Hi! You’ve reached an oldie but a goodie about a crooked Christmas tree! We’ve since gone to an artificial tree and recommend the one we have! It’s on the 3rd year and still going strong! You can see it below and buy it here.
You guys. I have a funny story.
We met my parents at a tree lot on Sunday. It was the rainiest day of the year. There were three, count ’em, THREE storms that morning alone. Yeah, I don’t get it either, but that’s what the weather man said, and I trust that guy. He’s good. I even follow him on Twitter. Just sayin’.
Anyway, miraculously at noon the clouds parted and mister sunshine decided to come out and beckon us to the tree lot, so that is where we found ourselves. We were all standing in the midst of all of the pretty trees and were hmm-ing and ha-ing (is that what they say?) about the pros and cons of each of our favorites, when my mom stops and declares, “I want the biggest tree!”
And so that was that.
The top contenders were measured and voila! The tree juuuust a smidgen above the 8 foot mark won the height contest, and into the truck it went, no questions asked. Which, I mean, let me tell you, this was quite exciting for little miss me. My inner child Katie was jumping up and down with excitement, as I’m pretty sure every year I always wanted the biggest tree but with 8 foot ceilings that’s just a silly dream. I mean, where does one put the star? One might ask.
So. The tree gets taken off it’s stand at the tree lot and we drive merrily home, singing Christmas carols loudly (picture the opening scene from “Christmas Vacation,” if you will. Fa la la la la la la la laaaaa!) We get it home, and into the stand my dad already has, and BOOM! Crooked tree! Just like that. We’re all quite puzzled, as we swear it did NOT look like that at the lot!
So. Moral of the story? Bigger is not always better (although this tree IS beautiful) and also please inspect your trees thoroughly before choosing, people. This is important stuff here.
Well I decorated anyway, and the tree nearly fell over and crushed me on a few occasions, but it was beautiful and I wasn’t terribly upset.
And then today my dad and Zack went and bought another stand, and hey, guess what! They made it straight, and it now is quite literally the most perfect Christmas tree my parents have ever had, and I love it. When we had surrendered to the crookedness at first, we just said that it had lots of “character,” only but now you can’t really tell, which is a good thing. Plus, a lot safer, as you don’t have to worry about it falling on you if you brush into it the wrong way. Which is always a good thing, to have one less thing to worry about during the holiday season, you know?
Have you ever had any Christmas tree mishaps? Any other crooked trees out there?
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Hehe, crooked trees need love too! ;)
Katie Did What
I agree!! :)
Haahaa! Great story! Crooked tree Shmrooked tree! Its still really pretty <33
Katie Did What
hehe thanks girl!! Yeah, at first we were all pretty annoyed by it, but then we decided it was actually kind of funny, and then we fixed it, so everyone’s happy now! :)
Well either way it turned out beautiful!
Katie Did What
Aw thanks, Ashlyn!! :)
It is beaaaaaaaautiful!
Katie Did What
You are sweeeeeeet! :)
krystaladele @ unSAHM
You had good Christmas spirit for loving that crooked tree!
Katie Did What
haha yeah, we didn’t exactly “love” it at first, to be honest.. but that changed!! ;)
Emily Ah Tye
It’s still really pretty!!
Katie Did What
Aww thanks! Yeah, we fixed it so it’s no longer crooked, thank goodness! ;)
The tree is gorgeous and I love your earrings!! Too cute. :)
Katie Did What
Aw thanks, girl! and hehe they’re not real earrings- I was just messing around with my mom’s plaid ornaments!! ;)
sarah e
the tree is totally beautiful! also, I just found your blog and I’m so excited to “meet” you!
Katie Did What
I’m so glad you found my blog, girl!! :) Thanks for the sweet comment!
they must have done good work because it doesnt look crooked at all! i love it!
Katie Did What
I know- they really did do good work!! It was all in the stand, and they just simply didn’t have the right one at first. Thank goodness they figured it out! ;)
Haha! I love the tree :) So pretty!
I love your earrings as well! Those are so neat!
Blessings <3
Katie Did What
Aw thank you, sweet girl! The earrings aren’t really earrings, silly. I was being goofy and wearing my mom’s plaid ornaments on my ears ;) They just matched my top so well! hehe
SarahJane Miller
That rainbow is so pretty! And I love your header photo– I have those same sperrys :) I just stumbled upon your adorable blog and i LOVE it! Seriously excited to get to know you! I am your newest follower of course :) I would love for you to stop by sometime and follow along if you’d like.
Katie Did What
Aw, SarahJane, I’m so glad you found me!! :) And of course it was destiny, seeing as we’re pink Sperry twins and all ;)
T Borrenpohl
I just stumbled upon your blog. It’s so cute! Getting the Christmas tree is always one of my favorite days of the year. Thanks for sharing.
Katie Did What
Aw you are too sweet! I’m so glad that you found me!! :)
Kristen L
The tree looks great! Glad you survived the rainstorms this weekend!
Katie Did What
haha YES, I did! Thanks so much, Kristen! :)
everyone us buying their christmas tree and i’m so jealous!
Katie Did What
awww it’s still early!! :)
It looks so good! Our tree fell down this year as well but that’s just because we don’t have a stand so it’s being supported by rocks and string attached to the wall. Welcome to our redneck Korean Christmas!
Katie Did What
hahaa omg I’m obsessed with your redneck Korean Christmas! LOVE it! I’m sure your tree is perfect :)
Jessica Wilkins
My boyfriend and I went and got a tree and it seemed oh so perfect once we had it put up and all decorated we looked at it and it has a bend right in the center of it! haha, so the top and the bottom are straight and the middle is just a tad bit bent, but it is still absolutely perfect to us :)
Katie Did What
haha that sounds exactly like our story!!!! Totally didn’t even notice until we were already home! That is such a sweet story, I love that it’s still perfect to you! :) That’s really all that matters, isn’t it?
we have a fake tree and i miss how the real ones smell!
Katie Did What
That is the reason I don’t think I could ever have a fake tree- I just love that pine scent. But really, the fake ones help to avoid any crookedness that could occur! ;) Also, we have this Glade air spray that smells just like pine trees! You should get it! Omg it’s amazing.
Shio Waline
Oh my goodness, I about died reading this! lol! I’m sure you’ve already seen my “skinny” tree, I’d take your “crooked” tree any day! ;) Ours fell over once too & we had to trim (the already bare tree) & add rocks to the base, but luckily no one got hit! But, that tree is AMAZING, that is what I picture when I think of a Christmas tree! :))
Katie Did What
Awww your skinny tree is adorable!! ;) I love that I’m not the only one with a funny tree story!!! Thanks for sharing.
Lol that happened to me too! Except ours ended up falling over after the lights and ornaments were already on! It was tragic then but really funny now haha!
The tree still looks pretty though :)
Katie Did What
OMG I’m so glad that we’re not the ONLY ones that’s happened to!! Haha silly trees. At least now we know we need to really thoroughly inspect the trees before buying them! ;)
1. I am horrible at staying caught up on blog posts. It is a bit overwhelming and taht is why I am commenting so late on so many posts.
2. I love that you follow your weatherman on twitter.
3. We almost bought a crooked tree because it looked the healthiest but dad said there was absolutely no way that he could make it stand straight so we ended up finding another one which was good and didn’t look like it was going to fall over.
Also, crooked trees kind of make me think of a Charlie Brown Christmas. All it needs is a little love.