I am finally feeling well enough to work out!!! HALLELUJAH!! :) Really, these past 4 days I’ve been too sick to do anything but sleep basically, and I’m so happy to finally feel good and be able to MOVE around! Working out really is connected to happiness, and I am on top of the world right now. I sweat to my heart’s content this morning, and now I am ready for the holidays to begin!
In other news, I was sitting here on the couch, minding my own, and then looked behind me and found out this had been happening, for who knows how long:
Please notice the little black cat to the right of my face. I loves them.
Oh, and I got my hair did. Likey? I just went a bit darker, which I am always want to do in the colder seasons. My friend from work did it, and I’m quite pleased with the outcome!
Thanksgiving is tomorrow, eek!! Gotta do some grocery shopping today! (With the entire population of Sacramento, I’m sure.) At least I’m armed with my peppermint mocha, so I’m good to go. ;)
Oh, and p.s. I am already listening to Christmas music. Don’t tell my mom, though. She is a firm believer that Christmas doesn’t start until the day after Thanksgiving. Which brings up a good point. My British friend was outraged that the Christmas Coca-Cola advert was already being played in England, and I agreed with him, saying that Christmas shouldn’t start until after Thanksgiving (hypocrit much?) and then he replied with “But what if you’re English and there’s no such thing as Thanksgiving?” Good question, hmm? Just some food for thought. :) lol. You’re welcome.
Haha that line about Christmas not happening for the British because we don’t have Thanksgiving made me laugh.
I’m in a Christmassy mood already, but my mother firmly believes nothing Christmas-esque should be mentioned until at least the 1st of December, or it’s bad luck.
Your hair looks lovely, by the way! Happy Thanksgiving :) xx
@Francesca. Awww, I totally mis-spoke! (or… mis-typed?) I fixed it now, lol. What he said was “what if you’re English and there’s no such thing as THANKSGIVING?” makes more sense now, doesn’t it? hehe thanks for humoring me anyway :)
Our moms are definitely in the same mind-set ;)
And thank you, love!!! x
I used to feel like Christmassy stuff shouldn’t start till after thanksgiving BUT…now the holidays feel like they fly by so fast why shouldn’t we just enjoy the cheery packaging, music and colorful advertisements? :)