dear husband, (because you always get a letter, you lucky devil, you) we did it! we are officially employed for ourselves!! meaning we answer to no one. damn the man. save the empire. you get the drift. (anyone know what movie that’s from, holla!)
dear lord, bless this new journey we’re on. bless every decision we make, and every opportunity that comes our way from here on out. and while you’re at it, bless our little pea-pickin’ hearts. as my mom would say.
dear friends, wednesday night was such fun, and almost made us sad about leaving the restaurant. almost. but then we remembered, we’re leaving the restaurant, but we certainly aren’t leaving all of the amazing friendships we have made there. nope, sorry, not gonna happen. those are staying with us, thanks.
dear weather, stop it with these triple digits. we don’t have A/C. i’m slowly melting. *for the record: we do have A/C window units, just not central. so. yeah. still sucky.
dear costco, we are planning on taking advantage of your giant, free air conditioning today. and your $1.50 hot dogs. cus that’s how we roll.
dear video editing process, you are fun, but you also take a long time. i need more patience. i’m almost ready to post that video husby and i made a few weeks ago! promisies.
happy friday everyone!
empire records! :) being officially employed by yourselves is a big deal, congrats!
yesss!! love that movie :) and thank youuuu!! we are so freaking excited!
Why no A/C? i am melting with my A/C!! haha
haha! well, we do have A/C, just window boxes, not central. which is pretty brutal when it’s so hot. i feel especially bad for our little kitties. :(
AWW congrats on being employed by yourselves! I wish you nothing but the best. And hurry and get some AC!
THANK YOU, sierra!!!! it feels pretty awesome! :)
ugh triple digits, fffff that noise geesh! hopefully you dont melt to much, :)
found you over at friday letters
hahaha EXACTLY how we’re feeling right now!!! it’s pretty lame. ah, well. this heat should leave soon…. right?!
Whoo hoo!!! Self-employment!!! Congrats to you both! :) :)
thaaaaank you, girl!!! couldn’t be happier :)
Congratulations guys on being self employed!!! I wish you the best of luck in this adventure!!
merci bien!!! :)
congrats on self employment!!
thank you thank you!!
best of luck on your new endeavor with the husband!
thank you kristin!!! we’re pretty stoked :)
Wow that is so awesome!! Congrats on being self employed!!
THANK YOU!!!! it’s exciting!
Congratulations to you and your husband! I would LOVE to not answer to anyone. Ha! Best of luck!
haha riiiight?! it’s pretty amazing :)and THANK YOU amber!!
You poor dear ! No one should have to suffer in the heat with out central air ! I pray that it cools down quick so you don’t have to suffer much longer !! I loved your letters though ! Have a great weekend… Hopefully a cool one !
awww thank you!! we’re staying cool over here! as much as we can :)
love costco dogs!
i actually ended up getting pizza, and i must say, they really upped the quality! it was DELICIOUS. way better than i remember.