So it never fails. I always always ALWAYS get sick right around Thanksgiving. Ugh. I remember the year I actually had to MISS Thanksgiving. Let me tell you, that is one sucky feeling. At least I got lots of leftovers to make up for it. But still. So I’m praying and hoping that this is just one of those 24 hour bugs, and when I wake up tomorrow my throat will no longer be sore and my head will feel like it’s back on earth and not floating somewhere in the clouds.
So today/tonight will be spent drinking LOADS of tea:
And listening to lots of this:
I was sick over thanksgiving 2 years in a row. One of the years i actually slept the WHOLE day. Horrible. I hope you feel better very soon!!
@Heather Aww, that’s no fun at all! :( It’s kind of how I feel tonight will end up going for me- beaucoup de sleep!!! Thanks for the well wishes, love! xx
Heather Lee
Aww no, good luck and hope this is just a quickly passing thing!!!
awww I hate that you’re feeling sickly– Get well quickly!! :)