First and foremost, I CONVINCED ZACK TO FINALLYYYY WATCH GILMORE GIRLS WITH ME! As I professed in this post, I am a die hard GG fan. It is my number one favorite show in the history of ever, and I own every season already, but something about it coming to Netflix this past weekend just got me all sorts of excited about it, and so we have started watching, from the beginning. Zack had never seen a single episode, and it’s kind of like, um hi if you’re married to me, you have to watch my favorite show, you know? It’s just one of those things. It’s like, if you watch Gilmore Girls, we will connect on a whole other level, which is not to say we don’t already connect on many different levels, it’s just. It’s different. It’s GILMORE GIRLS. Tell me you understand?! Anyway. Watching my favorite show ever with my husband- my favorite person on this planet- just makes me all warm and fuzzy and happy inside. And in celebration of Gilmore Girls, I had to put on my favorite sweatshirt, le duh.
Related: see another outfit that I styled with this Gilmore Girls sweatshirt <---- here. We watched About Time this weekend. In a word, it was life changing. Okay, so two words. It is just the sweetest story, full of hope. The message spoke right to me- to live life each day (REALLY live life) and to see the beauty even in the seemingly mundane- and the plot went somewhere that created a huge lump in my throat for the last third of the movie. It was beautiful. It touched me. It made me feel all of the feels. And it’s from the director of Love, Actually, which I mean, that’s all you need to hear, right? And it’s quirky and British, so the humour was just so so good. And it has Rachel McAdams, whom I love. And the main character is a ginger, and I have a soft spot in my heart for gingers- my oldest brother is one. :) And the actor is hilarious and sweet and adorable and now I’m googling other movies he’s in, because I want to see them all. (p.s. he played Bill Weasley in Harry Potter, so that makes him even better in my book). Okay then.
Speaking of gingers, I’ve renewed my love of Ed Sheeran. All of his music is just so good for the soul. I’m a sucker for lyrics, and his are always on point. Plus, the music is just beautiful. Don’t just listen to “A Team” and “All of the Stars”- although those are both really good- listen to all of his music. Fireflies, Little Bird and Give Me Love are just a few of my favorites.
Happy new week!
Tell me some beautiful things you have been loving lately!
I loved About Time for all the same reasons that you did, except that I am a ginger. My favourite line was when the dad said he was the first openly ginger table tennis player. So funny.
YESSSS!! Oh the entire movie was full of such great lines! Love that part. :) The dad was hilarious!
You are making me want to watch Gilmore Girls! Must’ve been on back when I didn’t have a tv…which is funny but true, and was a pretty big chunk of time, lol
I totally binged on Gilmore Girls over the weekend! I also have been reading Lauren graham’s book!
I so want to read her book! Adding it to my library queue :)
Her book is amazing! It’s like a really long Lauren Graham interview (she’s the most amazing interviwee) in written form. It’s amazing.
Girl. You HAVE TO watch Gilmore Girls! It’s the bestttt!
I don’t think I’ve ever commented, but this post just made me smile! :) I LOVE GG and all things Ed Sheeran. yay!
Awww I’m so glad you commented, Amanda!!! :) Sounds like we are on the same page! You have impeccable taste ;)
I just saw Gilmore Girls was recently added on Netflix! I am going to start watching :) oh and I love the cookie recipe I am going to make some. Hope to hear from you :) hugs!
Yesss you have to watch and tell me how much you LOVE it! :)
I’m watching Gilmore Girls right now. I’ve been on a massive GG kick the last few weeks. It just never gets old!
It seriously NEVER gets old! I’ve already re-watched the show in it’s entirety a couple of times. :)
I really want to see About Time, love Rachel McAdams as well. :)
You must watch it! So so good :)
I’m so happy Gilmore Girls is on Netflix! I’m in the final season of One Tree Hill, then want to binge season 9 of HIMYM… but Gilmore Girls has been creeping in between episodes of everything else. I missed Lorelai an Rory! Seriously the mother daughter relationship I would love to have some day. Well sort of, but I do hope my daughter is that smart.
I missed Lorelai and Rory too! Such a great mother/daughter bond and story line. I love it :)
Favorite show ever :) I just started season 2 on Netflix! I always watch with boyfriends and they’re like, Tina, you are a product of this show haha And I totally am
Haha yep, we are definitely products of that show!
If I had my Husband watch my favorite show with me he would be like “well you have to watch my favorite show with me” and then I would have to watching zombies eating peoples guts and ripping through their skin on “The Walking Dead” so I think I will watch Saved by the Bell (ALSO ON NETFLIX!!) on my own. LOL
Hahaha! We actually have never gotten into Walking Dead, but so many people are obsessed! Not sure if that’s my thing but I can totallyyyy get behind Saved by the Bell! ;)
everyone is so happy about GG being on netflix. I love it :)
Midwest Darling
I knowww it makes me so happy!!
Although this is entirely different, I made my boyfriend watch every season of The Walking Dead, despite his hatred of zombies and all things gore. I just needed him to understand, you know? Also, Ed is magic. “Give Me Love” is definitely my very favorite.
HA! I love that you’re the one who made your boyfriend watch Walking Dead. That. Is. Awesome.
I feel you on the GG! I have every season on DVD too and was still excited last week, I”m currently rewatching from the beginning. And now I NEED that sweater!
Girllll you definitely need the sweatshirt! It’s made for people like us! :)
Everything in this post is a “yes” for me! GG on Netflix (goodbye, social life), About Time (hello, tears) and Ed Sheeran’s rendition of “Parting Glass”… perfection.
Haha goodbye social life indeed! :) Listening to “Parting Glass” right now… So so good!
oh man, you made him watch GG AND a chick flick? You owe him one ;)
Hahaha I know, right?! He loooooves me! ;)
When we were dating, my husband got so sick of not getting the GG references, that he watched all seven seasons. While he was studying. On double time (how he understood anything is beyond me). *Swoon*
Also, GG is life. Period. I can quote the entire first episode (for real, this is not a joke) and bits of every episode. And I neeed that sweatshirt. Going on my Christmas list!
And finally: Late season Jess, early seasons Dean. I never got the bad boy thing, but printing press Philly book writing Jess? Swoon!
Love the Gilmore GIrls. watched all seasons since it has been on Netflix at least once, some twice. Love RIchard and Emily the best. Friday night dinners are so good and so well written. Love having to keep listening because of all the lines they say and how fast they talk. Someone should write a screenplay about how Richard and Emily felt about all things Gilmore, like Stars hollow, Luke, oy with the poodles already, etc. and it might jut have to be me. My favorite show of all time. And my second favorite is Parenthood. Love it too. The Braverman’s are a great family.
OY WITH THE POODLES ALREADY!!! Oh, Gilmore Girls is just the best, isn’t it?! And YES Richard and Emily are amazing. Emily is just so great. One of my favorite characters, for sure. And Luke, of course. That man. Sigh. I really need to start watching Parenthood!! It’s next up in my Netflix binging queue! ;)