So being sick this entire past weekend was a pretty big bummer, as it forced me to not work ALL weekend (a.k.a. lots of moolah GONE) but at least I was listening to my body and giving it what it needed: LOTS and LOTS of REST! (Seriously. I think I slept more than I was awake…) Needless to say, I didn’t get much done this weekend, but here are the highlights of what I actually did do:
1. I slept. A ridiculous amount. I was in and out of consciousness for a good 72 hours straight.
2. I drank copious amounts of tea. I was feeling proper British, for sure! ;)
3. I made a substantial dent in my book (I’m reading “Gone With the Wind,” which was a Christmas present from my mum last year, and I am LOVING it!!! Have any of you ever read it? If so, tell me what you thought! I adore the book, but it’s taken me so long to read just because this past year has been crazy busy and I barely had enough time to sit down and read a book the size of the Bible!! So maybe this sickness was a blessing in disguise? I’m nearly done with the book now, finally!!) I’m definitely considering this a great accomplishment.
4. I made a cute card for my honey for our 6 month anniversary!! And he brought me home a beautiful bouquet of pink roses! :)
5. I watched my first Christmas movie of the year! A REALLYYYYY bad movie from 2007 starring Melissa Joan Hart (Sabrina!!) and Mario Lopez. OMG. So SO SO SO SO BAD. But SO GOOD. haha. I was seriously, in my crazy, loopy, head-in-the-clouds, ill state, SO into this movie! “Holiday in Handcuffs” I believe is what it was called. Ah, yes. Here you go:
Yeah. It was bad. And yeah. I watched the whole thing.
Today, I am FINALLY feeling better! Yay! We went to lunch with my parents, at a Chinese restaurant, where I consumed LOTS of hot soup and drank my body weight in tea. There’s just something about Chinese tea. They sure know how to do it.
And, omg are you kidding me? Thanksgiving is in 2 days?!? Eek!! Since we’re a married couple, Zack and I are contributing to dinner this year! We’re making brussel sprouts. And they are going to be darn good, too! Thanks, Food Network! ;) We’re doing the ole’ 2 part Thanksgiving again. 2:00pm at my grandpa’s and then 6:00pm at his aunt’s. Ohhh man. And I was planning on getting my exercise on hardxcore this past week, but of course I just HAD to get deathly ill, leaving me with only a few days to last-minute pre-workout before the day of feasting! Kind of really annoyed about that, but what are you gonna do, hmm?
Oh! And I thought I’d share my Twitter on here, in case anyone wants to be Tweety friends :) My twitter is katiehaakens. Follow me, and I’ll follow back! We can be Twat friends!
And since I’ve been so ill, I haven’t taken any pictures of my FACE, but here’s what I was doing the majority of this past weekend:
Yup. He’s my cuddy buddy (c-cuddy buddy.) Yeah, I went there.
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