We celebrated Zack’s grandpa’s 90th birthday on Saturday. Yes, you read that right. Pretty amazing milestone right there. Some family came into town for the occasion and we had a big pizza party and ate delicious chocolate cake and it was so much fun. Can I state, just for the record, that I ate 4 slices of pizza. FOUR. I’m usually a two and done kinda girl, but what can I say. My mom-in-law made a little side of pineapple just for me (I looooove pineapple on my pizza!) and so. I just couldn’t stop at two. How boring would that have been? So. Four it was. And I feel really good about it.
Earlier that day we also stopped by the Sacramento Farm 2 Fork Festival downtown. It was just a bunch of tents with lots of samples and local farmers and livestock and a beer garden and wine area. We ate a lot of delicious food and saw a few friends and enjoyed the beautiful day. Yeah, it’s fall, but it’s California fall, which is really like summer-fall, which means it’s perfect.

{no, this small child does not belong to me}
Do you know anyone who’s lived to 90+? My great grandma (Kathryn Bailey- my namesake) lived to be 98. And she was one of the best women I’ve ever known. I love my sweet Grandma Bailey so so much and know how lucky I am to have had her in my life for that long. :)
What’d you do this weekend?
My Fall Fashion Series starts tomorrow, so be sure to come back for that!
celebrating 90 years is incredible! happy birthday to your hubby’s grandpa :)
I know!! Such an amazing celebration! :)
Happy Birthday!!!! Wow, that is a milestone, same goes for your great Grandma!
We have a lot of local farms around me (I kind of live in farmland USA is what I call it). One of my friend actually gives me 100% organic eggs from her chickens which I will be picking up today. I love supporting local farmers/farms.
I can’t wait for the Fall Fashion series!
I love local farms! My grandpa used to have chickens and we always got our eggs from him. So fresh and awesome- way better than buying them at the grocery store ;) Lucky girl, you!
Happy Birthday to Zach’s Grandpa! That’s awesome! My hubby’s grandparents are both in their 90’s an doing pretty good! It was great seeing you two this weekend!
Wow, how amazing that he still has grandparents both in their 90s! That’s rare! And it was so good seeing you and your cute family, too!
Wow that is awesome!! He doesn’t look like he is in his 90’s!!
Isn’t it?! And that’s sweet of you! I’ll tell him you said that ;)
90 years? Such a happy milestone! Also, Happy Birthday to Zacks grandpa! My great-grandmothers birthday was yesterday, and she would of been 94!
Aww happy birthday to your great grandma, too. I’m sure heaven was celebrating lots! :)
Happy Birthday to your grandpa in law!! My gramps is 91 and looking great!! That festival looks awesome. I am headed up to Apple Hill in a couple of weeks and I am excited to get a little bot of cooler weather!
That’s awesome! And yayyy for Apple Hill! I’m planning on going when it’s a bit cooler, too. It’s the best!
happy birthday to him! I don’t think i know anyone over 90!
It’s a pretty rare and special milestone, that’s for sure!
I’m so excited to see your fall fashion series!
Aww yayyy! That made me smile!
90!! happy birthday to him!! that’s incredible! and girlfriend. i can put away pizza like it’s my job. and now i want some!!!
wow..90!! amazing age..the cake looked yummy! happy birthday,grandpa! xo josephine
Hurray for grandpa! He looks so much younger. First I could not find the birthday boy on the pic…
Do you feel guilty about the 4 slices of pizza??? I usually eat a whole pizza when I ask the pizza chef to make one (I live in a hotel)… You just need to burn more than you ate…
I will be back for your Cali-fall outfits… ;)
xoxo, Eszter
Amazing!!!! I love pineapple too!!