sweatshirt: c/o arsenic and lace (here)
shorts: c/o oasap (here)
sandals: forever 21 (similar here and here)
When asked what my favorite TV shows are, my answer has been the same since high school: “Gilmore Girls” and “The O.C.” Easy. Something those two shows have in common is that I watched them both, religiously, once a week on their original air date (none of this tivo nonsense we have now- just kidding, it’s not nonsense, I love it) and I watched them both with my mom. It was “our thing.” We’d snuggle onto my bed usually (because my dad and brothers wouldn’t want to watch them most nights, although I swear they were secretly fans of the shows, too) and make some popcorn and watch the drama unfold. We’d laugh together, we’d cry together, we’d try to decipher some of the quick jargon and all of the references coming from Lorelai’s mouth. Sometimes to no avail. Whenever I want to feel a little closer to my mom, I just pop in a Gilmore Girls episode (yes, I own the entire series on DVD, of course) and all is right with the world.
All this to say, when I saw this sweatshirt, I knew it had to be mine. Because it’s true. I’d rather be watching Gilmore Girls.
What are your favorite shows?
Are you a Gilmore Girls fan? If so, you have to answer this: Dean or Jess? In high school, my answer was a resounding Jess, 100%. Now I’m not so sure.
AMAZING sweatshirt!!
I love that you watched GG with your mom!
I, too, watched on its original air dates–starting in 8th grade :)
Team Jess, always.
Aww YAY for GG. That show never fails to lift my spirits! :)
So I clicked on this link on bloglovin, simply because it said Gilmore Girls on it! :) I am i need of this shirt! Love love love!!!!
Aww I’m glad you clicked! It obviously means you have excellent taste, my dear! GG fans for life. <3
I LOVE GILMORE GIRLS SO MUCH!! I own all the seasons too and have probably watched it all the way through at least 5 times. It makes me so happy. Also, I was definitely all about Jess in high school. I kind of liked the bad boy thing he had going on. But Dean was better later! Logan was my favorite :)
YES. Gilmore Girls makes me so happy too. It never fails! I have been trying to convince my husband to watch with me! One of these days- I know he’ll love it. I mean, how can you not?! As for Jess, yeah I was allll about the bad boy in high school for sure!
I LOVE your sweatshirt!! GG is mine and my mom’s show as well. At my wedding we danced to the theme song, because it’s our song. Jess all the way, and then Logan. What’s your favorite episode?
Aw I love that GG is such an amazing mother/daughter bonding time. :) Such good memories. I loooove that you played the theme song – Where you go, I will followwww… awww I’m like tearing up just thinking about that. So sweet :) And girl, there is no way I can choose a FAVORITE episode! That’s crazy talk! I’d probably have to say season 1 and 2 were my favorites though. Before Rory and Lorelai had that STUPID fight. Before Lorelai was dating that dummy teacher guy Max Medina (I reallyyyy didn’t like him!)… Do you have one?!
I of course love them all, but my favorite episode would be the Christmas episode when Rory comes back from visiting Logan and Lorelai had put Christmas on hold. I could rewatch that episode over and over again (and I do!) You know how there are people that can tell you which Brady Bunch episode it is in the first few seconds? That’s so me with GG. :)
I’ve never watched Gilmore Girls! But my friend owns every season and use to watch it religiously with her mom too :) I should find it on Netflix and watch them!
Ahhh you NEED to watch it! So so so good :)
I am a HUGE Gilmore Girl’s fan!!! I also own the entire series on DVD! Such a perfect mother-daughter show, I really miss it…I have heard rumors about a movie, I’m not sure how that would work…
Gilmore Girls fans unite! We need to create a fan club, FOR SURE. There’s so many of us! :) And omggg whatttt?! A movie?! That’d be crazy. I’d be okay with that.
SO cute!! I LOVE the lace paired with a cas sweatshirt! And I love GG too….but didn’t watch religiously….it’s kinda funny because I am living that kinda life now!!
Thanks girly!! :) Are you really?! Aww well then I think you should probably go back and watch every episode, then- it’s fate ;)
Love the shirt! Mine would say “I’d rather be watching Dawson’s Creek” or 90210. The primetime highlight of my week in high school (and some middle school and into college) was Dawson’s Creek and 90201. I’m tempted to name our first born Pacey, although I think my husband might not vote “yes” on that one.
Now my adult Dawson’s is Parenthood. Ahhhh, I so want to be a Braverman! Are you a fan? If you love Gilmore Girls, I’m guessing you’d love it too. It’s got the same quick jargon feel to it.
Ahhh I neverrrr watched either Dawson’s Creek or 90210- I wasn’t allowed to! hehe so funny. You should totally name your first born Pacey- I think it’s cute :) And I KNOW I’m crazy, but I haven’t watched Parenthood! I know, I know. I need to start! I think I will very soon!
Me and my mom used to watch Dawsons Creek. Back in the day my mom used to even record it while I was waitressing. So we could watch it together when I got out of work also we watched Felicity. I liked Ben and she liked Noel.. haha.
Aww that’s so cute! Love that you and your mom had a show you watched together, too. So special :)
Such a cute sweatshirt! Isn’t it awful that I have never ever watched a single episode of Gilmore Girls or the O.C?!!! Shocking!!!
Whattttt?! Girl. Get on that!
I used to watch both of those shoes too in high school!!! I was more of an OC fan, but my mom was more of a Gilmore Girls fan so we watched both together and snuggled up in her bed too. We drank coffee together. When I was younger and a lot thinner people used to say I looked like Mischa Barton which I loved because I used to think she was weirdly pretty. Plus my nickname is the same as her name :)
By the way I am seriously loving your bump. Every time I see it I just can’t help but say aww out loud. I can’t believe the due date is so close though!!! It feels like just yesterday the big announcement post went up. Crazy how time flies.
Aww so sweet! I love that you watched them with your mom, too! :) Such great memories. I can definitely see Mischa Barton, too. She’s gorgeous, and so are YOU!! I always liked her a lot because she was tall so I related to her haha. Silly, I know. I didn’t know your nickname is Mischa! I love that :) And you’re seriously so sweet! This bump is a-growin’, that’s for sure! ;)
I still watch both Gilmore Girls & The OC whenever I get the chance. And I really want that shirt now! As for the Dean vs. Jess debate… I feel the same way as you. I always said Jess, he was the bad boy with a good heart somewhere underneath. But now? I really just don’t know. I honestly don’t know if I’d pick any of the guys Rory dated. But as for who Lorelai belongs with, the answer will always be Luke. My mom and I always watched these shows and One Tree Hill together too.
YES, Jess was one of my biggestttt crushes in high school, haha! But now I’m thinking he was immature and too broody for my liking. Funny how things change. ;) And I 100% agree- Lorelai and Luke were destined since the beginning. It just took them the entire series to figure that out!
Yesss Gilmore Girls for LIFE! It’s definitely one of my all-time favorites as well (and yes I own all the DVDs too! It’s such a good re-watch show, ya know?!). I was madly in love with Jess and would watch my favorite Rory/Jess episodes all the time. I couldn’t stand Dean and I still don’t like him. Jess FOREVER. :)
And now I think I need to order this sweatshirt because it’s just so adorable.
xo Always, Abby
YES, it is SUCH a good re-watch show! Like, I can just pop in any episode, doesn’t matter! Love it.
Gilmore Girls was and still is my all time favorite show. Unfortunately, I never saw the last season because it aired my first year of college and things were crazy. But, my sweet husband bought me the complete season on DVD so I can finally watch it. Although, if I do, it means it’s really 100% over and I’m not sure I’m ready for that. Baby steps. Hahaha But I LOVE this pullover and need it in my life because I’d rather be watching Gilmore Girls than going to work in a few. Hope you have a lovely day!
Whatttt you never saw the last season!? Oh, girl. You gotta get on that. Some good things happen! ;) But I’m sure you know the major thing by now. But I do agree with you, it will make it over officially. I understand not being ready for that haha.
Was never a gilmore girls fan but phew the oc…can u say addict?!
OH, yes. The OC was amaaaazing and SO addictive!
Oh Logan all the way!!!
Ugh, Logan bugged me SO MUCH at the end, but you know. To each their own ;)
I love your sweatshirt!!! I have the whole season as well, and anytime I’m needing just a lazy day on the couch I pop them in and watch a season. Love that show.
YES. It’s funny how a show can just make you happy. :)
My girls and I in high school would have Gilmore Girls marathons and they were the best thing ever. Team Jess all the way!! I feel like Jess progressively became a better and a deeper person whereas Dean progressively became more shallow. I’m pretty addicted to TV right now since the fetus is making it hard for me to get up and do anything. Looking forward to trimester 2 and the summer sun!!
Awww LOVE Gilmore Girls marathons! The best kind! :) Yeah, what Dean did to his wife was HORRIBLE and really made me lose my love for him, but I loved his and Rory’s relationship. Like, in the beginning, that is. Haha love that you just said “fetus.”
What a cute sweatshirt! And that headband? To die for!!
Jenna from Visions of Vogue
Aw thanks Jenna!! :)
Gimme that sweatshirt! You look great! I’m a HUGE gilmore girls fan and of course 100% Jess all the way. I’m 26 and he’s still my favorite male fictional character. I mean, he READS BOOK. That’s basically the best trait ever.
Haha I do agree, reading books is a good trait in a man! ;) I just got sick of his broody nature and wanted him to, like, I don’t know- SMILE more. But yes, Jess will alwayyyys have a special place in my heart.
I LOVE this!! I would do the same with my sister and mom. Great memories watching every week and binge watching the series over and over again now on DVD. I was always team Dean but I started to like Jess more and more.
Jess got better as he matured a bit, that’s for sure! Although, I liked him most as the “bad boy” in high school. Go figure.
You are a girl after my own heart!! Both of those were my favorites!! I say Jess alllll the way! And I wanted to name Landry Loreli and live in Starshollow!! LOL! I need this sweatshirt!!
Ahhhh I LOVE the name Lorelai! And Stars Hallow was seriously the cutest town ever. I could totally live there. :)
Gilmore Girls is still my favorite show! I am so guilty of making my husband have Gilmore Girl marathons with me and I am pretty sure my sister and I quote Gilmore Girls at least once a week … My answer is a resounding, JESS! Although my husband’s name is Dean so perhaps I should be more supportive of him?? :)
Ahhh I really need to sit my husband down and MAKE him watch GG with me- I have yet to do that! Somehow he’s escaped it after 6 years of knowing me… hmmmm.. this needs to change! ;)
Love this shirt!!!! I miss all those old cw / wb / upn shows!
Ahhh girl, ME TOO! They were all so good! Although, PLL is definitely my latest addiction as far as that type of show goes. Can’t. Stop.
I used to love gilmore girls!!! Love the sweatshirt.
I will neverrrr stop loving GG! :) It’s just the best. <3
I adore Gilmore Girls! All that witty dialogue is what hooked me! I have all the DVDs, as well. I was a Dean, but that Logan had his charms, also! And I never liked Max, or especially Jason!
And I love your outfit!
Ugh, Jason and Max were both just awful. It was always Luke, from the beginning. That’s what made all the other shmucks she dated that much less appealing! Okay, now I want to watch Gilmore Girls haha ;)
Oh my gosh. Gilmore Girls is everything! You’re my new favorite blogger, for this post. I am obsessed with Gilmore Girls. To answer your Dean vs. Jess question, actually, I have to say, Logan ;)
What size sweatshirt are you wearing?! It’s adorable and my friend loves GG so I want to get her one :)
This is a medium, but it’s oversized so I would suggest either getting her normal size or even sizing down, depending on how she likes it to fit. Also, I was pregnant here, so it’s even looser now ;)
I am obsessed with Gilmore Girls! I must have this sweatshirt it is so amazing! Also Dean all the way!:)