Little Miss Personality Plus is officially 10 months old!
She is our little firecracker- always making the silliest faces, talking up a storm, moving constantly (she will not sit still! I forgot how busy this stage is!) and demanding everyone’s attention. Which we all gladly give, of course. We’re in trouble with this one. She’s feisty. ;)
And yes, every other picture in this series involved her trying to eat the flowers or crawling away.
Bless her.
At 10 months…
Nonstop talking, all day long! Dada, cat, mama, hi, bubba (brother)- and she’s still as obsessed with her brother as always!
Always on the go! She crawls everywhere and stands on whatever she can! She even took ONE STEP all on her own the other day, which is making me really nervous and also 100% convinced she will be walking before her 1st birthday! Eek! Needless to say, we cacn’t let her out of our sight for a second!
She wants to eat EVERYTHING. Seriously. Everything. If we sit her in a leaf pile, she will immediately bring the leaves to her mouth. If you are holding her and trying to eat something, she will grab it with her brute force (seriously, how are babies SO STRONG!!) and start to eat it. Girl is crazy. I love it.
She loves being on Daddy’s shoulders and when we ask “How big is Sophie?” she gets really excited and throws up her arms.
Her srunchy face is a favorite expression of hers, and she always flashes her big toothy grin (and that cutest little gap!) every time.
Bedtime is 7pm and she wakes up once around 5 to eat and back to bed until she’s up for the day at 7am! Naps are still like clockwork. She’s good for 3 hours wake time before it’s time for a nap and she takes 2 naps a day. God bless our good little sleeper!
7am wake and eat
8:00 breakfast
9:00 nap
10:30 wake and eat
11:30 lunch
1:30 nap
3:30 wake and eat
5:30 dinner
7pm bed
5am eat and back to sleep
She dances to music whenever it’s on, loves to play peek-a-boo with her bib in her highchair and smiles when we ask, “Whereeee’s Sophie??”
Sophie girl, you are a dream! Now stop growing up!
p.s. Sam at 10 months!
love me some Sophie girl!! soooooooooo cute!! i could say it a gazillion times LOL good job on the baby making genes :) xoxo
Hahaha thanks girl!!! I love me some Sophie too! I mean, oviouslyyyy. ;)
hahaha yeahhhhh ;)
Awww she’s adorable as Always! My daughter will be 10 months next Week!
I’m just curious, how many teeth does she have now? My daughter has 3 ????
I can’t believe that their going home to be 1 year old in just 2 short months, time flies soo Fast!
Going to be 1
LOL don’t know how the ‘home’ got in there
I CANNOT belive they’ll be 1 so soon!!! Time is a thief! Sophie has 8 teeth- she’s had 8 teeth since like 4 months lol! Crazy, I know!!