I’ve been getting into DIY-ing a lot lately (part of my nesting instincts, I’m sure), so a few weeks ago I picked up some chalk paint from Hobby Lobby and have finally been putting it to use. We went garage saling (totally a word) last weekend and Zack spotted this gorgeous mirror (snagged for just…
home decor
euro pillows on sale- just $20.99! // tassle pillow I have been bit by the Spring Cleaning Bug. Like, bad. Just ask my husband, I have been nesting like craaaazy the past few weeks. All I want to do is rearrange everything and tidy up and get organized. Isn’t it always the way though every…
It is the longggg awaited nursery tour! I know it’s taken me forever to get this up, but to be honest, it’s kind of taken me forever to complete the nursery! I’m definitely not that person who had the nursery all curated and decorated and ready to go weeks before my due date. Oh, no….