! :) I agree- it’s so nice doing this together, it makes it much easier! Plus, more fun :)
I’ve also been following the TIU girls online since their creation (and working with them in the past on but have never followed their nutrition plan. I’ve got some very big changes coming up in my life soon, and part of my plan is to begin to follow their nutrition plan. We can do it together! :)
OMG you worked with them?! I loooove them! They are so sweet! I would totally fan girl out if I worked with them lol! YAY, let’s be tiu sisters!!! Let me know if you create an instagram for it!
I just started doing the Tone It Up workouts (the Bikini Series, minus the abs, in particular) and I LOVE them! And this was all inspired by you! How cool that you are a member now!